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Everything posted by LittleRedVicki

  1. AUTHOR NOTE: In case y'all didn't know, in these early stories, Little Red is Vicki's CB handle. Take Care! ******* Outside in the General Lee, Daisy was frantically trying to get some help as she was finding someone to talk too over the CB. After not getting either Rosco or Enos on the CB, Daisy switch to another emergency channel. "Bo Peep calling Little Red, are you there? Come back!" said Daisy fearfully into the CB mike, hoping that Vicki would answer her. *I knew that there was something wrong* thought Vicki as she pulls her patrol car off to the side of the road then added back into the CB mike, "Hi, Bo Peep. This is Little Red, come back!" "Thank goodness that you answered, Little Red!" exclaimed Daisy fearfully then added, "That crazy killer is here and inside Boss's office right now with Bo & Luke!" Just then, a shot could be heard in the background... BANG! "What!" exclaimed the redhead into her CB mike in shock as she heard a gunshot in the background then added, "This can't be happening again. Did I just heard a gunshot?" "Yeah, honey, you did hear a gunshot. Can you get here and stop that killer from hurting Bo & Luke?" asked Daisy fearfully into her CB mike. "You know that I will, Daisy. I'm on my way," said Vicki worriedly into the CB mike as she turns her patrol car around in the middle of the road as she heads towards the Boar's Nest. Vicki couldn't believe that her nightmare was turning out to be real...
  2. *AUTHOR NOTE: Parts of this story had to be re-written recently due to several typo & grammer errors. Sorry for any delays. Take Care!* ******** Meanwhile, back at the Boar's Nest, Jasper was firing shots towards the back door, as Bo, Luke, and Daisy were taking cover behind the door. BANG! BANG! "Bo! Look out!" said Luke fearfully as he pushes Bo out of the way. Bo looked up and saw that Jasper was taking shots at him as he was walking towards the open back door. "Oh...Lord. I knew that he couldn't be too far away from us," said Bo as he jumps out of the way of the stray shots. BANG! Angrily, Jasper jerked back his index finger and fired again, but his aim was off, and the bullet spat into the wall where Bo was kneeling close too earlier. Forgetting his calculated scheme of torture & revenge, he pulled the trigger once more. BANG! "Oh...my...gosh!" exclaimed Daisy in fright, cowering near the back door towards the bar. "Daisy! Go out to the bar quickly and get anyone on the CB. We need help now!" yelled Luke as he & Bo were cowering behind the pool table as Jasper walked inside the back door. "I'm on my way, Luke," said Daisy as she rushes out the door towards the bar without Jasper noticing her. As Jasper shuts the door, he fires yet another shot towards the cousins. *BANG*! The bullet struck the floor without inflicting any damage to either Bo or Luke, who were walking towards the back door to the bar. "Not so fast, farmboys. I've got you covered. There is no escape," said Jasper as he walked over to Bo & Luke, with his shotgun aimed directly at them. He then snickered as he pushes them into the door, "We're going to have a talk out in the bar for a while." Bo & Luke looked at each other, then raised their arms in surrender as they were poked in the back with a muzzle of a shotgun...
