HAZZARDNET ANNIVERSARY!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Hnet rocks! Its the best DOH website on the internet! Heres to the next ten years!!! I am very grateful to you MeadowMufn and to you MaryAnne and to you Brian as well!! LONG LIVE HAZZARDNET!!!
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! *clears throat* uh yeah that sort of looks like that doesnt it?? Like a blind date that went bad and now a certain set of handcuffs keys are missing! *laughs*
You cant think of a caption for that picture Brian? Well it could be youre not properly inspired! I just found a great picture and this should bring some interesting results! *laughs* Yes you too can own your very own Houdini Starter Kit! Great for learning how to escape all of those hazzardous situations! Only 19.95! Call for yours today!
or the evil twin shows up, and is working for the mob, and now there to make amends and help the police capture the mob so the evil twin can die with a clean conscience and of course give all his money to the orphanage. *grins, chuckles*
Yeah...I agree! Lets do a V-Day challenge! If you dont get the story in on time, you get an avatar of a broken heart!! What do you guys think? *laughs*
ACK!! Its the Grinch!!! Wait a second... I'm the Grinch!! You all better keep a really close eye on your Christmas gifts and roast beast!! *evil grinchy laugher*