snaplesugar Posted June 30, 2005 Posted June 30, 2005 Look i don't know to much about coy and vance. To me they can never replace bo and luke for even the shortest time. But still they were "ok" fill in. I just wish they tried harder with john and tom to make them stay for that time. Quote
snaplesugar Posted June 30, 2005 Posted June 30, 2005 Look i don't know to much about coy and vance. To me they can never replace bo and luke for even the shortest time. But still they were "ok" fill in. I just wish they tried harder with john and tom to make them stay for that time. Quote
EvilErnie13 Posted June 30, 2005 Posted June 30, 2005 I will totally buy Season 5 if it comes out. I hope Coy and Vance are on the cover, bigger than life!I wonder if they will make a reference to Coy and Vance in the Dukes of Hazzard movie? Quote
EvilErnie13 Posted June 30, 2005 Posted June 30, 2005 I will totally buy Season 5 if it comes out. I hope Coy and Vance are on the cover, bigger than life!I wonder if they will make a reference to Coy and Vance in the Dukes of Hazzard movie? Quote
Dixie Lee_01 Posted July 1, 2005 Posted July 1, 2005 I have to admit that I don't hate Coy and Vance. Can't hardly, since I first met Hazzard with them. True they aren't "the boys", but they're not all that bad - Coy especially seemed like he had potential as a character. Someone else also pointed out good plotlines and how much fun the local law were in season 5. Pretty much whatever else I was going to say, DukesFan said. <shrug> So go read her post.That aside though... as honestly put off by those two "scruffy troublemakers" as I at first was when I saw Luke and Bo <chuckling at myself>, I've grown to know them both *very* well, and love them as the people they are. Yes, I prefer them... Still, I'll buy season 5.And as for seasons 6 and 7... don't knock 'em. Honestly I think those two seasons had some of the best episodes in the series. Not every one was a gem, true, but there were also some very interesting stories that looked deeper into the characters of the Dukes and their friends, in various ways. Some of the most serious drama in the series could be found here, in my opinion. I love all the seasons mostly... but 6 and 7 do have a special place for me, perhaps partly because as a writer I honestly eat up personal details and interactions such as were shown there. <slight smile> Quote
Dixie Lee_01 Posted July 1, 2005 Posted July 1, 2005 I have to admit that I don't hate Coy and Vance. Can't hardly, since I first met Hazzard with them. True they aren't "the boys", but they're not all that bad - Coy especially seemed like he had potential as a character. Someone else also pointed out good plotlines and how much fun the local law were in season 5. Pretty much whatever else I was going to say, DukesFan said. <shrug> So go read her post.That aside though... as honestly put off by those two "scruffy troublemakers" as I at first was when I saw Luke and Bo <chuckling at myself>, I've grown to know them both *very* well, and love them as the people they are. Yes, I prefer them... Still, I'll buy season 5.And as for seasons 6 and 7... don't knock 'em. Honestly I think those two seasons had some of the best episodes in the series. Not every one was a gem, true, but there were also some very interesting stories that looked deeper into the characters of the Dukes and their friends, in various ways. Some of the most serious drama in the series could be found here, in my opinion. I love all the seasons mostly... but 6 and 7 do have a special place for me, perhaps partly because as a writer I honestly eat up personal details and interactions such as were shown there. <slight smile> Quote
Officer Barbrady Posted July 1, 2005 Posted July 1, 2005 I have a deep, dark secret to confess...after watching the first three eps of Season Five on CMT, I actually kinda like Coy and Vance. Granted, they could've been introduced under better circumstances (as referenced before, guest cousins or something like that before the infamous walkout) and given some character development instead of just being "clones." But, as referenced before in a couple posts, look how the plots changed. And right now the Hazzard Co. Sheriff's Department is extremely entertaining.For the most part, I think my sentiment is the same as Eddiemunster's...the Dukes are the Dukes no matter who's in the General. Quote
