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Rayford Flicker

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Everything posted by Rayford Flicker

  1. Hey I just finished season 2 on DVD, and thought it was great, well obviously it was...it was the DUKES! Hey when are we gunna see season 3,4, etc? Is it based on the Success of the movie? Thanks
  2. The wardrobe for Bo and Luke sucks.
  3. hmmm i wonder why they're filming in those clothes?
  4. can u get pictures from the set? Hey and I saw sum pics of Sean William Scott in a blue tee, and Jonny K in a red button up shirt, are they filming in those? thanks
  5. haha capt, ur right, it was just an idea
  6. Why dont we just use the original?...
  7. Fat suit?, maybe they'll use one like they did for Fat Bastard in the Ausin Powers movies....
  8. Im 15 and in 9th grade, but i started watchin the dukes in '96 on TNN and my aunt has been getting me things from the dukes, shes some how connected to someone. I've got the usuallys the general lee toys etc, but i have a Luke Duke worne jean jacket that he wore in season one, he wore more than one, a signed John Schneider cowboy boot, and a Sorrel Brooke ( boss hogg, sorry about spelling) autographed pic.
  9. I hope the get the outfits correct for Bo and Luke
  10. There are sum pix of the police cars and the general on this forum. It says pictures and video of the General lee!!!!....or sumthin like that. Yeah I saw the cars they like around an '85 chevy Carprice, i mean they're fine, but why not go for the 74, 75 furys that they used in all 7 seasons except for 1 and partly 2. THe design on the side says hazzard county police, but why not be like they were.
  11. What!, omg, u shouldnt change things, first of all things were fine and thats maybe the kind of thing you do for a reunion, when people know what the show was like. I was thinking it was going to be sort of like one armed bandots, in the sense like in the beginning " This is Bo and Luke, they fight the system" and tell whats goin on and a brief summary of hazzard. I dont know tho, im sure that the old cast members and WB will make it like it was, the reason im kinda mad, is because I saw sum pix on MTV.com and it shows Bo in a blue graphic Tee and Luke in a red button up shirt un buttoned, i dunno maybe that was before they got in wardrobe.
  12. why is gainy playin Roscoe, have u looked at the pic of him on MTV.com? Gainey looks like a run off of Sherrif RagsDale (Doublesting) and Sherrif Little. He looks big, mean, weird sideburns and isnt in the official uniform.
  13. Yeah, I can see Jonny Knoxville, kinda being a bust, cuz of him being not as smart or serious as luke. I was lookin at pix of the filming at MTV.com and Knoxville was in a red plad button up shirt un buttoned, im gunna be made if the outfits are messed up. But when Starski and Hutch came out, everyone liked it, but sum serious fans of the show were dissapointed becuz they left out important things , i've only seen about 10 episodes of Starski and hutch, so i dont really know what the movie missed, but i can see people liking the movie, eventho i might not if its not like the real show.
  14. Yeah I was in first grade when it came out in '96 ( im 15, and in 9th grade) I was hooked on it ever since i saw the first episode. I have about 1/4 of the dukes shows on VHS, I have the complete 1st season except for Daisy's song. I just beat the new video game "Return of the general lee". Im excited for the second season, it comin back on CMT, and the movie. Is there like a site where u can download dukes episodes? thanks
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