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Posts posted by Julieduke

  1. Just then Jr road back into town with Ray Krebbs and Bobbye in the truck with him and Ray says "Jr exactly who are we lookin for?"

    Jr said "Ray..keep up..we have to find and take care of Tracy and Daisy..do i need to go any further?"

    Bobby Says "This ain't fair your the reason Julie Duke got hurt now and Daisy as well."

    Cue Anybody

  2. Daisy said "I'm gonna beat his lights out"

    Salena Says "It's okay you do that he'll deny knowing you as well.Aunt Daisy I won in the long run I got my degree I don't need any man except for my father or any of Uncle's and Cooter as well and the boys will know he is there father but they might not except as their Daddy now."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

  3. *Pauses at the bulleton board in town square to tack up a small piece of paper. Scrounges for a tack among the million other advertizements and what not posted up.

    Job wanted ASAP!

    Hard worker, skilled in carpentry, farming, ranching, excolent with horses and livestock.

    *Removes my black Stetson cowboy hat and whips the swet off my brow then leaves the bulleton, hopeful that someone will contact me for some work as soon as possible.*

    Julie Duke walks up and takes a looks and Says "Hello Cowboy, listen I know that there might a few people that could somebody like you now as well."

    Julie says her goodbyes and goes back home to where her brother and cousins are right now as well. She thinks about the handsome Cowboy in the Black Stetson and how he remind her of George Strait as well and just kept thinking about the sign as well. She gets home and looks at her Uncle Jesse when harvest time comes could we use somebody extra around here as well.

    Cue Anybody

  4. Ashley and Matt came and Matt looks at her talking about Joshua Hogg and Says "Thee Joshua Hogg top QB with the Cleveland Browns is your twins father he has money now Salena. I heard he married some pencil thin model who claims having his children will ruin her figure and her career and they are adopting he even claims not to have any kids as well."

    Salena was crying after hearing her cousin tell her this as well and just looks at him as well.

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke or Julieduke

    Salena Says "That's fine he don't need to know about his boys then I didn't know he denied me and boys before."

    Matt Says "One report asked if he knew a Salena Duke, and he said he never heard of you before in his life I think that boy is doing a bit of lying right now if you ask me now as well."

    Salena Says "He keeps finding new way of hurting me and when I send him pictures of the boys the cards with them inside keep getting returned to me as well I don't know what to do he pays the child support but that is all."

    Matt Says "Somebody once asked why he sends 500 dollars out every month and he told them it was charity."

    Salena Says "His sons are a charity he don't deserve them Dad! I hope he freezes in Cleveland they get a blizzard this winter coming up as well what a jerk now he got worst now."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke or TheLoungeLizard09

  5. Salena looked at her father and Says "Dad this is what I've always wanted and there's something I tried and failed miserable everybody in Hazzard knows I can sing well here take a look at this cd it's mine and Mom got me a record deal when I was sixteen well my single never made it past thirty and nobody wanted to go on tour with them either I just gave up and it's under Salena Duncan this is my second copy and you can have it you wish. I left that part of my life behind when I changed my name as well, and haven't regretted for one single minute I got my degree and had my twin boys have a wonderful job that understand about my boys as well. I'll never regret choosing between going back to Nashville to record another album or coming here it was the best decision of my life now Dad I wouldn't change if I could I would've never met you or Lizzy and well the rest of my family as well. Don't be shy now you can play if you want to let everybody hear my voice that way you still have me around as well once I am gone as well. I've had people ask aren't you Salena Dunce and I just politely tell that I am Salena Duke and I don't know who they are talking about as well."

    Back at Julie and Micheal's house, Julie Says "Micheal Ashley seems to be the tomboy of the family, Salena is the overachiever but a little shy and doesn't believe in herself too much but Lizzy is helping her with that as well. Angel is a bit of stubborn creature and doesn't like when things doesn't go her way as well, Cassidy is the determined one and won't let anything get in her way and just watch for her is she wants to be President nobody is going to tell her she can't do it now. Amanda is the one that when she wants something she goes for it and sometimes gets a little carried away with her plans as well. Sam Clay's wife she seems to be a spender and well she wants everything just perfect as well and she loves all four of her kids now as well. Clay is trying to prove himself to the entire family right now as well and Matt he's realized that we all love him and recently made up with his sister and father as well after all that time as well."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

