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Everything posted by bethie88

  1. Daisy smiled as she walked across the room to Dixie. "Well, honey," she said, "It's about that time." Dixie smiled. All of the unmarried women gathered around for the tossing of the bouquet. Dixie was smiling as she turned her back to the group of women. Most of them had a very important reason to want that bouquet. Dixie carefully, but with no planned receiver, tossed the flowers over her head. They landed neatly in Debbie's hand! She blushed bright red as Jeb winked at her. She couldn't believe this! Then Luke had to throw the garter. Luke wasn't altogether comfortable with the idea of holding something like a garter. It made him feel funny, but he smiled. It was worth it. He took the garter, and tossed it into the waiting group of men, grinning when he turned around to see a highly uncomfortable Jeb holding the garter. Bo told Daisy to get the rice ready. Then he nodded to Cooter that it was time to help the bride and groom get out. Bo quickly took over the mic. And in true Bo Duke showman's fashion, he said, "Ladies and Gentlemen, if you'll just step outside and see Miss Daisy, the bride and groom will be out presently. And then, it's off to the honeymoon for them." Dixie blushed again. She'd get Bo when she and Luke got back from the honeymoon. Cue Dixie
  2. Before they had gotten there, Lisa and Jeb had pretty well decided what THEY were going to do during their trip to the lake. Jeb, being a Duke, was quite the charmer. And Lisa had quickly set her eye on him. Luke was keeping an eye on them, knowing that Lisa was at least 19, most likely older, and that Jeb was only 16. Jeb was a little annoyed at his cousin, knowing that Luke was keepind an eye on them. Dixie was having fun with Luke, since Cooter, Kathy, Jeb, and Lisa were paying them absolutely no attention. They talked about cars, and things, and then Luke had the strange urge to tell Dixie, "Hey, you look real nice tonight." Dixie smiled at Luke's comment, but was a little confused about the butterflies in her stomach. "Thanks," she said. ~**~**~**~**~**~ Bo and Beth were headed home in Beth's Camaro, when all of the sudden... Cue Dixie
  3. Just in case you're still curious... The car from the Munsters was called Dragula! And as far as Herbie vs. The General... Let's just say the Herbie movie might be better than the Dukes movie after hearing all the crap with Uncle Jessie and them Dukes smoking up. But you never know, do you? Thanks!
  4. "But here I am anyway. Luke, You are my cousin, but I've never felt like you were just a cousin. I've always felt like you were a brother. You... You ARE a brother, really. And as someone who knows you in the way a brother knows another brother, I know you've been to h--- and back. More than once. Sometimes I wondered if you'd ever settle down. 'Course, Uncle Jesse always wondered about both of us." He smiled a little. "But anyway, the point is, after all you've been through, you deserve this. The two of you are so right for each other, and now noone can ever take this away from you. "Dixie," Bo continued, "You are a wonderful person. And I know you'll keep this cousin of mine straight. I don't know if he'll be able to keep you under control, but anyway..." Dixie smiled at Bo, but in a playfully threatening way. "I know you two will be happy. Because, through all these years of being apart, you never gave up on each other. And if you've held on to hope this long, I don't think that hopeful spirit will ever die." "So," Bo lifted a glass of shine, "Here's to Mr. and Mrs. Luke Duke." Everyone raised their glasses to toast the couple. Dixie and Luke were smiling at one another. Neither wanted to look away from the other from fear that they wouldn't be there when they looked again. After all of the pictures were taken, the real fun began. Jeb, Coy, Vance, and some others who had once played in a band at the Boar's Nest pretty often, had gotten together and practiced a few times. They had all stayed with music to some extent, so thankfully, they weren't too rusty. They set up, and began to play. Beth and Bo were the first to sing, a song they dedicated to Dixie, Beth saying, "Honey, this was your theme song for too long." Dixie smiled, when she recognised the beginning notes of Waylon Jennings's "Good Hearted Woman." She's a good-hearted woman in love with a good-timin' man She loves him in spite of his wicked ways She don't understand Through teardrops and laughter, They'll pass through this world hand in hand, She's a good-hearted woman loving a good-timin' man. Well, a long time forgotten Dreams have just fell by the way And the good life he promised Ain't what she's living today But she never complains of the bad times Or bad things he's