  3. Meanwhile, back in Hazzard... After walking back inside the Courthouse from taking to Bo, Vicki walked inside the filing room to get that wanted poster of Jasper Johnson. She was thinking about sending it to Sheriff Little since he knows a little bit about this villian. After making copies of the wanted poster, Vicki walked out of the file room and picked up her keys to her patrol car off the table. Thinking about the wanted poster and what this killer did to her & the Duke family, Vicki sighed loudly. "Vicki, are you all right?" asked Enos as he was taking a mop into the holding cell. "Just fine, Enos. I just don't like this killer running around Hazzard. I just know that something bad is going to happen," said Vicki, sighing loudly. "Where are you heading with that wanted poster?" asked Enos, who continued to mop the holding cell. "I'm going to run to Chickasaw County and let Sheriff Little take a look at it. After all, he helped us arrest Jasper Johnson a couple of months ago," said Vicki. "Do you think that he'll help us find that killer before he strikes again?" asked Enos. "I sure hope so, Enos. I have a bad feeling that something bad is going to happen, but I'm not sure what yet," said Vicki worriedly as she waved at Enos as she was leaving the Courthouse. *Little did Vicki know that what she said would be exactly right...*
  4. Meanwhile... "Vicki! Wait! Where the heck do you think that you're going?" asked Bo, rushing to catch up with the redhead. "Bo, just leave me alone for a few minutes," said Vicki, as she was breathing in fresh mountain air. "But sugar, where are you going?" asked Bo. "Just to go refresh myself before driving the rest of the way to Knoxville," sighed Vicki loudly as she was walking towards the women's restrooms. Bo watched her leave, his dark blue eyes were unreadable. The soft sway of Vicki's hips as she walked might have beguiled him somewhat, but now he was eyeing her down more as he was watching her walk. He stared morosely into space, seeing her sad face when she begged him not to go back to racing a few weeks earlier. That was right before Vicki lost the baby. He blinked back another tear when Vicki & him were arguing about Vicki working for Sheriff Little & Hughie Hogg. They argued & argued over that until he left Vicki and went back out on the NASCAR circuit. He groaned, raking a frustrated hand across the back of his neck. Suddenly, he wanted to know why he & Vicki got into those arguments, and he wanted to find ways of making it up to her too. *Vicki, we're going to talk when you get back,* thought Bo as he watched the redhead walk towards the restrooms then added, *You are still my sweet angel to me, and we will overcome all our obstacles together, no matter how bad they are.*
  5. Rosco took the envelope away from Enos. "Thanks, dipstick. For once, you did something right." "No problem, sheriff. Glad to help you out. Maybe we can go after Vicki now," said Enos. "Maybe, dipstick," said Rosco, grinning at Enos then added as he looked at the papers, "As much as I care for my god-daughter, Vicki has done something illegal this time." "What Sheriff?" asked Luke as he walked over to Rosco. Rosco shook his head in disblief. "Vicki had copies made of you & Bo's probation papers. That is how she got Bo out of the county." "And probably out of the state too," said Daisy worriedly. "Maybe, maybe not Daisy. Vicki could have taken Bo to one of her dad's old moonshine sites," said Luke. "I don't think so, Luke. Vicki probably knew that we would start looking for them there," said Daisy. "Then they probably did go out of state. I wonder to which state though?" said Luke as he walked to the window and looked out at the clouds rolling in from the north...
  6. "I figured that it was him, Luke. He must have came in here last night after he attacked us at the farm," said Bo as Luke gave him the match. "Y'all, maybe Boss came by here earlier this morning and took all the money out of the safe," said Daisy. "That could be it too, but I think that it was Jasper who did it," said Luke as Daisy gave him back the matchbook. "And now I bet that he is going to try to frame it on us so that Rosco could arrest us for stealing Boss's money," said Bo sarcastically as he continued to look outside for Rosco's patrol car. Just then, a black sedan comes driving into the parking lot. Looking into the back door, Jasper notices that Bo, Luke, and Daisy are looking inside the safe. *Now I have another crack at them, and another chance to get even too* he thought as he takes a mean looking black revolver out of the glove compartment. "Just open that back door a little more, blondie. I'm going to get another chance to get even for good with you!" said Jasper laughing meanly :x as he fires a shot towards Bo, Luke, and Daisy... BANG! BANG!
  7. BALLADEER: While a depressed Vicki & a relunctant Bo was finally talking about their relationship, nearly 150 miles south back in Hazzard, everyone was in shock over the recent disappearances of the estranged couple. "Judist priest on a pony..." exclaimed Rosco in shock as he paced around his office then added, "Are you sure that you're not shuck-n-jiving me again?" "Rosco, this is the truth. It's hard to believe that Vicki could take Bo and run off like that," said Luke, shaking his head as he looked out the window. "Yeah, and we can't do anything about it either. Vicki took Bo's probation papers with her too," said Daisy, still in disblief over everything that happened earlier. "This isn't like Vicki to do anything like this. She's been a good god-daughter to me in the past. What caused her to run off like that?" asked Rosco as he stopped pacing and sat back down at his desk. "We're thinking that it could be her miscarrying the baby and maybe her job in Chickasaw," said Luke. "And of her & Bo arguing about taking that job in Chickasaw," said Daisy as she noticed that Enos was walking inside Rosco's office. ---Just then Enos walked into Rosco's office.--- "Hey, y'all. I was into the files, and found something of interest," said Enos, waving an large manila envelope in his hands. "What was it, Enos?" asked Rosco. "Bo's original probation papers," said Enos as he gave Rosco the envelope.
