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  • 2 weeks later...

Nothing like a beautiful hot sensitve man who can drive a car like he does! He is like the bad boy...but hes actually a good boy! If that makes any sense!! Its all good darlin'....


BoDuke'sGirl wrote:

Because he's even more good looking than the other Duke boy! A pretty looking face, ppretty eyes.

Now I wouldn't say that coz we all know they both look good but each in their own special ways.

As for BO...... as many of you said he aint perfect just pretty. and he has the bad boy charm (along with the Duke charm) without being the bad boy (really). :wink:

  • 2 weeks later...

Well it's not my doing that Bo has beautiful eyes, I just like talking about those rather than his hands, which are yes in your words not mine "sexy"! But I think that's another thing I love about Bo, his eyes, not his hands!!! He he! I just love Bo!! He ain't perfect just pretty! He he , and he's just a good ol boy makin his way the only way he knows how! :lol:


Honey belive me, god wasn't just pickin' on you! He was teasing everyone of the female varitey! Who dosen't melt when they look in those eyes? I guess that would be All the gals who melt when they look at Luke!LOL. My heart's been hurt big time lookin at those eyes of Bo, and Luke for that matter! He he!

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