done She just talks about the good times they've had And all the good times to come. She's a good-hearted woman in love with a good-timin' man She loves him in spite of his wicked ways She don't understand Through teardrops and laughter, They'll pass through this world hand in hand, She's a good-hearted woman loving a good-timin' man. He likes the bright light, the nite life And good-timin' friends When the party's all over She'll welcome him back home again She don't understand him, But she does the best that she can This good-hearted woman Lovin' a good-timin' man. She's a good-hearted woman in love with a good-timin' man She loves me in spite of my wicked ways She don't understand Through teardrops and laughter, They'll pass through this world hand in hand, She's a good-hearted woman loving a good-timin' man. She's a good-hearted woman loving a good-timin' man. Next, Luke sang to his bride, Conway Twitty's "Lay You Down." There's a lot of ways of sayin' what I want to say to you, There's songs and poems and promises and dreams that might be true. But I wont talk of stary skies or moonlight on the ground, I'll come right out and tell you, I'd just love to lay you down. Lay ya down and softly whisper pretty love words in your ear. Lay ya down and tell you all the things a woman loves to hear. I'll let you know how much it means just havin' you around. Oh darlin', how I'd love to lay you down. There's so many ways your sweet love made this house into a home. You've got a way of doin' little things that turn me on. Like standin' in the kitchen in your faded cotton gown, With your hair all up in curlers, I'd still love to lay ya down. Lay ya down and softly whisper pretty love words in your ear. Lay ya down and tell you all the things a woman loves to hear. I'll let you know how much it means just havin' you around. Oh darlin', how I'd love to lay you down. When a whole lot of Decembers are showin' in your face. Your auburn hair has faded and silver takes it's place. You'll be just as lovely and I'll still be around. And if I can, I know that I'd still love to lay you down. Lay ya down and softly whisper pretty love words in your ear. Lay ya down and tell you all the things a woman loves to hear. I'll let you know how much it means just havin' you around. Oh darlin', how I'd love to lay you down. Lay ya down and softly whisper pretty love words in your ear. Lay ya down and tell you all the things my woman loves to hear. I'll let you know how much it means just havin' you around. Oh darlin', how I'd love to lay you down. Lay ya down and softly whisper pretty love words in your ear. Lay ya down and tell you all the things my woman loves to hear. I'll let you know how much it means just havin' you around. Oh darlin', how I'd love to lay you down... Dixie was smiling brightly as everyone started to yell that it was her turn to sing. As she approached the stage....... Cue Dixie
  5. Jeb was very polite, which almost made Dixie laugh, knowing what he was like on a day to day basis. "Well, Dixie," he said. "Didn't none of us have an idea who you were when you walked in." Dixie smiled. "Is that good, or bad?" Jeb grinned that Duke grin, and it might have melted any girl had her mind not been on another member of the Duke clan. "It's a real good thing if you ask me," Jeb said with a laugh. Beth was dancing with Bo, when he smiled and said, "Honey, you don't think Dixie's got her eye on Jeb, do ya?" Beth looked into her husband's blue eyes and smiled. "I don't know. All I know is, she's got her eye on somebody special. But you better keep that to yourself." Bo grinned. "I will." Beth looked up at him and smiled as he leaned in to kiss her. "You are really something," she said, pressing even closer to him. He smiled. "So are you." Beth was so tired. But she didn't want the night to end. It had been such fun seeing the looks on the guys' faces when they'd all walked in. Bo could tell she was tired, and so in his ever-protective manner, he said, "Honey, we need to get you home and in bed. You look really tired." "Bo, I'll be fine. Just a little longer, please." Bo grinned. "Just a little," he said, as he felt her head lean onto his chest. He smiled, and rested his chin on top of her head. Cue Dixie
  6. I don't know. I have mixed feelings about the lucky dog.
  7. I always liked for Bo to drive. First of all, because I liked Bo best, but secondly, because of this: the first two seasons almost always had Bo driving, and whenever Luke started driving, it seemed to throw off the Fraternal Order of the General Lee's Front Seat. lol.
  8. I respect your opinion as well, though I am a big Dale Jr. fan.
  9. lol! Glad you like it, and I'll update as soon as I can.
  10. lol! I don't like JG! But I do feel sorry for them losing all of those ppl.