Officer Barbrady Posted July 1, 2005 Posted July 1, 2005 I have a deep, dark secret to confess...after watching the first three eps of Season Five on CMT, I actually kinda like Coy and Vance. Granted, they could've been introduced under better circumstances (as referenced before, guest cousins or something like that before the infamous walkout) and given some character development instead of just being "clones." But, as referenced before in a couple posts, look how the plots changed. And right now the Hazzard Co. Sheriff's Department is extremely entertaining.For the most part, I think my sentiment is the same as Eddiemunster's...the Dukes are the Dukes no matter who's in the General. Quote
Sway4829 Posted July 1, 2005 Posted July 1, 2005 What it all comes down to is that folks just don’t like change. Picture this, Byron Cherry and Christopher Mayer being cast as Bo and Luke all along or perhaps Coy and Vance being the original cousins and leaving only to be replaced by their cousins Bo and Luke played by John and Tom… wouldn’t we have had the same reaction to them that many people have to Coy and Vance? Quote
Sway4829 Posted July 1, 2005 Posted July 1, 2005 What it all comes down to is that folks just don’t like change. Picture this, Byron Cherry and Christopher Mayer being cast as Bo and Luke all along or perhaps Coy and Vance being the original cousins and leaving only to be replaced by their cousins Bo and Luke played by John and Tom… wouldn’t we have had the same reaction to them that many people have to Coy and Vance? Quote
MinDuke Posted July 1, 2005 Posted July 1, 2005 Sway--Its not JUST that these two guys replaced Bo and Luke, though that certainly didn't help in my opinion. For one thing, John and Tom brought a sense of realism and emotion to their roles as Bo and Luke. You watched the two of them on the small screen and you COULD believe they were two good ol' boys from Georgia. You see Coy and Vance...these two came rolling into town like they owned the place and just slid into the General like it was theirs. I the first episode again, Daisy doesnt even HUG her cousins that she hasnt seen in 6 years and when Jeb Stuart Duke showed up, she practically knocked him over with a hug. Coy and Vance just seems so... fluffy! Which is why I refer to them as the Twinkies...all fluff in the middle. So its not just that they were the "replacement" Dukes...they just dont seem to have much talent acting wise. Its like watching a pair of paper dolls that whip off their shirts at the first lame excuse. Ive been watching the episodes, and they arent that bad and the rest of the cast is just as good as ever, which is so far, the episodes only saving grace. Now I know that some folks are saying that if it wasnt for Coy and Vance, the Dukes might have been cancelled and theyre probably right about that. But at least when Jeb Stuart Duke showed up and Luke's long lost Brother Judd was in town, they seemed more three dimensional then Coy and Vance. Of course... this is all just my opinion. Jax Quote
MinDuke Posted July 1, 2005 Posted July 1, 2005 Sway--Its not JUST that these two guys replaced Bo and Luke, though that certainly didn't help in my opinion. For one thing, John and Tom brought a sense of realism and emotion to their roles as Bo and Luke. You watched the two of them on the small screen and you COULD believe they were two good ol' boys from Georgia. You see Coy and Vance...these two came rolling into town like they owned the place and just slid into the General like it was theirs. I the first episode again, Daisy doesnt even HUG her cousins that she hasnt seen in 6 years and when Jeb Stuart Duke showed up, she practically knocked him over with a hug. Coy and Vance just seems so... fluffy! Which is why I refer to them as the Twinkies...all fluff in the middle. So its not just that they were the "replacement" Dukes...they just dont seem to have much talent acting wise. Its like watching a pair of paper dolls that whip off their shirts at the first lame excuse. Ive been watching the episodes, and they arent that bad and the rest of the cast is just as good as ever, which is so far, the episodes only saving grace. Now I know that some folks are saying that if it wasnt for Coy and Vance, the Dukes might have been cancelled and theyre probably right about that. But at least when Jeb Stuart Duke showed up and Luke's long lost Brother Judd was in town, they seemed more three dimensional then Coy and Vance. Of course... this is all just my opinion. Jax Quote
