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Everything posted by Jamanda

  1. Balladeer: Now in case ya'll are wondering, ain't nobody died. Enos comes up on the other side of the bog behind the reeds and trees, coughing and sputtering. It had taken him a while to get free from the car and get through all the weeds. Bo and Luke and Rosco can't see him, as they keep looking at the spot his car went in. Enos crawls out of the water and lies on the ground, exausted from the swim, and passes out. Rosco, forgetting about arresting Bo and Luke, is still stunned. Bo and Luke stand with him when an ambulance arrives with Cooter. Cooter: (jumping out) What's going on? Luke: Enos...he's... Bo: He can't be...he just can't be... Cooter: (looking over the bog) You mean...? The ambulance waits a while, and then turns back up the road, as there's no one to take in for medical attention. Cooter: You gotta be wrong...you gotta be wrong... Luke: I wish I was... Cooter: I mean...they were wrong when they thought ya'll two were dead...maybe... Rosco: Not this time Cooter...Enos was definately in that car...I heard him on the CB... The four of them stand there a minute. Rosco suddenly throws a rock into the bog. He throws several in before he breaks down crying. The three younger men help him into Cooter's truck. Cooter hooks up Rosco's car and tows it back to town, while Bo and Luke drive away...slowly. Bo: Luke? Luke: Yeah? Bo: What are we gonna tell Daisy? Luke: I have no idea. Balladeer: Now just because Enos ain't dead, don't mean he ain't in trouble. Enos wakes up and finds himself tied to a chair with a gag in his mouth and thinks, "Oh great, not again." Meanwhile, Bo and Luke reluctanly walk into the Boar's Nest. Luke: (taking out a coin) Call it. (flips the coin) Bo: Heads. Luke: (catches the coin and looks at it) Heads it is. You get to tell Boss. Bo sighs. He doesn't want to tell Boss, but he wants to tell Daisy even less. He goes up to the office door and knocks on it. Boss: Come in...Bo Duke? What do you want? Bo: Um Boss...You uh...might want to sit down. Boss: I am sitting down Duke boy. What is it? Bo: I might want to sit then. Bo sits in a chair as Boss stares at him over his cigar and newspaper. Bo: You uh...might want to go to town soon and uh...take care of Rosco... Boss: Take care of Rosco? What'd he do? Bo: Nothing...he's just real upset... Boss: Than let Enos take care of him...I'm busy... Bo: That's just it Boss...Enos is gone... Boss: (looking up) What? Bo: They were chasing us and...Enos went into the bog... Boss: So?...Enos can swim...Better him than Rosco... Bo: But he didn't...he didn't...come up... Boss looks at Bo and gasps. Boss: Bo Duke...are you tellin' me Enos is...? Bo nods. Boss: Our very own deputy...dead. Bo: I didn't want to say it Boss but... Boss: Does Daisy know? Bo: Luke is telling her. Luke had the really hard part. Luke: Daisy? I uh...need to talk to you...outside. Daisy: Sure Luke. Daisy puts down her tray and goes outside. Luke: You might want to sit down. Daisy: (sitting on her car) What? You two ain't in trouble are you? Luke: No...it's just that...I really hate telling you this... Daisy: Telling me what? What is it Luke? Luke: Rosco and Enos were chasing us and Enos went into the bog. Daisy: Don't tell me he's hurt! Luke: It's worse than that. Daisy clasps her hands over her mouth. Luke can't even look up at her. Luke: Daisy I'm sorry. He's gone. Daisy: He's...He's... Daisy sits stunned for a minute. She doesn't want to believe it. Then Boss comes outside with Bo. Bo: Did you tell her? Luke nods. Boss: You two take her home. She has the rest of the week off...with pay. Boss gets into his convertible and instructs the driver to take him to the sheriff's office. Luke takes Daisy home in her Jeep as Bo takes the General. At the house, Luke takes Daisy to her room as Uncle Jesse stands by. Jesse: What's going on? Bo: Sit down Uncle Jesse. Bo tells Uncle Jesse what happened and the old man sits quietly. Luke finally comes back. Jesse: How's Daisy? Luke: She's crying. Jesse: <sighs> I'm not surprised...poor thing. Bo: I just can't believe it...he's gone. Luke: Me either. With a nod from Uncle Jesse, the two Duke boys let their emotions catch up with them.