  11. Yeeeehaaaw for the General Lee!
  12. Early the next morning, Dixie was up and at 'em. Daisy was busily helping her get ready, Debbie was making sure everything Dixie needed for the church was in line, and Beth was trying, although the other girls were trying to make her rest. She was getting a little annoyed at being left out, but she knew that it was just because the girls loved her. As they fixed Dixie's hair, Beth was smiling. "Honey, you look so pretty. Luke might just faint dead away at the altar." "He better not faint till he's said some vows." The girls all laughed. Dixie looked around her. Ruth Anne was awake, and had joined in on getting Dixie ready. Laura and Jessica had also arrived early to help. As they all sat around, Dixie, Daisy, and Beth were all fighting back surges of memories. The younger girls knew something was up, so they immediately tried to figure it out. Ruth Anne put her arm around Beth. "What is it, Mama?" Beth smiled. "Nothing, honey. Nothing at all." "Something's on your mind," Ruth Anne said. "Tell me." Beth smiled again. "Being with Dixie and Daisy again... It brings back memories." Dixie nodded, only for Daisy to put her head back like it was. "It sure does. This has been quite the adventure these past few months." Daisy agreed. "It sure has. It's been really nice." "I only wish you were staying in Hazzard, too," Dixie said, patting Daisy's hand. Jessica smiled. "I'm glad I've been able to meet you all, and find out how wonderful you all are. No wonder Bo's so proud of you." Beth smiled fondly. "Bo's a good boy. A real good boy." Jessica nodded. She loved the Duke family. So did Laura, who was just a little shy, and didn't voice anything, although she was enjoying just being with the Duke women. The girls were having alot of fun. Beth smiled when she heard a knock on the door. "Who is it?" she called. "Luke," said a voice on the other side. Luke was hoping to get to talk to Dixie. "Well, I'm afraid you're going to have to stay out there, Luke." Luke sighed. "You women." To which all of the girls replied in unison, "You men!" Daisy waited until Dixie had eaten, although she ate very little, to apply her makeup. Dixie never was much for wearing makeup, but when she did, she made it count. Daisy was a genius with hair and makeup, and Dixie knew that no salon could have done better. Beth knew how to do hair and makeup, too, and she and Daisy were quite a team. Jessica, Laura, and Ruth Anne mostly watched, but they helped however they could. Ruth Anne was the official guard to keep the men from joining the party. Bo and Luke were downstairs, Bo trying to keep Luke calm, and Luke trying not to lose his mind with excitement. Luke was pacing in the kitchen. Bo grinned and said, "Cousin, if you don't calm down. You look more like a man about to be a father than one who's just gettin' married." "Just gettin' married?" Luke asked. "In Hazzard, you're never 'just' doing anything." At this moment, Ruth Anne walked into the room. "Daddy, Uncle Luke... Mama said for y'all to get ready and head on to the church. She said for me to go with y'all to put up the streamers, since she and Dixie and the others don't have time." "Why can't we put up the streamers?" Bo asked his daughter. "Daddy... Mama said she knows you too well." Bo grinned, "Yeah.... I guess she does." Luke clapped Bo on the shoulder. "Well, cousin, I better go hit the showers before I get dressed." Bo nodded. "Go ahead. I call 'em when you get done." Coy, Vance, Jeb, Randy, Bo, Jr., and Jake were all awake as well. Coy and Vance waited in line for the indoor shower, but Bo, Jr., Jeb, Randy and Jake opted for the shower in the barn. The rest of the guys were going to take their showers once the others left for the church. As Beth, Daisy, Debbie, Laura, and Jessica worked on Dixie's hair and makeup, then their own, Lisa and Casey woke up and made breakfast, with alot of coffee. After eating, Luke, Bo, Jeb, Coy, Vance, Cooter, BJ, Bo, Jr., and Jake left for the church, taking Ruth Anne with them. Before long, the other girls had Dixie all ready, except for the dress. She was wearing jeans and a button top until she got to the church, so that the dress would be safe. Beth laughed as she walked into the yard and realized that the men had taken the General and Stormy. She shook her head as she thought of the men, all in suits, climbing in and out of car windows. The girls loaded all of the bridesmaids dresses and Dixie's gown into the back of Beth's car. All of the ladies, except Lisa and Casey rode in Beth's car. The two of them stayed back at the house to make sure coffee pots and stoves and curling irons were off. Beth, Daisy, and Debbie nearly had a fit when Luke came to see who had pulled up outside. Daisy shooed Luke back in, saying, "Luke Duke, don't you dare try sneaking a peek!" Daisy followed Luke into the church so that the other girls could get Dixie in without his seeing her. Cue Dixie
  13. Yay for Kyle! I've been hoping he'd start finishing better. Especially since he lost Adam. I've really thought he deserved to do better!