    Salena Says "I really love the life I have right now and when my Mom's plane went down I was supposed to me on it as well and well I was to be there singing back-up Dad. But somehow I didn't make that flight and well it saved my life as well and all my step-dad seen me as was a cash cow just to make money actually he was more disappointed when my very first single didn't do any good. People just wasn't ready for a girl singing John Schneider's self wrote song "Credit" now he told right from the start that was a man's song and well everybody else seen that way as well. I think that Angel hasn't quite forgiven me for what I said to her all those years ago it's like she's around me but doesn't trust or looks at me differently like her not even family as well. Being here I'm not so shy I came out of shell took me a while and well all those years it seems that the more Zima Joshua Hogg gave me the less shy I was and I should've known it wasn't water or that he was playing a trick but I honestly he liked me that night dad I didn't know he was planning on doing what he did but I love my sons as well, don't perticurly care for their father now but love them with all heart I would do anything for them as well."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

  6. Vidalia Says "You know how I am dating Jabari right now and how we had asked to prove to him that I loved him well I did and I just found that I am pregnant as well I don't know what to do right now as well. Am I going to tell my parents and plus my father gets out in three months I hear that you have custody of my brother can I please see him tonight."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

    Salena looked at her father and Says "Dad this is what I've always wanted and there's something I tried and failed miserable everybody in Hazzard knows I can sing well here take a look at this cd it's mine and Mom got me a record deal when I was sixteen well my single never made it past thirty and nobody wanted to go on tour with them either I just gave up and it's under Salena Duncan this is my second copy and you can have it you wish. I left that part of my life behind when I changed my name as well, and haven't regretted for one single minute I got my degree and had my twin boys have a wonderful job that understand about my boys as well. I'll never regret choosing between going back to Nashville to record another album or coming here it was the best decision of my life now Dad I wouldn't change if I could I would've never met you or Lizzy and well the rest of my family as well. Don't be shy now you can play if you want to let everybody hear my voice that way you still have me around as well once I am gone as well. I've had people ask aren't you Salena Dunce and I just politely tell that I am Salena Duke and I don't know who they are talking about as well."

    Back at Julie and Micheal's house, Julie Says "Micheal Ashley seems to be the tomboy of the family, Salena is the overachiever but a little shy and doesn't believe in herself too much but Lizzy is helping her with that as well. Angel is a bit of stubborn creature and doesn't like when things doesn't go her way as well, Cassidy is the determined one and won't let anything get in her way and just watch for her is she wants to be President nobody is going to tell her she can't do it now. Amanda is the one that when she wants something she goes for it and sometimes gets a little carried away with her plans as well. Sam Clay's wife she seems to be a spender and well she wants everything just perfect as well and she loves all four of her kids now as well. Clay is trying to prove himself to the entire family right now as well and Matt he's realized that we all love him and recently made up with his sister and father as well after all that time as well."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

  7. I don't really mean against his other songs, just what he is saying in the song. He states stuff I would think of as being a bad thing and yet he loves the American Ride? That is what I had a hard time understanding.

    I agree with what you are saying Redneck Girl...that is the only thing I can think of is that he is being sarcastic when he says it. Sometimes with Toby I find it hard to figure whether he is being serious or just sarcastic about stuff.

    Well last night I was at a Creed Concert with my brother and his girlfriend and we all happen to work at the same place and so we got the tickets for free as well.

  8. Unfortunately Cooter answers to tell her he hasn't heard from Lizzy but he would try to CB her.

    Bo and Julie reached the Post Office and they walked in and Mz. Tizdale Says "Oh Julie I wanted to see you in your dress blues I think that's what they call them now but this is just as nice now as well and it hasn't been the same without you as well."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

  9. "I want to run some tests. You may have picked up what the girls have." The nurse says.

    Julie followed the Nurse and well she said bye to Angel as well and her daughter was asleep as well. She looked at the Nurse and Says "How come everybody is getting this right now Nurse." Julie passes right now before she even got very far she woke up and there was a docter and a nurse around her and they was telling her that they admitted her and called her Dad and told her husband as well about what was going. They would've told Angel but she's asleep anyways and she looks and Says "I guess that means I got it from the girls as well."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

  10. Lizzy introduced Josh to everyone who seemed happy to have him there including Mattie who didn't mind having to share his room for a little while. Soon everyone was around for dinner. Lizzy saw Vidalia standing outside by herself looking out into the sunset. "You know I used to do the same thing when I had a lot on my mind." Lizzy says standing by her.