  2. Luke: But I don't want to go back to school. Balladeer: That's right, school. Even the Dukes were kids at one time...some believe they still are. That there's Luke Duke, at the ripe young age of 12. Uncle Jesse: Now Luke, you're the oldest and you gotta set a good example for those cousins of yours. Balladeer: And there's Uncle Jesse, the Duke partriarch. Doesn't have quite as much gray hair does he? Bo: But why do we have to go to school anyway? We're just gonna run shine like you do. Balladeer: And that's cousin Bo. He's only 11. Isn't he cute? Jesse: Because even in the family business, you gotta know how to work with numbers, write letters, read log books, and all those other things you learn in school. Now get going and look after Daisy. Daisy! Get on here. Daisy: I'm comin'. Balladeer: And of course, cousin Daisy. She may only be 10, but she's still pretty ain't she? Friends and neighbors, it's time you got a look at what life was like in Hazzard, way back when the Dukes were... THE YOUNG DUKES
  3. <Inspired by "The Ghost of General Lee"> Tonight on the Dukes: When Enos doesn't come up after going in the pond, it's a heyday for Hughie Hogg, who plans to take everything Enos has. But what he didn't plan on was the deputy's will. Bo and Luke are tearing down the road as usual with Rosco and Enos right behind them. Bo: Ah, what a better way to spend a Sunday afternoon than running from the law. Luke: You know, if we take that shortcut there, we could lose 'em. Bo: It don't look like much of a shortcut to me. Luke: It will once you go there won't it? Bo: You got a point. Bo takes the shortcut, or rather creates it, as there isn't a road. But Rosco's one step ahead of them...for once. Rosco: (into CB) All right Enos. They took the bait. Now you keep going on this road and I'm gonna go around and cut 'em off. Enos: Sure thing Sherriff. Luke: I dunno. It seemed too easy. Bo: Yeah. We've taken this shortcut before, now that I remember. There's almost a road. Luke: Better pull back onto the main one. Bo pulls back to the main road and Enos is back behind them. Luke: I knew it. I'll bet Rosco planned that. Bo: I think you're right. Here he comes. Luke: Take a left. Bo swerves the car in a sharp turn. Luke: I said a left! Bo: Sorry. Luke: This road goes down to the bog. Bo: Well we better be careful. There's quicksand in the bottom of that bog. Luke: And this is the only way in and we got two smokeys on our tail. Bo: Well, jail time is better than drowning. Bo turns at the bog and comes to a stop. Rosco's car runs into the General and stops as well, but Enos's car makes a wild swerve the other way and splashes into the bog. Bo: Enos! Luke: Oh man! Rosco: Enos! They all get out of their cars and rush to the side of the bog. Bo and Luke both jump in the water, but can't go very far in due to the quicksand at the bottom. Bo: ENOS! Luke: It's no use Bo. He's gone. Bo: He can't be gone...He can't... Luke drags Bo out of the water. Rosco has already radioed an ambulance and Cooter, but knows it's no use. Rosco: You dang dipstick! Why'd you have to go and do that! Luke: Rosco...we're sorry... The three of them stand there, staring at the bog, hoping against hope that Enos will surface.
  4. Balladeer: Well folks, after going back to the hospital, Luke was able to get all the poison out of his system, and a good prescription for heartburn. Now they're all back where we started. Bo and Luke are hanging out at the Boar's Nest. Enos and Daisy are dancing, Cooter is talking to Rosco about car repairs, and Uncle Jesse is arguing with Boss Hogg about city taxes. Just then, a pretty girl walks in. Luke: Well would you look at that? Bo: Um...Luke? And another girl walks in with her. Luke: Let's go Bo. Bo: Right with ya cousin! Balladeer: Yep, some things never change...especially in Hazzard County.
  5. Balladeer: Well, it was no one's surprise that Emily left on the first bus out of town the next morning. But it was certainly a surprise to her when Daisy came to see her off. Emily: What do you want? Daisy: Oh I just came to thank you. Emily: For what? Daisy: For showing me what a fool I'd been. Emily: Oh I didn't need to come here to show you that. I think he would've done it without me. Daisy: (rubbing her rear) Yeah, you're right. Emily: You're still sore too huh? Daisy: I don't know how you plan to sit on that bus all the way to Charlston. Emily: I don't. I'm gonna stand in the back. Daisy: Won't you get tired? Emily: Sure, but that's better than what I'll get from Uncle Boss if I stay around here. Daisy: He ain't lettin' you stay? Emily: Oh, he said I could if I wanted to, but after seeing what kind of discipline he uses, I think I'm going home. Both girls laugh and Emily gets on the bus. Balladeer: Notice how she don't call ol' Boss Uncle Jefferson no more? I wouldn't either. Daisy then gets in her Jeep to go to work. She has trouble looking up when Enos comes in with the lunch crowd. Daisy: (handing him a buttermilk) Here you go Enos. Enos: Thanks. Daisy: You still mad? Enos: <grins> No, I think you've suffered enough. He puts the drink aside, pulls her to him and kisses her forehead. Daisy: Can I ask you something? Enos: Sure. Daisy: Who was that girl? Just out of curiosity. Enos: Oh that was Sally Jean Haskins. She's a cousin of mine from Texas. Daisy: Your cousin? Enos: I told you that you needed to know what it felt like. Daisy: But Emily... Enos: Oh I wasn't about to let Cooter miss out on his fun either. You know he paid Boss off so she's bid on him? Daisy: Well I'll be. Enos: But you still didn't like me with another girl did ya? Daisy: Oh Enos. If I live to be a hundred, I ain't ever gonna be unfaithful to you again. Enos: Now Daisy, don't go making promises you can't keep. Daisy: Oh I aim to keep it...if you'll help me anyway. Enos: Now that's my girl. As Enos and Daisy hold each other, the Dukes and Cooter watch from another table. Luke: Well I'll be. Bo: I think he did it. Jesse: Well, it was about time. Cooter: Where'd he get that idea to spank 'er though? Jesse: Oh I mentioned it to him. I saw it in an old John Wayne movie and if it works for The Duke, it's bound to work ON a Duke. ** They all laugh. Balladeer: So that's the legend of how Emily Hogg returned to Hazzard and got what was coming to her, as did Daisy. You know, I think I saw that movie ol' Jesse's talking about. Wonder if that method would work for me? ** McClintock - starring John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara
  6. Cletus and Daisy walk into the dance. Daisy looks around for Enos and sees him in the corner talking to that pretty girl, but he has his back to her. Daisy: Should I be worried Cletus? Cletus: You kiddin'? Enos ain't had eyes for nobody but you since he found out the difference between boys and girls. Daisy: I know. But I still don't like it. Bo is rubbing his feet, as Cousin Alice is better at wrestling than dancing, and Luke is trying to keep Bessie Lou's attention, as she keeps looking at Bo. Cooter walks in, wearing his suit and way too much cologne, nearly dragging Emily with him. Emily is wearing a tight low-cut short dress of pale pink with a matching cardigan sweater over it. Daisy frowns, as all she had was her pale violet sun dress to wear. Then she looks over to the girl with Enos, who's wearing a nice yellow sun dress. Cooter: Hey there Cletus. Cletus: Well hey Cooter. How you and Emily doing? Cooter: Oh just fine, ain't we Emily? Emily: I had to ride here in a tow truck! Cooter: Well excuuuuuse me for being a mechanic. Emily: You have plenty of other cars. Cooter: But see, none of them run yet and I didn't work today so I could get all spiffied up to go out with you Miss High and Mighty. And now, we're gonna dance! Cooter drags Emily out on the dance floor and Daisy can't help but laugh. Cletus: See Daisy. It's not so bad. Daisy: I guess. I still wish I knew who that is with Enos. Cletus: Well, maybe he'll introduce ya. But as soon as they try to move that way, Enos takes his partner out on the dance floor. Daisy and Cletus also dance, with Daisy glaring over at the other couple the whole time. The girl snuggles up to Enos and rests her head on his chest. Balladeer: Now the dance was held over at the senior center, but most of the young folks went over to the Boar's Nest afterwards for a few drinks. Bo: Well Cousin Alice, that was fun right? Alice: Oh it sure was Bo. Bessie Lou: (staring at Bo) We had fun too. Luke: Uh...yeah. Enos comes in and pulls up a chair. Luke: Hey Enos. Where's your date? Enos: Oh she had to go. From out of town you know. Luke: So uh...how was it? Enos: Oh just fine. Luke gets the feeling Enos is hiding something when Cooter and Cletus run in. Cooter: It's done started. Bo: What has? Cletus: World war three! Everyone turns as Emily and Daisy come in, yelling and screeming at each other. Emily: This is all your fault Daisy Duke! Daisy: It was your dang idea to begin with Emily! Emily: And you messed the whole thing up! Daisy: I messed it up? You're the one who bust in here trying to steal my boyfriend! Emily: He's supposed to be mine! Daisy: IS NOT! Emily: IS TOO! Daisy: Well at least I didn't have to go get a fancy degree to prove myself! Emily: That's cuz you're too dumb to leave this podunk town. Daisy: Oh yeah! With that, the girls each grabbed a mug of beer and splashed each other. Then, in a fit about clothes now, they lunged at each other. Boss: (bursting in from his office) What in tarnation is going on here? Enos: (calmly sipping his buttermilk) World War Three. Boss: Well are you gonna do something about it? Enos: In a minute...let me finish my drink. Balladeer: In case you're wondering where ol' Rosco is, well he's out in the woods somewhere with Rose Ellen from the bank. Enos: (putting drink down) Okay...I think they've had enough. The girls are tired out by now and it's fairly easy for Boss and Enos to pull them apart. Boss: Enos. Arrest 'em. Enos: (pulling Daisy along) I have a better idea. Daisy: What? What are you doing? Enos: (sitting down) Something I should've done a LONG time ago. Enos pulls Daisy over his lap as Uncle Jesse steps up. Jesse: (handing Enos a paddle) Here. Enos: (taking it) Thanks. Daisy: You wouldn't! Jesse: If he doesn't, I will. Enos: Not this time Uncle Jesse. Everyone laughs as Enos gives Daisy a paddling she won't ever forget. Boss: Let me see that when you're done. Enos: Sure thing Boss. Emily: You wouldn't dare! Boss: Spare the rod, spoil the child. Something them fool parents of yours never learned. Give me that. Enos lets Daisy get up as Boss takes the paddle. Boss may be short and fat, but he's strong enough to pull his neice over his knee. Everyone laughs double at Emily hollering, but Daisy just hides in the corner. Balladeer: Well shucks, I never saw a show like that after any dances I went to.
