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Posts posted by Julieduke

  1. "You don't have to. Maybe five years in jail has changed him." David answers.

    Angel Says "Salena claims he is like his father Cooter but I don't believe her myself as well and honey people say my accent is charming are they really making fun of me now I don't know Beverly Hills that well right now."

    Back at the Hospital Bo Jr. Says "Sorry Daddy what does Triplets mean now as well?"

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenostrait or Elly Mae Duke

  2. "That's all we ask." The doctor says. A bit later on Amber still hadn't given up her want to give Lizzy and Luke the honeymoon they deserved so she pulled Luke away from the crowed and explained the idea.

    Luke thought for a few moments then looked at Amber. "Get the info from Daisy about all that stuff and let me know if you'll pay for it I'll set it up. Unfortunately not to bad mouth Daisy or anything Daisy's not going to be able to let Lizzy go for a long time if she thinks she's gonna bolt. It needs to be something that Lizzy and I do alone. A relaxing vacation and you're right she deserves this. I don't mind going on vacation with Lizzy, Daisy, and Enos but...before we do that I want this time alone with Lizzy. I'll pick the date if you get all the information. The only thing that has to happen is the date has to come as a complete surprise to everyone." Luke says.

    Meanwhile inside Lizzy had drawn Daisy into a talk about what the doctor had told her about why the triplets had waited so long and the status of the tests they were running.

    Angel hung up the phone and Says "David I got triplet Nephews right now as well and well Brian Lee Davenport my Mom's ex-husband gets out of jail in three months I still can't face him yet as well David."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

  3. Ashley said "Then why are you acting like your against me visiting them!"

    Matt Says "I'm not againist visiting just don't ask me to visit my father or Amanda right now a little sore at both of them right now and let's go see them and I swear Kaylee is lying as well Ashley. We broke up four years and I haven't seen her ever since now as well. So how in the Hell could I have a two year old son with her as well she's crazy Ashley she's trying to break us up as well." After a while Matt convinced Ashley he did want to see her family and kept wandering about her mood as if there was something she wasn't telling him right now as well.

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

  4. Julie smiled slightly

    After a while they was at the Airport and they was all under her and did whatever she said without questions as well. She could get used to this treatment from a husband now as well as they walk in the terminal she Says "There's my Uncle Jesse your going to love him best cook next to Daisy in the whole County now."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

  5. Ashley said "But you dont Matt"

    Matt Says "Ashley I didn't know they was all my cousins until recently but I do really care for me and why are still mad at me about those damm tickets now there paid history and I just left with a record geez never thought I'd say that now as well Ashley. My Grandfather was a Highway Patrolman now as well."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

  6. Jesse said "Goodnight" and called Daisy

    Julie went to sleep for the next morning all the Privates that were visiting Hazzard were dressed in Cami's and all ready as well and she looked and Says "Not of you guys shall be trying to pick up the girls in Hazzard if they have a guy with them understand now."

    All three Says "Yes Staff Sargaent Duke. And once we get to Hazzard and were with my family call me by Julie allright."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

  7. Ashley said "Well your not.. I'll stoop to your level like you want and we'll go home and since you never wanna come here again because you hate Hazzard we wont come back unless we get the call that one of my cousins is in a coffin!"

    Matt Says "Okay drive there and we see our family as well and Ashley and I know what your going through and yes I love them as much as you do right now let's get going."

    Cue Anybody

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