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Did I read the poster right? "Thrillbillies"??? This poster is a real let down. The angle of the car is bad too. And of course the only reason why anyone who never watched the show is going to see this... Jessica Simpson is in the middle of the poster. She is what the producers are banking on will bring in the movie goers. It's really sad that this is what Hollywood would destroy to make a buck. At least they will make people from the south look distinguished... Oh, wait. Thrillbillies.




I have to say I'm not thrilled with the poster myself. I would think they'd want a better shot of the car. I noticed taht Jesssica ditz Simpson was in the middle as well. And I agree they are banking on horny teenage boys to see this.


ok it's not bad

the car is sposte to be orange

Jess i say yuck she does'nt do anything for me(she wont im not in to women as i am 1)

but the hairy guy on the right does do something for :wink:

Not real impressed by it. Looks like a really badly painted poster, and it I can't believe that they couldn't get the color of the General right.

the car is the right color, neon orange just looks red to those who are close minded and colorblind


I swear you people are impossible. No-it's not the greatest movie poster of all time but it's not that bad either. You need to get over Simpson.

No matter who played Daisy you knew she was going to be on top of that car just like Cathrine Bach is in 90% of the photos from the orgional show. In fact this poster is far more modest than the Bach pics.

The car color is accurate. Also a web based photo is not going to accuartly display colors anyway (close approximation is the best you get). Of course facts seem to mean little to the people on these forums who are bent on trashing this movie not matter what it may actually be like.

Also the Dukes were "Thrillbillies"! I think that is a great tag line and nothing to be offended by. The angle of the car could be better and they chickened out by putting and 01 on the front liscense instead of the Southern Cross but you guys and your baseless negativity are really tiersome.


i real do like it. it just seem like the color is all worge maybe i'll check my eye glass as fare as jess she ok i have no problem with her. to tell you the truth i real dont care oneway are they other about jess i just what the movie to do good make millions and millions and see atlest two more


Not bad, I think it's alright...

But WHY did I not notice until now that Joe Don Baker is in this flick? He's isn't listed on IMDb (just Louis Dupuy as his double). Anyone know what JDB's role is? A cop, probably? Scott, bamamediamafia, anyone?


Some sites have The General's color as Corvette Flame Red...which changes color from red to burnt orange, depending on the angle you look at the car.

I personally don't think it's that bad, but I would've liked to seen the side of the car as opposed to the front.

Not bad, I think it's alright...

But WHY did I not notice until now that Joe Don Baker is in this flick? He's isn't listed on IMDb (just Louis Dupuy as his double). Anyone know what JDB's role is? A cop, probably? Scott, bamamediamafia, anyone?

joe don baker is playing the mayor i thank
He is playing the Governor of Georgia.

I didn't read it anywhere. I was in the stands at the racetrack when Burt Reynolds introduces him as the governor at the start of the race.


I was wondering what role Joe Don Baker was going to play. I had seen his name(or the double of JDB) on the IMDB movie page .

How lucky can I get? All three of my favorite "Southern shows" all in one. Burt Reynolds( Bandit) , Joe Don Baker ( Buford Pusser) and The Dukes all in one movie. .



thanks for thoes they where real cool but i dont git the facted that Luke dose'nt drive the general lee from what i have read all he drives is the boss hogg's car but luke did drive the general lee sometimes in the show but why not in the movie?


Does enyone else find it disturbing that Joe Don Baker was listed on the poster before Willie Nelson? I don't see Joe Don on the poster anywhere... Maybe he plays a larger roll in the film. Maybe he's a villian and is helping Boss Hogg with the real estate scam that will take the Duke's farm away from Uncle Jessie. I can only hope that's what the plot is because I have no real clue what it's about.


From what I gather, Boss is grabbing real estate in Hazzard for strip mining (I heard it here months ago!) and needs the Duke's farm. He will forclose on the farm if a payment isn't met. The Duke boys find a car to enter the Hazzard Rally so they can win the prize and save the farm. Crazy Cooter fixes the car up after it gets trashed (this explains why there is a Confederate flag so it will be accepted by touchy Americans and scared producers). Rosco is ordered to stop the Dukes from entering the race. A BIG cash happens. The General enters the race. Wins it. The movie ends.

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