auster Posted July 1, 2005 Posted July 1, 2005 Sway4829 said: to be replaced by their cousins Bo and Luke played by John and Tom… wouldn’t we have had the same reaction to them that many people have to Coy and Vance?Probably. People don't take too kindly to shoddy cast changing. However, if the Dukes started out with Coy and Vance as portrayed by Cherry and Mayer, I don't think I'd have watched it to begin with. I'm sure they're both fine people, but as actors, I found them somewhat lacking. Byron Cherry is the better of the two, but Christopher Mayer came across as wooden (and I just watched the only Coy and Vance episode I possess this morning, Welcome Back, Bo 'n' Luke, to refresh my memory, and yep, Mayer's wooden) and not at all compelling (sure has pretty eyes, though). MinDuke said: Now I know that some folks are saying that if it wasnt for Coy and Vance, the Dukes might have been cancelled and theyre probably right about that. Perhaps. However, there's also the chance that if it hadn't been for Cherry and Mayer, WB might've been more eager to work out their differences with John and Tom a lot faster than they did. Guess we'll never know for sure what might have been.And I agree with MinDuke's entire post Quote
auster Posted July 1, 2005 Posted July 1, 2005 Sway4829 said: to be replaced by their cousins Bo and Luke played by John and Tom… wouldn’t we have had the same reaction to them that many people have to Coy and Vance?Probably. People don't take too kindly to shoddy cast changing. However, if the Dukes started out with Coy and Vance as portrayed by Cherry and Mayer, I don't think I'd have watched it to begin with. I'm sure they're both fine people, but as actors, I found them somewhat lacking. Byron Cherry is the better of the two, but Christopher Mayer came across as wooden (and I just watched the only Coy and Vance episode I possess this morning, Welcome Back, Bo 'n' Luke, to refresh my memory, and yep, Mayer's wooden) and not at all compelling (sure has pretty eyes, though). MinDuke said: Now I know that some folks are saying that if it wasnt for Coy and Vance, the Dukes might have been cancelled and theyre probably right about that. Perhaps. However, there's also the chance that if it hadn't been for Cherry and Mayer, WB might've been more eager to work out their differences with John and Tom a lot faster than they did. Guess we'll never know for sure what might have been.And I agree with MinDuke's entire post Quote
DukesFan Posted July 1, 2005 Posted July 1, 2005 Yeah, I've always liked the Coy and Vance episodes...for a couple reasons. It changed things up a little and forced the original cast members to tweek their characters a little to adapt to the change...which made for some great fun, especially from Boss and Rosco. I also liked having both Enos and Cletus in the show at the same time and wish that had continued longer than it did. It's ashame Cletus didn't guest star after season 5...after all, he was around from the first season...a veteran of the show...Coy (Byron Cherry) was great....I really wish he would have stayed on in some capacity...perhaps working with Cooter? The character of Vance, well, left a lot to be desired. Too wooden! But thumbs up for Coy!I can't wait til Season 5 comes out...I'll be buying it that day, just like all the other DUKES DVD sets...which get better and better with each release. Quote
DukesFan Posted July 1, 2005 Posted July 1, 2005 Yeah, I've always liked the Coy and Vance episodes...for a couple reasons. It changed things up a little and forced the original cast members to tweek their characters a little to adapt to the change...which made for some great fun, especially from Boss and Rosco. I also liked having both Enos and Cletus in the show at the same time and wish that had continued longer than it did. It's ashame Cletus didn't guest star after season 5...after all, he was around from the first season...a veteran of the show...Coy (Byron Cherry) was great....I really wish he would have stayed on in some capacity...perhaps working with Cooter? The character of Vance, well, left a lot to be desired. Too wooden! But thumbs up for Coy!I can't wait til Season 5 comes out...I'll be buying it that day, just like all the other DUKES DVD sets...which get better and better with each release. Quote