  7. Balladeer: Now the big dance was set for the next evening, which gave everyone one day to get ready, and one day to wonder who that pretty girl is that bid on ol' Enos. Bo: I ain't ever seen her before. Luke: Me either. Daisy: (pouring drinks) Well you let me know if you find out anything. I'm wondering if Emily put her up to it. Bo: I doubt it. Emily was just as shocked as you were. Luke: But think about it Daisy. What's better? Enos with Emily or with a complete stranger. Daisy: I dunno. I'm thinking I'd rather him be with someone I know he doesn't like. Bo: Oh Daisy, you know he's only got eyes for you. Daisy: Yeah I know. Just then, Emily storms in, madder than a coup of wet hens. Emily: All right Daisy Duke, what are trying to pull? You get some rich friend of yours to bid for you? Daisy: Why Emily Hogg. You know I ain't got no rich friends. Just a very popular boyfriend. Luke: More popular than we figured. Emily: Well don't think you'll get away with this Daisy Duke. By the end of the dance tonight, he's gonna be eating out of my hand. Daisy: I seriously doubt that Emily. Emily turns heel and storms out. Daisy: Where is Enos anyway?
  8. Balladeer: Well, everyone gathered around in the Boar's Nest for the big auction. Boss decided to auction off the most popular fellas first, so the unlucky girls would have a chance later to spend all that money they brought. Boss: So now, for our first uh...um... Bessie Lou: HUNK! Boss: The first young volunteer to step up is no other than our very own...Bo Duke! Bo: I still don't see why Luke couldn't go first. Boss: Cuz you lost the coin toss. All right, what am I bid for an evening with this young man? The bids fly, and much to Bo's dismay. Boss: SOLD! To Cousin Alice! Bo: Oh man! Alice: Come on down here Bo! You wanna wrassle? Bo: Uh, let's see what lucky lady gets Luke first shall we? Alice: Oh okay. Luke gets taken by Bessie Lou, who would have preferred Bo, but had a nickel less than Cousin Alice did. Luke: Hi there. Bessie Lou: <looking over at Bo> Oh hi. Luke shrugs and laughs as Uncle Jesse is brought out. Jesse: JD I still don't know why I let you talk me into this! Boss: It's for the good of the county Jesse. Jesse: Yeah yeah. After a long, laboursome bidding match, Jesse is finally bought by Miz Teasdale. Jesse: Well hey there Emma. Miz Teasdale: <blushing> Hey Jesse. Boss: Alright alright. Now for our very own, Deputy Enos Strate. Emily and Daisy are both ready with their bids. Daisy quickly runs out of money, but someone else also keeps bidding against Emily. Boss: SOLD! To Miss uh... Girl: Haskins. Sally Jean Haskins. Boss: Well Sally Jean, here you go. Everyone stares as Enos, also in a state of surprise, walks off the stage next to the girl. No one had ever seen her before. Daisy: Who is that? Emily: I don't know. In a state of confusion, Emily accidentally bids on Cooter. Cooter: Well hey there Emily! Emily: This isn't supposed to happen! Cooter: Oh it must be destiny Emily! Emily: Ack! Daisy waits and bids on Cletus, who shrugs and goes along with it. Daisy: Who is that? Cletus: Search me. I don't know nothin'. Boss: And now, for a very special bonus, Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane! Rosco: But Boss! You told me I didn't have to! Boss: I changed my mind. There's still some single ladies out there. Get up here you dodo! Rosco: Dooooh! But Boss... Rose Ellen from the bank (who had bribed Boss into putting Rosco up) wins the bid. Rosco: Rose Ellen, you little rascal you. Rose Ellen: Well I couldn't let all them young girls have all the fun could I? Balladeer: Well, this sure ain't how I thought it was gonna turn out.
  9. Balladeer: Well, it wasn't long before everyone heard about the big auction and dance. Of course, all the young girls in Hazzard scrounged around and dug out their savings for a date with either Bo or Luke, while some of the older ladies were scraping together their life savings for a date with ol' Jesse. I reckon you almost forgot about him. Which left poor Daisy, who wasn't about to go with kin, and wasn't about to sit by if Emily was gonna do what she thought she was gonna do. Daisy: Well shoot. I only got about forty bucks saved up. Cooter: Hate to say it Daisy but... Daisy: I'll be outbid for sure. Cooter: Well, if Emily takes Enos, you can bid on someone else. Daisy: But... Cooter: Enos said he didn't want you startin' trouble. Now put that money away, he's comin'. Daisy puts her money back as Cooter goes to sit at a table. Daisy: Hey Enos. Enos: Hey Daisy. Daisy: Enos...I uh... Enos: Don't worry about it Daisy. Enos puts his hand on hers and she looks in his eyes. Enos: Daisy, I know there isn't any way you can outbid Emily. Daisy: I'm gonna bid as high as I can anyway. Enos: Well, I can't stop you from doing that, but I don't want you to make a fuss if she wins. Daisy: <sighs> I'll try not to, but I ain't gonna like seeing you with her. Enos: <raises an eyebrow> Then again, maybe it's time you did see me with someone else. Daisy gasps. Enos: I hate to say it Daisy, but it's time you knew what it felt like. Enos leaves and Daisy groans. Balladeer: I don't know about ya'll, but I didn't see that comin'.
