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Everything posted by 01 GENERAL LEE 01

  1. Her ass might be th' only marketable thing in this whole debacle.
  2. Well, maybe if they took out a few o' Simpson's body shots we could GET them into th' first trailer. She's hot, okay, we get it. Movin' on.
  3. Tell me about it. I have no formal trainin' an' I c'n do a halfway decent southern accent. A li'l push an' I go full-on hick.
  4. Good. Wreckin' a classic's a one way to put me off a flick.
  5. Th' General may not have been th' star o' th' series as proven by Coy & Vance, but it will definitely be th' star o' this flick. I seriously can't believe I'm gonna pay to see a SWS movie. I paid fer another Knox one in th' form o' MIIB.
  6. I think you got plenty o' reference photos to judge on bein' that they seem to be promotin' her ass more than th' movie.
  7. Some parts looked good, some parts looked retarded. It was friggin' cool ta see th' General leapin' again, those scenes got me excited. As fer th' rest...I'll need more trailers.
  8. I think Robot Chicken beat ya to it.
  9. I just got a General Lee model off Ebay.
  10. DG, Hulk's a bad example as th' TV series had NOTHIN' to do with th' comic book. Hulk is based off th' comic an' Ferringo's role was a nod to th' popular TV show who thought he was good as th' Hulk. Either way, Hulk still sucked. Th' only people who LIKED Hulk were minor an' non-comic fans.
  11. General 1. And FYI, th' number o' OFFICIAL Generals never broke 300. People like to elevate th' number. An' outta alla th' ones used, 19 survived.
  12. It's possible, but I doubt it. It doesn't look all that similar. Then again, NYPD Blue used the same exact backlot street for all their episodes and managed to change it up quite a bit.
  13. That'd be somethin' fer a sequel. Ya can't have 'em get married in th' first 'cause ya gotta build it up first.
  14. This movie is gonna suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck! Stoner Dukes?! C'mon! Super Troopers wasn't that great, people. Broken Lizard crud is just that...crud. I could throw up better jokes than they come up with. I bet you they even write stoned when they wrote all their movies. They're all the WORST KIND of kindergarten humor. The Dukes movie is a TOTAL DEPARTURE from the show, never have I been more certain after just reading that. General Lee or not, I'm considering NOT bothering with this movie now.
  15. Make sure yer Av's no more than 6KB in size. Try savin' th' image as a JPEG. Then go to www.imageshack.us an' host it there, then select th' appropriet link an' put it where it says in yer profile.
  16. Actually, Man-Thing is coming to Sci-Fi first, then to DVD 2 months later.
  17. I kinda figgered th' faded General was th' General Lee Mach 1, so ta speak, when I first saw pictures o' it a couple months ago. Was also when some pics o' the' different "General Cams" were released an' they had th' painted 01 instead o' th' standard.
  18. NYPD can have 'em.
  19. The only thing that'll surprise me is if anyone's actually surprised that th' movie sucked.
  20. People who think blinged up cars are cool should be shot. These things look so retarded bouncing up an' down with rims bigger than th' damn tires.
  21. I only know of Casper and Mission Impossible. What else have you seen?
  22. Boss Hogg was dead in the reunion movies 'cause the actor was dead.
  23. You shoulda been on last night. Had 10 chatters at one time.
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