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Posts posted by Julieduke

  1. Daisy said "You cant do this!"

    The Guy put them in the back of the Van's and they pulled out Gag's and Says "Now you will go and see Mr. Spencer as well and Julie never told us where you two was we had to figure it out for ourselves now."

    The Second Guy got behind the wheel and the first guy closed the sliding door and got in and they took off as well.

    Cue Anybody

  2. But Daisy and Tracy stayed huddled in the VERY back of the Boars Nest were supplies was stored and hiding behind a wall of boxes being as quiet as they could

    One of the guys seen them and walked in front of them and Says "No where to go do as we say and neither or you's will get hurt as well." The Second guy came and grabbed Daisy's arm and Says "Little girl don't try nothing as well."

    Cue Anybody

  3. Ashley said "Shes not..but my Uncle Enos and the Sheriff can sure as heck rescue Amanda..I know that"

    There was a knock at the door and Bo opened it was Kramer, his new wife and their daughter Fiona Lulu Coltrane Kramer and he looks at his daughter and Says "Ashley I should've never walked away when Brian needed me and when you needed me the most and well I love you honey and can I hold my brand new granddaughter as well." Matt Says "Sorry about the past, and of course you can this is Fancy Rae Johnson and Fancy this is your Grandfather we need to put our past behind us now and be the way a family should be now as well."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

  4. Ashley said "Don't race!!! PLEASE MATT!"

    Matt Says "I'm not racing I want to rescue my sister Ashley, if this was Stephanie you would feel the sameway as I am right now as well."

    Cassidy Says "Mathew listen she's my cousin but we can't show go off without a plan what if they shoot you then Ashley will have to raise three kids by herself as well. And besides if Doug doesn't mind if this baby is a boy then his middle name will be Matthew as well."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

  5. Daisy said "I know...but I'm not sure about Clay..he might not make it"

    Vidalia Says "Yes me will Mom, he's my brother I know he will and besides he promised me to teach me how to rodeo when I am eleven now as well." In Julie's room Angel and Julie was fast asleep right now as well and both miserable as well and it seem that Rosco was doing any better than Micheal was he was helping with his three grandchildren and one great-grandson as well he looked and and Says "Micheal they will get better thay have to their Coltranes were a little on the stubborn side like Nathaniel and Christopher is right now as well they miss their Mommas right now."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

  6. Amanda started crying she thought to her self "If you met Enos...you wouldn't be talkin like that"

    Cassidy looked at her cousin and Says "Matt please don't do anything stupid now besides Ashley, Daisy, Enos and Fancy needs you right now and I know that she's your sister but what if their setting a trap for you or even me now as well."

    Matt Says "That's a risk I'll just have to take and besides she's my sister right now as well."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

  7. Daisy sighed "There is so much going on..I'm not sure I can deal with it all...Clay might not even wake up..and im thinking of the others too"

    Vidalia Says "Mom Clay will make and so will everybody else will as well I know they will they have to now. Besides Cassidy promised to teach me to ride when I am eleven now and that's in a couple of months now as well."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

  8. Daisy hands the pictures over "Everythings fine Vidalia" as Daisy hugs her

    Vidalia Says "Christopher looks like Uncle Micheal Mom, and Nathaniel looks like his Mom if Aunt Julie is just under the weather then why are you crying right now as well there something that is bothering you right now as well."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

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