  10. Boss: So Emily, now that you have your degree, what do you think we should do about this lousy county budget? Emily: <looking through papers> Hmmmm, Well Uncle Jefferson, seeing as I wouldn't want you to bail the county out with your own personal finances... Boss: My kind of girl... Emily: Looks like you need a fundraiser. Boss: Oh I hate fundraisers. Always trying to get people to buy stuff. Emily: Oh but you don't have to do hardly anything with what I have in mind... Boss: I'm listening. Emily: A public auction. Boss: But what do we auction off? Emily: <grinning> Something everybody in town wants... Boss: And what's that? Emily: A date with Bo or Luke Duke. Boss sits back in this chair and stares at her. She has a michevious grin and a look in her eye. Boss: A date with Bo and Luke Duke? Emily: Uncle Jefferson, if my memory serves me correctly, every girl in Hazzard would give up her life savings for a date with either of those two. Boss: Yes but... Emily: Of course we won't just auction THEM off. We'll get every available man in Hazzard to participate, the girls will bid on them, we'll hold a fancy dance at $10 a head, and you...I mean the county...makes a bundle. Boss: Hmmm...I'm beginning to like it...but what if the boys refuse to participate? Emily: Oh but they have to...it's their civic duty. Boss: I like that...civic duty... Balladeer: I don't know about you, but I sure wish that girl was raising money for me.
  11. Balladeer: Well that explains why she was meeting with Boss at the courthouse, instead of at the Boar's Nest like everyone else does. Bo: Hey Daisy. Daisy: Well hey Bo. Luke: We gotta talk to you. Daisy: Don't tell me ya'll are in trouble again. Cooter: No they ain't...but you might. Daisy: Me? Bo: Guess who showed up back in town. Daisy: Hughie or Dewey Hogg? Luke: Nope. Bo: Worse. Daisy: But the only person worse than them is... Daisy gasps as Emily strolls in. Daisy: <mutters> Emily Hogg. Emily: Well well, if it isn't Daisy Duke. Daisy: Well Miss Hogg, what brings you back here? I thought you'd run off to Charlston. Emily: I have business with my dear Uncle Jefferson. He's going to give me a job. Daisy: Oh he is? Bo: Uncle Jefferson? Luke: She's the only one who can get away with it, 'cept maybe Lulu. Emily: In the records office at the courthouse. Seeing as I now have my college degree. Daisy bites her lip as Boss comes in through his office door. Boss: Emily honey, you don't want to be seen in here with this rifraff. Come along now. Emily: Bye Daisy honey. See you around. Boss escorts Emily away just in time, as Daisy's about to throw a fit. Daisy: Oooohh that girl! Flaunting around that college degree like she's better than everybody! Bo: Easy Daisy. Luke: You could've gone to college if you wanted to. Daisy: I was needed here...even if I could afford it... Cooter: Don't let her get to ya Daisy. Daisy: <sighs> I'll try...but if she keeps that job Boss gives her and stays around... Luke: Daisy, don't think like that. Cooter: <nods towards door> Besides, I don't think you're the only one not liking her being back. Daisy looks to see Enos coming in on lunch break. He seems a bit nervous himself. Daisy: You saw her then. Enos: <sighs> Yeah. She was at the courthouse. Daisy: (pouring him a buttermilk) Don't tell me she still... Enos: (taking a drink) She hasn't changed a bit Daisy...not one bit. Daisy: If she so much as... Enos: <frowning> Doesn't look like you have either. Daisy looks at him and sees that he's deadly serious. Enos: Now Daisy, I don't know how long she's here, but I want you to try to get along with her. Daisy: But... Enos: Ya'll ain't in high school anymore and ya'll need to quit this bickerin' all the time. Daisy: (raising an eyebrow) Even when it's over you? Enos: <frowning> Especially then. Luke: I agree. Bo: Yeah, it's not like you have to prove anything to him. Enos: Now Daisy, promise me you won't try to cause trouble with Emily. Daisy: But what if she...? Enos: Daisy... Daisy hadn't heard Enos use that firm of a voice before. Daisy: Okay...but it won't be easy. Enos: I didn't say it would be. I just don't want to see you get in trouble. Enos finishes his buttermilk and heads out. Daisy: <sighs> It's gonna be a long week.
  12. Anybody would after getting thrown on their head (Amanda's had that happen a couple of times). Just another side note, Daisy also uses that move to disarm a bad guy in "Limo One is Missing."
  13. Cooter has moved up on the list ever since a student of mine got an autographed picture for me. Ben Jones signed it right there and everything personally. Too bad I couldn't get it myself, but that student sure knows how to score brownie points.
