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Everything posted by Julieduke

  1. Michael asked Bo now that I know this County better, would you want to help us out a little bit here. Bo said " First have Ross spend the afternoon with Boss Hogg, and I know Ross don't like him right now but he could act like he just adores him for the afternoon." Michael asked Ross to come over by and him and Bo asked Ross do you want to get back at Hughie for what he did to your dad at the Border Patrol. Ross saids " Okay, what do I got to do? Bo had said " That first were going to have you spend the afternoon with Boss Hogg tomorrow." Ross says " But he's a Mugwamp, Uncle Bo." Bo says " What was that Ross? Ross says " A Mugwamp?" Bo says " Okay, I know and everybody knows but it will help your Dad and Uncle Luke about this latest pickle here. And don't call him , no wait a minute call him that I have no idea what that is and he won't either." Ross says " Okay, so tomorrow afternoon I will visit with him and if I see Hughie Hogg mention I should remember an tell you or Dad." Bo says " You are a Duke,. ya exactly that right there Ross." Jessica and Kathy are sure that is safe Bo, and Bo says he never suspect a five year old kis of spying on him now. Cue anybody
  2. Domestic, Light and Cold by Dierks Bentley A Good Man Like Me by Dierks Bentley
  3. Domestic, Light and Cold by Dierks Bentley A Good Man Like Me by Dierks Bentley
  4. Michael had explained to Bo that about three weeks ago, my Boss says he wants to look in my locker at work well. Everybody knows that he shaving lotion but it wasn't me it was some new guy that was put up to pulling the prank on the Boss. Bo was asking well when you opened your locker what did your Boss find in then, his shaving lotion if only it was that right there only. Bo had well what was in there that he had found, and Michael had said that my Boss had found $5,000 dollars in envelope with my name on with a personal note along with the money. That is what was in my locker and he fired me on the spot threatened to call the police on me but changed his mind on that and I cleaned out my locker and that night found my letter from Uncle Rosco. Cue Anybody
  5. Michael had explained to Bo that about three weeks ago, my Boss says he wants to look in my locker at work well. Everybody knows that he shaving lotion but it wasn't me it was some new guy that was put up to pulling the prank on the Boss. Bo was asking well when you opened your locker what did your Boss find in then, his shaving lotion if only it was that right there only. Bo had well what was in there that he had found, and Michael had said that my Boss had found $5,000 dollars in envelope with my name on with a personal note along with the money. That is what was in my locker and he fired me on the spot threatened to call the police on me but changed his mind on that and I cleaned out my locker and that night found my letter from Uncle Rosco. Cue Anybody
  6. Hey Dad, Uncle Bo just passed Dale Earnhardt and now he is passing Richard Petty Ross tells Michael. Jessica that ain't to easy to pass Richard when it is this close to the end of the race that took a bit of driving right there. Michael was looking happy that his cousin passed Richard Petty and Dale Earnhardt , but it looks like that Jeff Gorden is staying behind Dale Earnhardt in the race. Cue anybody
  7. Hey Dad, Uncle Bo just passed Dale Earnhardt and now he is passing Richard Petty Ross tells Michael. Jessica that ain't to easy to pass Richard when it is this close to the end of the race that took a bit of driving right there. Michael was looking happy that his cousin passed Richard Petty and Dale Earnhardt , but it looks like that Jeff Gorden is staying behind Dale Earnhardt in the race. Cue anybody
  8. Julu 8, 2005 is Toby Keith's birthday and he is in concert in the Cleveland area which I live in Cleveland. Anybody have a favorite Toby Keith song of all his songs that he has ever recorded ?
  9. Julu 8, 2005 is Toby Keith's birthday and he is in concert in the Cleveland area which I live in Cleveland. Anybody have a favorite Toby Keith song of all his songs that he has ever recorded ?
  10. Balladeer: It's Richard Petty, Dale Earnhardt, Bo Duke and Jeff Gorden and they all want first place we'll have to see what happens. I'm glued to the race right now talk to ya later.
