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(Imitating Waylon Jennings) "Do you know this all started by someone asking what they thought of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Duke? Ya'll stick around, there could be some tricky curves ahead."

Thanks Lori, General needs to be kept in line. And, you right, Poor ol' Laura gets picked on all the time. :( Until Uncle Jesse and Lori come along! :p

Here's a question: how come Uncle Jesse never picks a fight or gets into one? And, you never see Uncle Jesse pick sides. How is that?

And, why is it Daisy always argues with Bo? But, then again, just about everyone argues with Bo!:p

I'll talk to all of you soon!

Laura Duke


I can answer the question bout Uncle Jesse, cause hes wise and knows that in situations you gotta be the bigger person and learn to walk away or work things out, I know this because a good friend of mine, who I love her to death, talked to me about that last night.. they pick fights with Bo because hes an easy target! and hes younger!


Uncle Jesse never gets into fights because he knows that he has the potential to hurt somebody really bad if he hits them. He's like a ninja---don't use your skills unless you life (or somebody else's) depends on it. Uncle Jesse the ninja....LOL.

Laura, I liked the way you imitated Waylon. That was very creative. I could almost hear Waylon's voice.....


You give it to 'em Bo!

Great trick you played! Wish I could think of stuff like that more often. Lori and Luke both need to be picked on once in a while!

Anyway, I agree that Uncle Jesse is very smart, and could hurt someone if he really wanted to. But, his heart is too big to want to hurt someone...


Hey Lori!

Sorry, but I wasn't sure if you were here with us, or in Luke Land, like you are a lot of times!

Now Lori, you put that rope down, IMMEDIATELY!

You and your bright plan, had you followed through Boss Hogg would have gotten you for kidnappin', and there aint no way you'd have gotten out of it! You'd spend the rest of your life havin' to listen to Rosco!


General Grant


Ha! Ha! Roger (or Uncle Jesse) you cracked me up! That was so funny-Jesse ninja! :D How do you come up with those? They are funny!

BoJamesDuke and LoriDavenport-you two just love to bother one another! I was laughing at you two.

Then there's General Grant, and again, LoriDavenport. You give it to her Lori. Poor Lori, always getting picked on. Why is that? She's so sweet and innocent, how can anyone pick on her?

Then there's DaisyMae-she's trying her best to stay out of trouble. So far so good, huh Daisy?

I'm still laughing, you guys are just such a funny group!

Laura Duke

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