  14. Luke opens his eyes. Luke: Bo? Cooter? Bo: Hey Luke! Cooter: Well I'll be...it worked. Luke: (sitting up) Gah...I had almost forgotten that a buddy of mine got drugged like that in Vietnam. We managed to save him this way. Bo: So you'll be okay. Luke: I'll have heartburn for about two months, but I'll live. Cooter: So drink some Pepto. Luke: After I have a talk with that girl there. Bo: Now Luke you ain't still...? Luke ignores him and walks over to Kate, who's still trapped in the net. Luke: I gotta hand it to ya. You had me going so bad, I almost forgot my survival training. Kate: I admit, I hated doing that to ya. Luke: Not enough to keep yourself from doing it. Luke walks away as Uncle Jesse pulls up with Rosco. Rosco: All right...hold it right there. Jesse: They ain't goin' nowhere Rosco. Where's Daisy? Cooter: Over there with Enos. He's holding the other one. Luke: Enos is here? Cooter: Yeah, and he's gonna catch his death of cold if he still hasn't put a shirt on. Rosco finds Chris handcuffed to a tree, but Enos and Daisy are nowhere to be found. Rosco: All right you. Where'd they go? Chris: What do I care? Rosco: Me either. Get on here. Rosco unlocks his handcuffs, re-locks them when Chris is free from the tree, and takes him away. Bo, Luke, and Cooter sneak through the woods and find Enos and Daisy. Luke: Just what I thought. Bo: You know, I don't think she's ever seen him without a shirt on. Cooter: He probably knew that would happen if he didn't wear one. Bo: You'd think he'd go without one more often then. Luke: If it was anyone else, yes. But not Enos. Bo: Yeah, never gotta worry about him. See, they're just talking now. Cooter: He ain't ever gonna get rid of his reputation this way. Luke: Ah, leave 'em alone. We can trust him. But why is it I never get the girl in the end? Bo: Now don't start that again. Cooter: Don't speak too soon Lucas Dukas. Look who's here. Just then, Cletus and Layla drive up. CUE JulieDuke
  15. Earlier in that episode "RIP Henry Flatt", that same girl told Bo to kiss her. He said, "I've kissed just about every girl in Hazzard, why should you be any different?" But when he tries to kiss her, she throws him over her head in Ippon Seinagi (a Judo move), and then says "Want to try again?" Bo learned his lesson the first time, which is why he refrains from shaking her hand later in the episode. Never, ever, extend your hand to someone who knows Judo and isn't afraid to use it. P.S. Amanda has an orange belt in Judo and won a second place medal two weeks ago, hence why she knows these things.
  16. A great story! We're all proud. Just another little tidbit in your story. The address of the pad the Monkees lived in in the 60's sitcom was on Beachwood, and it was named after that street in Hollywood. You may have more connections than you know you do. Keep up the good work!
  17. We live somewhere outside the city limits of KCK in a town notorious for a federal prison. It's sometimes considered part of the KC metro area.
  18. Bo: Can't I have one last goodbye...alone? Kate: Well... Mark: Are you crazy? Kate: Two minutes...that's it... Kate and Mark give them some space. As Bo is holding Luke, he looks up and sees Cooter sneaking around. He doesn't want to give Cooter away, so he redirects his attention to Luke. Bo: Come on Luke. Wake up. Luke: (groans) Bo...poison... Bo: Poison? Luke: Poison Bo: Luke...you can't die Luke... Luke: I won't...but you gotta listen... Bo leans his head closer to Luke's, as if he's weaping, but Luke whispers in his ear. Luke: I think I know what they drugged me with. Do what I tell you and I might make it. Bo nods and listens to Luke's whispers. Out in the woods, Daisy is still backing away from Chris. Daisy: Stay away from me! Chris: Come on doll face...no one's looking... Chris keeps advancing and loosens his belt. Back at the still, Bo pretends he's weeping as he uses some of the tubing from the still as Luke instructs him to. Mark: Hey...what's he doing over there? Kate: I'm not sure but... Suddenly, a net drops down on them. Cooter: Don't ya'll know there's always revenuer traps at a still site? Give me that knife...the gun too. Bo: Hey Cooter! Come help me with this! Back in the woods, Chris almost has Daisy cornered when something is jammed into his back. Enos: Don't turn around. Daisy runs behind Enos and over the ridge and Chris wimpers. Enos: You have the right to remain silent. Chris didn't even realize he was being held with a stick until Daisy came back with a gun. Daisy: Here you go. Enos: Oh, that's better. Chris: What? Enos: I didn't say you could turn around. Daisy: What are you doing here anyway Enos? You don't have a shirt on. Enos: We were kind of in a hurry Daisy. Daisy: Oh you two. Cooter's got the others trapped in a net. Enos: How's Bo and Luke? Daisy: I don't know. Bo and Cooter are doing something to Luke, but I can't tell what it is. Chris: Luke's done for. That pill we gave him'll work wonders. Enos: If that pill you gave him is what I think it is, then all the ingredients for an antidote are right there by that still. Chris: Huh? Luke saw the same thing. Bo used some of the tubing and parts of the still to boil up some herbs Cooter gathered up. Luke managed to drink it before falling back to sleep. Bo: I sure hope this works. Cooter: Me too.