  8. Vicki stared at Bo for a few tense seconds. "Do you really mean that, or are you shuck-n-jiving me into freeing you from the cuffs?" she asked in a cold voice, but smiled slightly as she freed Bo from the cuffs. "Heck, you know that I do mean it, Vicki! How many times do I have to tell you how sorry I am that you lost our baby?" said Bo as he looked away from Vicki, rubbing the circulation back into his aching wrists. Vicki held back a few tears that were starting to build in her eyes. She knew that he was wanting to try to destroy her fragile self-control mind. "And you're still blaming me about the loss of our baby. You just don't know how I really feel, Bo." "Vicki, I know exactly how you feel. I was devastated when Doc Applebey told me that you lost our baby," said Bo as a stray tear fell down his face then added, "At the time, I felt that our love for each other was lost too." "I know, Bo. You only saw me once in the hospital after I had surgery. You were so distant from me, I knew then that you didn't love me anymore," said Vicki as the tears start to fall down more on her face as she was getting out of the mustang.
  9. Sorry that I haven't been on that much recently, but I have went back to college part-time to achieve a nursing degree! I may be one of the shyiest around these parts, but I wouldn't live anywhere but here in Hazzard County. Unless I write myself living in Chickasaw County close to Sheriff Little! Everyone here in Hazzard has been like a family to me and made me felt welcome here too. Take Care & have a good day tomorrow! Vicki
  10. Vicki pulls her car into a parking spot inside the rest area. "Bo, what do you mean that we have to talk?" she asked, in a innocent voice. "Sugar, I know deep down inside that you didn't mean to take me away from Hazzard and cuffing me to the door, didn't you?" asked Bo as he looked back at the tall treetops. Vicki looked innocently at her husband. "Whatever do you mean, Bo?" she asked again in an innocent voice. "Sugar, I know now that it wasn't your fault that you kidnapped me like that. It was my own fault anyway that I got in the car with you when you were leaving, but at the time I needed to talk to you," said Bo staring sincerely at Vicki. Vicki looked the other way. She knew deep down that Bo was trying to apologize to her, but she didn't know if he really meant it. She hated to admit it, but she didn't really trust him enough right now to believe him. Maybe he was being sincere and maybe he wasn't. She's tried for the last few weeks to convince herself that it was all over between them, but with him right beside her, she knew she couldn't put him out of her life, especially after taking him away from Hazzard. Bo tried again to talk to Vicki. "Sugar, please let me tell you how sorry I really am for treating you so badly."
  11. Meanwhile near Knoxville, Tennessee... About 30 minutes later, Vicki pulls her black mustang in a rest area inside Smokey Mountain National Park just outside of Knoxville. Bo just sat there, numb & emotionless, and in a lot of thought. He was thinking about why he treated Vicki so badly before and after the loss of their baby. "Bo, are you okay?" asked Vicki shyly to Bo. Bo stared at the redhead for a second, then looked out the window, not answering her right off. He moved his chained wrists against the door handle, then propped his elbow the best he could on the open window and stared out at the tall treetops, ignoring Vicki. Since he knew that Vicki was still angry, he knew that he couldn't sweet talk her enough into freeing his hands from the door, or to take him back to Hazzard. Again, as he looked back at Vicki, who was still smiling at him as she took a drink of her soda. *She looks so beautiful, and so dang innocent just sitting there...* thought Bo as he grinned shyly back at the redhead. Bo continued to eyed Vicki down as her fingers curled lightly around the steering wheel, her red hair blowing lightly in the gentle breeze. "Are you okay, Bo? Are you getting hot?" asked Vicki, smiling at Bo as she noticed him eyeing her down hungrily. "Yeah, I'm fine, Vicki. We're far enough away from Hazzard. We have to talk now about us," said Bo as he stared directly into Vicki's eyes...
