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Everything posted by Julieduke

  1. Enos looked at Luke and says "Both of you leave me alone, I'll handle this guy he made a remark about Daisy and it's my problem allright. Besides it don't concern you right now and really your interfereing right now and that's not right allright." Bo says "We just can't do that handle this the proper way this ain't very fair Enos what if he goes after Daisy again, can you handle that and he knows that you care for her more than your letting one right now."
  2. Julieduke

    Cowboys Run

    I found a rare David Hasselhoff movie called "Cowboys Run" on Amazon.com
  3. Oh I get it now, but wouldn't that put him in trouble thow.

  4. What is Enos up to right now?

  5. James says "Hey Man, that's not very fair well don't think I won't hit back I did nothing to you except mention some comment and that was all that was uncalled for."
  6. Bo says "What is Enos doing Luke, he will come back and go after Daisy what's is going on right now I don't understand?"
  7. maybe he wants to think he's getting a break right now.

  8. What about Daisy, what if he finds the swamp by some chance?

  9. Julie looks at Lizzy and says "Was you crying Lizzy, I know that sounds like the promise of the future but one thing I know what would tell me the real truth a copy of birth certifacte it will tell me If I'm really a twin or not." Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport
  10. I liked your post but what is Enos up to, right now it's strange because not even James knows.

  11. talk to you on Saturday or when your online again.

  12. Yesterday was my Uncle Ted's Birthday I think he just turned 65.
  13. Doing pretty okay myself. Just reading the round robin and stuff like that and found "Put a Redneck In The White House" Music Video on Youtube.

  14. James noticed that Enos stopped and he wandered if he was getting a break or something worst right now.
  15. Hey there, what's going with you today?

  16. Check out his Music Video it will make you want and vote for him it's at www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQc4iG2T-bM and it's pretty funny he's riding some kind of John Deere and the two sercet service guys you'll as well.
  17. I think Smallville is starting to lose their coolest now, I was watching last night and usually I got to put a code in but it didn't even need one. I miss Jonathon and Martha Kent, Lana and Lex Luthor. I think that Clark and Lex was like the ultimate ying and yang on the show you always wonder what they was going to do next. Well they was favorite two characters and now it seems they almost got an entire new cast from when it first started back in 2001. Anybody feel this way about last night's episode was good, but lately it's not like it used to where, I think that NBC is there Knight Rider was on Thursday night at 8pm they would have some stiff competition on which one I would watch now.
  18. Wouldn't it be cool if they ever did a Smallville/Supernatural Crossover episode where the Winchesters appear as guest stars on Smallville and some the ones from Smallville appear on Supernatural. They could have where Sam and Dean is one lead that takes then to Smallville, Kansas and Dean jokes around about the name of the town. But Sam tells that's not funny to him sounding all proper and everything.
  19. Did anybody watch last night "In The Beginning" well I noticed that his grandparents names were Deanna and Samuel which is similar to the two brothers names as well. And then it weird that Dean got to see his parents when they was younger, it should've been Sammy going back to meet his Mom not Dean thow. But that kind of cool when his father first buys the Impala as well, I couldn't seen Winchester brothers riding in a VW Bus that wouldn't be right now. And what kind of spell did the demon have over dean that he couldn't get out of the chair he looked very uncomfortable in the one the scene.
  20. Julie says "Lizzy, remember me metioning something about a Calleigh Dequesne and how she was a little faster than me on what I told you at the steel mill about. Well, here's the thing she had the same blonde hair as me and she was three months early as well. Oh she's CSI in Miami as well. Well you see were still good friends and I sent her a picture of that truck that Angel had on her phone as well. I still keep thinking were sisters were so much alike what else good it be right now, well you know there two story's as if I was born in the back of a car or at the hosptial. Lizzy, what if there was two babies one healthy but just early and me as well and what if we was raised seperately in different cities as well." Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport
  21. James says "Yeah, yeah we'll see Cop."
  22. Bo says "What about the Hazzard Pond?" Meanwhile the handsome young stranger has pulled over with a flat tire and he stopped to change it and he was just about done putting his flat tire in his trunk right now. What some big guys surprized him and says "The keys and I'm taking the car right now!" Just a minute later, the other gets him on the back of the head and it seems that they take off with his car as well. A Little while later, Julie was driving by and seen what had happened and she seen how he was doing and she calls on the radio for some help and tells everybody on the Hazzard about his Mustang being stolen and she thinks he might need some help as well. Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport
  23. Julie says "Upset shoot no Lizzy, you'll be a sister-in-law to me. And I know that Micheal loves and my family as well. Well mine was but it kinda of disturbed me now Lizzy you see I was married as well and it seems Micheal hadn't come home yet. And Lets see I had twin girls named Faith and Hope, little boy named Jesse and a almost one year named Devon that seemed to wake up at the oddest times." Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport
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