  19. Balladeer: Friends and neighbors, it's been a while since I've seen something like that walking into Boss's office. The lady walks into the office. Boss: Well well well! If it isn't my favorite niece, Emily Hogg! Emily: Hello Uncle Jefferson. Boss: And still as onery. Rosco! Get in here. Rosco: (coming in) Yes Boss...ooooh oh. Well don't you look purdy? Emily: Howdy Sheriff. Boss: Rosco, you remember my neice Emily don't ya? Rosco: Doh! You mean dis pretty little thing here? Well shoot, you done grown up like a weed mmmmm...and in all the right places... Boss: Rosco! Rosco: Uh yeah? Boss: My niece is here, because I"m considering giving her a job. Rosco: Oooh. Well isn't that nice of you? Enos: (coming in with a clipboard) Sheriff? You want to sign these now? Rosco: Oh yeah, give me that. Emily: Well hey Enos. Enos: (jumps) Possum on a gumbush! Is that you Emily? Emily: It sure is. My but don't you look good in that uniform. Enos: (taking back the clipboard) I'm gonna go on patrol now Sheriff. Enos scoots out of the room as Emily looks after him, licking her lips. Boss: Emily, don't tell me you're still hung up on that boy. Emily: He's the only one who plays hard to get...I love that. Rosco: Oh shoot, he ain't playing. He's just ain't interested in anybody as he's too hung up on Daisy Duke. Boss: ROSCO! Emily: (frowning) Daisy Duke? Boss grabs Rosco and ushers him out of the office as Emily stares out the window with fire in her eyes. Emily: So Daisy's still around is she? Boss: Rosco, don't ever EVER mention the name of Daisy Duke around Emily. Rosco: But I thought... Boss: No buts! Them girls have been feudin' since before they could talk. If they start at it again, I'm either gonna lose my niece as a business partner, or my star waitress. Rosco: Business partner? Boss: Never you mind. I need Emily here and the best way to keep her here is to keep the peace between her and Daisy Duke. Now shut your mouth. Rosco: mmmmm...
  20. (Pronunciation Guide: Everyone pronounces Emily's name like "Emma Lee") Tonight on the Dukes: When an old nemesis of Daisy's shows up in town, it takes every man in Hazzard to prevent world war three from busting loose! Bo, Luke, and Cooter are over at the garage, looking under the hood of the General. Cooter: Yeah, I can have him done by tomorrow. Bo: Yeee Haw! Luke: For how much? Cooter: Oh just $45. Bo: Whew! We can afford that right Luke? Luke: I think so. We might have to borrow a bit but... Bo: HOT DANG! Luke and Cooter look up as a red Mustang Convertible drives up and parks in front of the courthouse. A young woman steps out with long blond hair, sunglasses, and a tight pinstripe skirt and matching suit jacket. Cooter: Would you look at the lines on that one... Bo: And her car ain't bad either... Luke: Uh fellas...Is that who I think it is? The girl whisks off the sunglasses, glances over at them, gives a sly smile, and walks up the steps into the courthouse. Cooter: It isn't... Bo: It couldn't be... Luke: It is. Cooter: You reakon? Luke: We'd better warn Daisy.
  21. <back to present> "So THEN you got married?" "Yes honey," said Daisy. "Then we got married." "Was it a big wedding?" "No," said Daisy. "We thought he might get the hives again so..." "You didn't." "We had to," said Daisy. "And Vegas was just a couple hours away..." "My parents eloped in Vegas," Lily laughed. "It really wasn't that bad," said Daisy. "The food is really cheap out there since they want you to spend your money on gambling, and of course we weren't there to gamble." "So how was it?" "Never you mind about that," scolded her mother. "We have the five of you don't we?"
  22. <FLASHBACK TO 1985> Once again, Daisy found herself saying goodbye to Enos at the Atlanta airport. "I'll miss you," said Daisy, hugging him. "I'll miss you too," said Enos. "When I get enough money...I'll send for you." "I'll be waiting," said Daisy, looking him in the eyes. "I promise." "You mean it?" "Oh Enos," said Daisy. "I couldn't lie to you." This time, she didn't have to wait for his kiss. She needed it, as the next year was plenty hard to get through. Plenty of men would still flirt with her at the Boar's Nest, some of them were even cute. But she was determined that she was going to love Enos and would look the other way. Whenever there was a dance, she'd go with either Cooter or Cletus, who both knew who she was being faithful to. Then, after a long hard year, she got the telegram. "Uncle Jesse," she cheered, running into the house. "Look at this!" "Daisy," read Uncle Jesse. "Stop. I'm ready if you are, stop. Come soon. Enos." "This is it," Daisy cheered. "He has enough money and I've stayed faithful to him. We're getting married!"
  23. <back to present> "So that's it?" Lily asked. "Or is there more?" "Of course there's more," said Daisy. "Here. Let me feed Georgia now." The women traded babies. Lily held onto George, who dropped right off to sleep, as Daisy started feeding Georgia. "So what happened?" "Well," said Daisy. "I decided I needed to show your father that I loved him." "And how'd you do that?" "Well," said Daisy. "He gave me the perfect way to do it the next week. He left again." "What?" "He left for California," Daisy said. "He was going to work there for about a year to save up money. Then, he was going to send for me."