  12. LOL! Good Quiz! I'm not very honest either at times. All my answers were a mix of everything... I have skipped school a few times on numerous occasions. One time was to see Clint Black at a Wal-Mart in Tulsa right after he became popular(May 1990). Here are my answers: 1) C 2) C-but I have stayed after school helping teachers grade papers. 3) A & C 4) B 5) A 6) B 7) B 8) B & C-Depends on what kind of mood I'm in at the time. 9) B-I don't fight, just talk my way out of it. 10) B I'm a good person most of the time, but I do have my moody days! Take Care! Vicki
  13. LOL! I do share something with John Schnider...my wedding anniversary! My husband & I will be married 3 years on April 8th. My birthday is April 26. The only person I know that I share a birthday with is Carol Burnett. Take Care & have a good night! Vicki
  14. "We will not get the blame for this, Bo. Even if Rosco doesn't help us who really did steal all that money, I know that Enos and your girlfriend will help us find the crook," said Luke as he puts his arm around Bo's shoulder. "Luke, Vicki is not my girlfriend. We're just best friends," said Bo as he takes a peek out the back door watching for Boss or Rosco. "Yeah, why did it take you nearly 2 hours last night taking Vicki home when she lives right next door?" laughed Luke as he was searching the safe for a clue to the culprit. Bo rolled his eyes at Luke. "Bo, that is not what I saw yesterday afternoon. I know that you two have very strong feelings for each other. I can see it in your eyes that you want to be with Vicki right now," said Daisy, putting her arm around Bo's shoulder. "Sometimes, deep down, I want to be with Enos right now too. But he's been to busy lately." "Yeah, Daisy, I do want to be with her right now. Sometimes I feel like holding her in my arms and never letting go again," said Bo as he continued to watched out the back door for Rosco's patrol car, thinking about Vicki. "Hey, y'all. I found a clue by the safe. I think that I know who might have stolen the money," said Luke a few minutes later. "Who, Luke?" asked Bo. "Yeah, who?" asked Daisy as she came back inside Boss's office. "It was Jasper who did it," said Luke as he showed Bo a match that he found on the ground near the safe.
  15. "What do you mean that Boss's safe is cleaned out?" asked Luke as he & Bo walked over to where Daisy was standing by Boss's opened safe. "It was opened when I walked in here. I think that someone stole all of Boss's money out of the safe," said Daisy as she peeked her head inside the safe. "Yeah, you know that we'll get the blame for this too," grumbled Bo sarcastically then added, "I know that Boss & Rosco thinks that we're always doing something to them." "Bo! Quit it!" said Luke as he elbowed Bo in the ribs. "Luke, you didn't have to do that," said Bo painfully as he rubbed the spot where Luke elbowed him then added, "I just know that we'll get the blame for this, and Rosco will not do a thing to help us either."
  16. "I'm sure that Vicki won't take it out on him, I know deep down that Bo is still in love with her," said Cooter as he took an old picture of the couple out of his wallet. "Vicki has told me that too," said Daisy, agreeing with Cooter. "Yeah, Bo has told me that too," said Luke, nooding his head. "I wonder why they ran off together like that?" asked Jesse worriedly then added, "What would have caused Vicki to abduct him like that?" "Bo must have triggered Vicki's emotions somehow," said Daisy. "Maybe they'll patch things up. Vicki told me that she wanted to talk seriously to Bo about everything that happened to them," said Mary, Vicki's mother, as she walked over to the family then added, "I think that she told me yesterday that she wanted to go to Oklahoma so she can help Pam run her horse ranch." "Oh...lord. If Vicki does that with Bo, that means that Bo will break his probation for sure!" said Luke worriedly. "Only if they already headed that way," added Daisy. "Bo might have already broke his probation if they are already out of state, didn't he?" asked Cooter. "Yeah, but with Vicki being a Chickasaw County deputy, I'm sure that she had a few tricks up her sleeve about that," said Luke, taking a sip of his beer then added, "I bet that she went by the Hazzard County Courthouse to pick up the probation papers. That way it can be waivered off for Bo to leave the state."