    Vidalia Says "You know how I am dating Jabari right now and how we had asked to prove to him that I loved him well I did and I just found that I am pregnant as well I don't know what to do right now as well. Am I going to tell my parents and plus my father gets out in three months I hear that you have custody of my brother can I please see him tonight."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

  11. "Well that's mean." Josh says. He turns to Lizzy and glares. "Why can't she stay?"

    "Well sweetie she's got six kids of her own to take care of. They need her at home. She can stay for dinner but then her kids will want her at home. She'll come back often to see you though." Lizzy says kneeling in front of Josh.

    Stephanie had came by and wanted to see "Lizzy and her family as well, she thought about Vidalia buying that pregnancy geez she was only fifteen years old she didn't know if she tell Daisy right now or just keep it too herself right now as well."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

  12. Salena Says "I know I'm happy but I'm going to miss everybody is the past six years Hazzard as become my home Mom. I learned so much right now as well and those Tae Kwon Do classes help me out so much I won't be a easy target and we got to tell Dad and who's the little boy with Stephanie right now as well. Wow Cassidy married Doug Jackson and elected CouncilWoman, Angel married David Bodine had twin girls and moved to Beverly Hills and now me the only one remaining here after a while will be Cassidy and Ashley which I'm worried about that Angel never truly forgiven for what I said to her when you had Mattie now as well Mom. Ashley married Matt Johson which turned out to be Dr. Jesse Spencer's son about five years ago now as well she has a brand new baby named Fancy Rae Johnson and well she's happy as a clam right now as well. You and Stephanie seem to be real close it's like the two of you have always known each other as well."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

    Ashley calls Angel and she Says "Hello Ashley what's going in with you how is Fancy doing lately mine are just fine right now as well."

    Ashley Says "Well let's see Sam and Clay brought how Adam Jacob, Brandon Micheal and Chad David today. Salena got the job she always wanted and Elaine gave custody of Josh to Lizzy as well and oh Salena and her boys are moving to Austin, Texas as well I wish her luck. Cassidy might be pregnant it's just talk right now nobody's for sure right now as well and Uncle Bo and Aunt Shannon are planning a big party for Bo Jr as well I wander if you got your invite yet. I know I am going he's my husband cousin but there family as well."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

  13. "I heard you got the Job." Lizzy says leaning against the gazebo post looking at her stepdaughter. "I always knew this day would come I just didn't think it would come this soon."

    Salena Says "I know I'm happy but I'm going to miss everybody is the past six years Hazzard as become my home Mom. I learned so much right now as well and those Tae Kwon Do classes help me out so much I won't be a easy target and we got to tell Dad and who's the little boy with Stephanie right now as well. Wow Cassidy married Doug Jackson and elected CouncilWoman, Angel married David Bodine had twin girls and moved to Beverly Hills and now me the only one remaining here after a while will be Cassidy and Ashley which I'm worried about that Angel never truly forgiven for what I said to her when you had Mattie now as well Mom. Ashley married Matt Johson which turned out to be Dr. Jesse Spencer's son about five years ago now as well she has a brand new baby named Fancy Rae Johnson and well she's happy as a clam right now as well. You and Stephanie seem to be real close it's like the two of you have always known each other as well."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

  14. "Fine fifteen percent raise." Boss says.

    "Twenty percent." Lizzy says.

    "Twenty percent now get before I regret it." Boss says.

    "Nice doing business with you." Lizzy agrees. She walks out and looks at Cassidy. "So what's all this about Salena?" Lizzy asks.

    Cassidy Says "She got the job and she's out there in the gazebo explaining everything to her boys as well and listen I got a meeting I got to get right now as well didn't know this Council thing was going to be so much work now Aunt Lizzy." Cassidy walks in Boss's office and looks and Says "I'm here."

    Balladeer: Well CouncilWoman Jackson is here for her meeting but she needs to learn proper manners right now as well.

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

  15. "Now wait a minute. What's to say that you'll find a better paying job in Chickasaw?" Boss Hogg asks.

    "Well that's easy A.C. Tate has been begging for years to have me back at the Henhouse. Goodness knows all I have to do is name my price and I can have my job plus at least a twenty percent raise." Lizzy says smirking. "Not to mention if I just go over to Chickasaw you'll lose at least 1/10 of your customers. I mean it's just as easy to go to Chickasaw as it is for them to go to the Boars nest." Lizzy bargains.

    Cassidy walks in and Says "Salena's moving to Austin, Texas and she got the job everybody is leaving me now and Lizzy how do you know if your pregnant now as well it's been a while since I was last time around as well."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

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