  24. <FLASHBACK CONTINUED> Daisy went inside and wasn't surprised to see Uncle Jesse, sitting at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee. "Well there you are," he said. "I was wondering if I could still trust that boy but..." "Oh Uncle Jesse," Daisy smiled. "You know you can." "Yeah I know," said the old man. "So?" "So what?" "You want to talk about it?" "Oh Uncle Jesse," Daisy sighed. "I still don't know. I still don't know if I love him or not." "Does he love you?" "Of course he does," Daisy laughed. "Everyone knows that." "Well," said Uncle Jesse. "How do you know he loves you?" "Oh that's easy," said Daisy. "He gets me flowers, takes me out..." "Bo and Luke do that for girls," Jesse said. "Doesn't mean they're in love." "Well," said Daisy. "He's had to rescue me a couple of times..." "Bo and Luke have rescued plenty of girls," said Uncle Jesse. "Oh," said Daisy. "Think about it," said Uncle Jesse. "What has Enos done for you that neither Bo or Luke or any other man in this county done?" "What?" "Or rather," said Uncle Jesse. "What has he NOT done?" "Oh," said Daisy, as it dawned on her. "Ooooooh." "That," said Uncle Jesse. "Is why everyone's so sure he loves you." "Oh Uncle Jesse," said Daisy. "I wish I had done the same." "Well you have haven't ya?" he asked. "Unless there's something I don't know about." "You know what I mean," Daisy said. "I haven't been faithful at all. Even if I've never gone that far..." "Daisy," said Uncle Jesse. "Can you picture yourself being married to anyone else?" Daisy had to pause at that one. She tried, but she honestly couldn't. Not to Gaylord or Jude or Mason Dixon or even Jamie Lee...but Enos? It was all to easy to picture herself married to him. She'd done it before, not too seriously, but she had. "No," said Daisy finally. "I can't...But I can see myself with Enos without any trouble." "Well then," said Uncle Jesse. "But does that mean I love him?" "Daisy," said Uncle Jesse. "A lot of people think love is something you feel." "Isn't it?" "Not really," said Jesse. "Oh there's the emotional part of it yes, but real love is something you DO. Bailing them boys out of jail is done out of love. Giving up the whiskey trade was done out of love." "Putting up with a reputation?" "That was done out of love," said Uncle Jesse. "The question is, do you want to love him?" Daisy paused. "Yes," she said. "Then do it," said Uncle Jesse, finishing his coffee. "I'm going to bed."
  25. <FLASHBACK TO 1985, shortly after "Opening Night at the Boar's Nest" episode> It was a perfect night as Enos and Daisy walked hand in hand down the road. Neither were saying anything as both of them were deep in thought. It had only been two weeks ago that they'd come so close to getting married. Neither were really sure if they were going to try again or not, or if they should. Enos knew he loved her. He had for years. But what bothered him was that he didn't know if she loved him. He didn't want her to marry him if she didn't. She wouldn't be happy, and all he had ever wanted was for her to be happy, even if it meant he had to give her up. Daisy was confused, unsure if she really loved him or not. She knew he loved her. He'd proved himself ten times over that he did. She hated the way she had left him hanging on all these years. It had always been convinient to have him around, but a lot of times she took advantage of that. She really didn't want to do that anymore, but she wasn't sure if she loved him, and if she didn't, she really didn't want to tell him that. They wound up in the secret place by the tree. Enos used to come out here to hide away from everybody and only Daisy would be able to find him. They sat down and looked at the stars. Daisy rested her head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around her, holding her close. Enos didn't need to ask. He could tell she wasn't sure yet. He just wanted to hold her, as he might not be able to much longer. Daisy wasn't sure what to do or say, or if she should say anything. She knew he was just waiting for an answer, just like he had been for years. She didn't have an answer, but then she had an idea. Daisy lifted her head and looked at him. His eyes met hers and they gazed at each other. Normally, Daisy would kiss him, and he'd blush, or stammer, or something like that. But Daisy decided it was time for her to stop moving first. She was going to wait until he did it. Enos looked right back at her. After a few seconds, he realized that she wasn't going to kiss him this time. After a few more seconds, he figured out that she was waiting him out. He knew what he had to do, but wasn't sure if he could. Enos licked his lips and leaned forward slightly. Daisy did too. Their lips barely brushed each other, and Enos hesitated and pulled back a bit. Still, Daisy waited. Then Enos came back. His lips gently touched hers and she felt it. She wasn't sure what it was, but all she wanted was to stay there with him, to keep kissing him back, to stay there forever, even to... Then Enos pulled back, breathing a little heavier. "We'd better go." "But..." Daisy started. "Daisy," he said, his hand on her cheek. "You know how I feel about you and that I'd never hurt you...but I'm still a man and I still get tempted so...you better let me take you home." With that, he helped her up and they started back. He took her to his car and drove her home, as Daisy had let Luke borrow her Jeep. Like a proper gentleman, he walked her to the door. "Goodnight Daisy," he said. "Goodnight Enos," she said. Enos noticed she still had a hold of his hand and was waiting again. "Well," he thought. "Why not?" He gently kissed her again and she felt it again. The sensation that she didn't want him to leave... As quickly as it came, it ended. "Goodnight Daisy," said Enos. She let him go and watched him drive away. "Oh Enos," she sighed. "What am I going to do with you?"
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