  17. Yeah, it is scary, but it would be fun letting Brian chase the Dukes for once! LOL! Most of my answers were a combination of daisy's roadrunner & the local law. Go figure! LOL Take Care & have a great day! Vicki
  18. I hope that there's not a problem here in cyber Hazzard. Me, (I created my character Vicki 4 years ago) and a lot of other original writers (you know who you are!) are still in cyber Hazzard, but may not be on as much right now. Like me, they are probably busy with their own lives right now. I have a full time job during the day as a secretary, and I'm going to college part-time 2 nights a week right now! Right now, I'm only writing on my 2 solo stories in Story Ideas maybe 2 times a week if I'm lucky! Take Care and have a good night! Vicki
  19. Yeah, it was beautiful and it came from the heart too! I'll be on more as soon as I'm finished with my final exams next week at college. Take Care! Have a good night! Vicki
  20. As Vicki continued to drive towards Knoxville, all heck was starting to break loose back in Hazzard. A lot of people was starting to worry about Vicki & Bo, and why they disappeared. "I can't believe that Vicki left abruptly like that, taking Bo with her," said Luke in shock. "I know, Luke. Something must have triggered inside Vicki when we walked inside the Boar's Nest earlier," said Daisy as she & Luke sat down at a table with Jesse & Cooter. "Hey, y'all. Is there something wrong?" asked Cooter, looking at Luke's worried face. Luke looked around the room. "Yeah, Cooter, something is wrong. We have the suspicion that Bo was kidnapped by that crazy redhead wife of his when he disappeared outside nearly an hour ago." "Wow! That is not like Vicki at all. She seemed okay when I visited her in the hospital," said Cooter, shaking his head. "But she was sad then, Cooter. She's been depressed ever since she had that miscarriage," said Daisy worriedly as she looks towards the door then added, "I'm afraid that she is going to take it out on Bo if her fiery temper flares up again."
  21. BALLADEER: What?? Jasper Johnson has cleaned out Boss's safe?? That doesn't sound too good to me, does it to y'all?? Here's a summary of events that happened in Hazzard County in the last 24 hours... ******* 1) Vicki returns home from vacation to find out that a stalker (Jasper Johnson) is terrorizing the Duke family. 2) Luke is nearly killed by a stray arrow. 3) Luke is nearly shot by some stray bullets fired by Jasper Johnson. 4) Bo is assaulted then kidnapped by Jasper Johnson, who drags him away from the barn. 5) After stashing an unconscious Bo in the backseat of his car, Jasper sabotages the General Lee. 6) Vicki finds a threatening note on the windshield of her blue mustang. 7) Luke is nearly run over by a black sedan, driven by Jasper, not knowing that Bo was unconscious in the back seat. 8) Daisy gets some threatening phone messages by Jasper. 9) Bo wakes up in the back of the barn, tied to a bomb-box. 10) Vicki begins to search the barn for Bo. 11) Jasper locks Vicki, Daisy, and Luke inside the barn with Bo, then starts planting dynamite bombs inside the General Lee. 12) Vicki barely rescues Bo in time, then picks the right wires out on the bomb box. 13) Bo, Luke, Daisy, & Vicki makes it out of the barn just as an explosion occurs. 14) Jasper slingshots a huge rock towards Vicki as she was walking inside the farmhouse with Bo. 15) Jasper tries to attack Bo & Daisy again after Vicki leaves by throwing a huge rock through the open kitchen window. 16) During the night, Vicki has nightmares about everything that happened earlier at the farm. 17) Vicki arrives at the Courthouse the next morning, telling Rosco & Enos everything that happened yesterday at the farm. 18) While Boss Hogg is away from the Boar's Nest, Jasper cleans out his safe. BALLADEER: I wonder what is going to happened next in Hazzard?? No telling with that lunatic stalker on the loose! ...