dukesran1 Posted July 1, 2005 Posted July 1, 2005 well i read a interview along time ago dont remenber where butCherry had won the roll of Bo it was his then he left to do a coke ad and John walked in but Byron has never had hard filling. As fare as Cherry staying Tom would have quit if that happen. I hope they do bring the season 5 out becuase i real dont remenber there eps and would love to see themi wanted to add that i saw actully i have on tape Byron's In The Heat of the Night ep and i thank his acting was good. it was a part he was aloud to act. and he did a good job Quote
dukesran1 Posted July 1, 2005 Posted July 1, 2005 well i read a interview along time ago dont remenber where butCherry had won the roll of Bo it was his then he left to do a coke ad and John walked in but Byron has never had hard filling. As fare as Cherry staying Tom would have quit if that happen. I hope they do bring the season 5 out becuase i real dont remenber there eps and would love to see themi wanted to add that i saw actully i have on tape Byron's In The Heat of the Night ep and i thank his acting was good. it was a part he was aloud to act. and he did a good job Quote
lostsheep22 Posted July 7, 2005 Posted July 7, 2005 One of the things that just bugs the heck out of my about Coy and Vance is that they used Bo and Luke's cb handle. There is only two Lostsheeps in Hazzard county and it aint Coy and Vance. They should have gave those two clones a different handle. Quote
lostsheep22 Posted July 7, 2005 Posted July 7, 2005 One of the things that just bugs the heck out of my about Coy and Vance is that they used Bo and Luke's cb handle. There is only two Lostsheeps in Hazzard county and it aint Coy and Vance. They should have gave those two clones a different handle. Quote
Sway4829 Posted July 7, 2005 Posted July 7, 2005 I was yelling about the same thing when I heard them use it for the first time. I was like BUT THEY AREN'T THE LOST SHEEP and everyone told me to shut up and quit whining about Coy and Vance. It also bothers me when Coy yells Yee Hoo because Bo/John always did that instead of Yee Haa. Quote
Sway4829 Posted July 7, 2005 Posted July 7, 2005 I was yelling about the same thing when I heard them use it for the first time. I was like BUT THEY AREN'T THE LOST SHEEP and everyone told me to shut up and quit whining about Coy and Vance. It also bothers me when Coy yells Yee Hoo because Bo/John always did that instead of Yee Haa. Quote
lostsheep22 Posted July 7, 2005 Posted July 7, 2005 Sway4829 said: I was yelling about the same thing when I heard them use it for the first time. I was like BUT THEY AREN'T THE LOST SHEEP and everyone told me to shut up and quit whining about Coy and Vance. It also bothers me when Coy yells Yee Hoo because Bo/John always did that instead of Yee Haa.You know it was bad enough that they tried to be Bo and Luke but to take there cb handle and uses they trade mark hood slide.( Shoot I thought the world was coming to an end. I'm always whining to my fiancé about them and like you I'm told to shut up. He keeps telling me that soon they will be back. Thank god, but it can’t be soon enough.Oh one last think I really hate how Coy dose the yee hoo Quote
lostsheep22 Posted July 7, 2005 Posted July 7, 2005 Sway4829 said: I was yelling about the same thing when I heard them use it for the first time. I was like BUT THEY AREN'T THE LOST SHEEP and everyone told me to shut up and quit whining about Coy and Vance. It also bothers me when Coy yells Yee Hoo because Bo/John always did that instead of Yee Haa.You know it was bad enough that they tried to be Bo and Luke but to take there cb handle and uses they trade mark hood slide.( Shoot I thought the world was coming to an end. I'm always whining to my fiancé about them and like you I'm told to shut up. He keeps telling me that soon they will be back. Thank god, but it can’t be soon enough.Oh one last think I really hate how Coy dose the yee hoo Quote
Eddiemunster Posted July 7, 2005 Posted July 7, 2005 Isn't Yee Hoo some kinda drink? Oh, yeah, that's YooHoo. Quote
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