  11. Balladeer: It's Richard Petty, Dale Earnhardt, Bo Duke and Jeff Gorden and they all want first place we'll have to see what happens. I'm glued to the race right now talk to ya later.
  12. Ross had asked was that Waylon Jennings that sand "The National Athem and started the race. He sure was a good singer and don't you have one of his cassette tapes at home. Dad, the lead just changed it is Richard Petty first , Dale Earnhardt second and Uncle Bo and third and he has Jeff Gorden right behind him now. Jessica says "Ross didn't I say that might happen in the race, and it just happen." Michael had told his son just keep watching something always happens during a Nascar race and you never what wil happen at times as well. Ross had asked his dad if he could watch "Stroker Ace" sometime it sounds like a real fun movie. Cue anybody
  13. Ross had asked was that Waylon Jennings that sand "The National Athem and started the race. He sure was a good singer and don't you have one of his cassette tapes at home. Dad, the lead just changed it is Richard Petty first , Dale Earnhardt second and Uncle Bo and third and he has Jeff Gorden right behind him now. Jessica says "Ross didn't I say that might happen in the race, and it just happen." Michael had told his son just keep watching something always happens during a Nascar race and you never what wil happen at times as well. Ross had asked his dad if he could watch "Stroker Ace" sometime it sounds like a real fun movie. Cue anybody
  14. Personally I am waiting for "Go West , Young Dukes " I always like that episode myself. And then I did like "One-Arm Bandits" and then there is "Swamp Molly" and there is alot of ones that I like.
  15. Personally I am waiting for "Go West , Young Dukes " I always like that episode myself. And then I did like "One-Arm Bandits" and then there is "Swamp Molly" and there is alot of ones that I like.
  16. I like the race scene between Bo and Luke in Duke Vs. Duke and Bo comes in reverse and Rosco gets Luke right up with Bo. It was the most unusaul tie that I have ever seen. I think I have relatives like the Harpers somewhere in my family.
  17. I like the race scene between Bo and Luke in Duke Vs. Duke and Bo comes in reverse and Rosco gets Luke right up with Bo. It was the most unusaul tie that I have ever seen. I think I have relatives like the Harpers somewhere in my family.
  18. Ross was telling Michael that it was Uncle Bo and that Jeff Gorden battling for first on the track. Ross was saying that Gorden doesn't give up he really wants to win this race. Michael says " There was a phrase in a Burt Reynolds Movie called "Stroker Ace" and when they tell him he got second , he tells his boss that "Second Sucks". Ross looks at his dad, and tells him that he understand what the battle is about now. Michael had told him that everybody on the track wants first but only one driver can be first in finishing the race son. Jessica was asking Michael what are you and Ross talking about now, Michael tells his wife that Bo and Jeff Gorden and battling for second. Jessica says " That you ought to see this now, my Uncle just inched Jeff Gorden out of second and Dale Earnhardt is right behind him right now. Ross says "This racing stuff is alot pressure then Dad, I would love to be race car driver then, it so exciting looking when your watching. Michael tells his son that whatever you do I'll be happy with son. Michael says "That I sure glad that is Bo he has Richard Petty and Dale Earnhardt behind, and there both trying to get first from him right now. Hey Uncle Luke, did you ever race Uncle Bo I just know he is going to win race today, he is first place right now and if he just keeps that until the checkered flag he'll win. Jessica said " Ross, what you had said is very hard I have went to race with Uncle Richard and it much harder than what you had said." Cue Anybody Correction: His Boss ask what's wrong with Second?