  22. "Vicki, you look back at me!" Bo growled, as he continued to stare at the redhead. "Why should I?" asked Vicki sarcastically, not taking her eyes off the road as she was driving into some heavy traffic. "I want to know what caused you to do this to me!" said Bo angrily as he looked away from Vicki. "You want to know WHY I did this to you, why don't you think back to what happened between us in Chickasaw 3 weeks ago, and what happened back in Hazzard nearly 3 hours ago," said Vicki angrily as she headed northeast on the interstate towards Knoxville. Bo sat back in his seat, his bound hands now numb from the handcuffs, thinking about what a jerk he had been to his wife when she needed him the most...
  23. --AT TENNESSEE STATE LINE-- "Sugar, what are you doing by taking me hostage like that? Don't you know that it's against the law what you did to me?" asked Bo stubbornly as he strained against the handcuffs about 30 minutes later. Vicki just continued smiling at him as she was driving into Chattanooga. She was staring at him. She licked her lips, willing herself to choose the words from her heart with caution. She sat opposite of Bo as she continued to just stare at him with hunger in her eyes & her heart. He was staring at her not really frightened, but angry. Vicki pushed aside any impulse to release him from the cuffs and just hold him against her. So she stared back away from him just looking at the clouds. "What are you doing ignoring me? Did you hear anything I said earlier?" asked Bo impatiently. Vicki just continued to stare at the clouds rolling across the sky...
  24. Noticing that Bo & Luke weren't at Cooter's, Vicki decided to head towards one of her favorite speed traps. It was a speedtrap that Rosco was normally at, but since Rosco was back at the Courthouse, Vicki decided to head there herself. *This should be a lot of fun...* thought the redhead with a laugh as she turned onto Clear Creek Drive then added, *I haven't done anything like this in quite a while.* ******* As Vicki had pulled her patrol car up between some large trees, waiting for Bo & Luke or any speeders that might come along, Luke had pulled into the Boar's Nest parking lot. "Thanks for the ride, cousin," said Daisy as she slid out of the back seat of the General Lee. "You're welcome, Daisy," said Luke as he watched Daisy walk towards the front door of the Boar's Nest. "I wish though that Rosco would help us find that stalker," said Daisy worriedly sighing a deep breath as she unlocked the front door to the bar. "Yeah, me too. I can't believe that he wouldn't do anything to help us, but at least that Vicki, Enos, and Katie are on our side. I'm sure that they started looking for that stalker right now," said Bo as he followed Luke & Daisy inside the bar. "I hope so, Bo," said Daisy, sighing loudly as she unlocked the door to Boss's office then added noticing that the safe was opened, "Oh...my...gosh! Boss's safe has been cleaned out!"
  25. "Thanks for sneaking out like that," said Vicki giggling wildly into her car phone. "No problem, sugar. So where are you at right now?" asked Hughie as he watched Sheriff Little walk inside the Chickasaw County Courthouse. "About 20 minutes or so out of Chattanooga, and about an hour and 1/2 from Knoxville. That is the reason why I have a lot of static in my phone," said Vicki, sighing loudly. "Well, that is one way of getting away from Hazzard County & the Dukes," Hughie laughed. "Yeah, but what I did was slightly illegal. You have to make sure that you act like that you have no idea where I'm at, if someone comes around bugging you about mine or Bo's disappearances," said Vicki into her car phone. "Yeah, by you taking me hostage!" said Bo yawning as he opened his eyes. He then started to strain on the handcuffs. Vicki gasped loudly... "Sugar, as much as I wanted to be with you, I want you to work things out with Bo. You two deserve each other," said Hughie then added, "Even if he used you like that." "Hughie, I'll think about what you said. I need to go. Prince Charming just woke up," said Vicki giggling wildly into her car phone. "Okay, Vicki. Just don't worry about anything here. I'll handle the Dukes. Take Care, sugar. Bye," said Hughie into his car phone as he turned it off with his ignition switch. "Bye," said Vicki as she turns off her ignition switch. After putting her phone back up, Vicki smiles seductively to a frightened Bo...
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