  14. I <3 Kevin Harvick. Not as much as Jr., but I still <3 him!
  15. Luke almost choked on his beer before realizing that the young woman he was looking at looked very familiar. Who... It was then that the girls walked over to the table. When the pretty girl Luke couldn't tear his eyes away from said, "Hey, Cooter, is Dad OK with this?" Luke nearly fainted dead away. It was Dixie! After he regained his composure a little, Luke smiled. "Hey, girls!" he said. "Y'all sure are lookin' nice tonight." "Thanks, Luke!" Daisy said, playfully elbowing Dixie. Beth had immediately gone to sit with Bo, who had put his arm around her with a smile. "Hey, Sunshine. You look real pretty tonight." "Thanks, honey," Beth said, as Bo kissed her. By this time, Mac had asked Daisy to dance to "If You've Got Leavin' On Your Mind" . Next on the floor were Cooter and Kathy. Bo lead Beth out on the floor, and then Luke and Jeb were sitting there looking at each other. Dixie walked over and sat down between them. Luke and Jeb looked at each other again, then Luke turned to Dixie. "Miss Davenport," he said. "Can I have this dance?" Cue Dixie
  16. Jeb grudgingly walked over to Enos, Brody, and Mac. "Fellas, I... I can't be racin' y'all if Beth's in that car with me." Brody grinned, and his grin was so friendly that it made Jeb feel a little bit better. "Sorry, Jeb," Brody said. "It was all my fault. I shoulda thought about Beth and the baby before I signalled y'all." Jeb nodded. "Thanks, Brody." "No problem," Brody said. "I'll see ya." Brody climbed in his Camaro. Mac patted Jeb on the shoulder before climbing into his Fairlane. Enos, too, said good-bye and left. Cooter took Dixie off to the side of the house. "Hey there, Little Sister," Cooter said with a grin. "Hey, Cooter," she replied. "OK, so here's the pressing question of the moment. Just what happened back there?" Dixie began to explain, and by the time she had finished her story, Cooter was about to die laughing. "Cooter, it's not funny!" Cooter grinned. "It is when you've known the Dukes as long as I have." "Cooter, Bo and Jeb are cousins. It's not funny when cousind are fighting." "Listen, now. They'll be over it in a day or two." Dixie smiled. "Well, I'll take your word for it. But anyway... can you tell Dad I'm staying at the Dukes tonight?" "You got it!" Cooter said. Dixie hugged him, and he was off. ~*~*~*~*~*~ Late that night, Dixie and Daisy were in Daisy's room discussing Dixie's desire to "change the bait." Dixie shook her head. "I'm just tired of being Cooter's little sister." Daisy nodded. Whether or not most people believed it, she had long been known as Bo and Luke's tagalong cousin. "Well, honey," Daisy said, "First thing in the morning, we'll get you all dolled up. But we better make it worth it. No point in doing your hair and makeup when there's nowhere to go. So we'll call up all the fellas and some other girls and go to the Boar's Nest tomorrow night." Dixie smiled. "I'd like that." ~*~*~*~*~*~ Bo and Beth were lying in bed. Beth looked up into Bo's eyes. Or, the one eye he could actually open now. "I appreciate Jeb apoplogizing to us. But, Bo..." "Yeah?" "Honey... I'm sure the baby and I would have been just fine." Bo pulled her close. "Maybe so. Maybe so, but still. I told Jeb to be careful. You're my wife, and that's my baby. It's not his choice." Beth took Bo's chin in her hand and brought his face down. She pressed a kiss to his lips. "Honey, I know you're just trying to do what's best for us. But don't be too hard on him. Bo, do you see how he looks up to you and Luke? He wants to be just like you two." Bo smiled. "I always wanted to be just like Luke." "Jeb looks up to you. That's why he raced the General." Bo kissed Beth. "Sometimes I just can't believe I ended up with such a beautiful woman." Beth smiled as Bo pulled her close and kissed her. ~*~*~*~*~*~ The next morning... Cue Dixie
  17. Wal-mart is much less expensive, as well! Thanks!
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