  19. Ross was telling Michael that it was Uncle Bo and that Jeff Gorden battling for first on the track. Ross was saying that Gorden doesn't give up he really wants to win this race. Michael says " There was a phrase in a Burt Reynolds Movie called "Stroker Ace" and when they tell him he got second , he tells his boss that "Second Sucks". Ross looks at his dad, and tells him that he understand what the battle is about now. Michael had told him that everybody on the track wants first but only one driver can be first in finishing the race son. Jessica was asking Michael what are you and Ross talking about now, Michael tells his wife that Bo and Jeff Gorden and battling for second. Jessica says " That you ought to see this now, my Uncle just inched Jeff Gorden out of second and Dale Earnhardt is right behind him right now. Ross says "This racing stuff is alot pressure then Dad, I would love to be race car driver then, it so exciting looking when your watching. Michael tells his son that whatever you do I'll be happy with son. Michael says "That I sure glad that is Bo he has Richard Petty and Dale Earnhardt behind, and there both trying to get first from him right now. Hey Uncle Luke, did you ever race Uncle Bo I just know he is going to win race today, he is first place right now and if he just keeps that until the checkered flag he'll win. Jessica said " Ross, what you had said is very hard I have went to race with Uncle Richard and it much harder than what you had said." Cue Anybody Correction: His Boss ask what's wrong with Second?
  20. Hey Dad, Ross said to Michael this going to be fun did you ever want to race like these guys are doing. Oh, wait that Jeff Gorden is in the number one Ford car I had heard he was pretty good. Jessica had asked what do you think this Jeff Gorden's chances are during the race. Michael had said well he is young that could be the determine that odds of him even finishing the race today. Jessica so how come you never wanted to race like these guys are doing today. Michael had said " I just never wanted to race in one of these races, I always like the Border Patrol better. Oh, Jessica there something that want to tell you after the race out of the ears of Ross." Jessica saids " You mean the fact that you was framed by Hughie Hogg and fired as a result of it in California." Michael said" But, how do you know honey I never told you about in the three weeks that it has had happened since." Jessica said "Ross , told me about before we left he was upset after that last time he had visited with your Uncle J.D. , how can he spring something like that on five year old kid." Michael saids " I see why you don't like him now, and Luke had told me that Hughie Hogg has caused nothing but trouble for him and his Family, everytime he comes around." Jessica saids " Then how did he know you was a Duke then, and I don't like him either but your Uncle Rosco and Aunt Lulu are okay." Cue anybody 8)
  21. Hey Dad, Ross said to Michael this going to be fun did you ever want to race like these guys are doing. Oh, wait that Jeff Gorden is in the number one Ford car I had heard he was pretty good. Jessica had asked what do you think this Jeff Gorden's chances are during the race. Michael had said well he is young that could be the determine that odds of him even finishing the race today. Jessica so how come you never wanted to race like these guys are doing today. Michael had said " I just never wanted to race in one of these races, I always like the Border Patrol better. Oh, Jessica there something that want to tell you after the race out of the ears of Ross." Jessica saids " You mean the fact that you was framed by Hughie Hogg and fired as a result of it in California." Michael said" But, how do you know honey I never told you about in the three weeks that it has had happened since." Jessica said "Ross , told me about before we left he was upset after that last time he had visited with your Uncle J.D. , how can he spring something like that on five year old kid." Michael saids " I see why you don't like him now, and Luke had told me that Hughie Hogg has caused nothing but trouble for him and his Family, everytime he comes around." Jessica saids " Then how did he know you was a Duke then, and I don't like him either but your Uncle Rosco and Aunt Lulu are okay." Cue anybody 8)
  22. Bo, Luke and Michael is asking Dale Earnhardt who's that over by the 24 car over there I never seen around before. Dale tells him that is Jeff Gordon he is from Indaina and he is some young hotshot driver. He think he going to win today keeps telling all the reporter this but will see who wins. There is a bunch drivers here that won;t let him win that easy right Bo. cue Anybody
  23. Bo, Luke and Michael is asking Dale Earnhardt who's that over by the 24 car over there I never seen around before. Dale tells him that is Jeff Gordon he is from Indaina and he is some young hotshot driver. He think he going to win today keeps telling all the reporter this but will see who wins. There is a bunch drivers here that won;t let him win that easy right Bo. cue Anybody
  24. What year is this story set so I could put the right drivers in the race?
  25. What year is this story set so I could put the right drivers in the race?
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