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Everything posted by Dasy_General_01fan

  1. Dude you cannot actually believe that they would take out something as important as the General...man your crazy thats one of the most important characters in the show.
  2. Nice work keep em comin
  3. Very Nice!...keep em comin
  4. Hey Nice pics man....man Jessica looks good in them shorts!
  5. Aw..come on guys no chevy's you gotta stick with fords....maybe a Torino..or Mustang but no Trans-Ams or ne other kind of chevy...im a ford guy
  6. I agree with that Capt_rednck...I'm still stuck on the Gretchen Wilson thing for Daisy...she would blow jessica simpson right out of the water for the part!
  7. Hey, I agree with that completely this is i think the best Dukes Of Hazzard site I have found and I am a TRUE Dukes Of Hazzard Fan no doubt! I have enjoyed this website more than any i have found!
  8. I respect your idea for having the old cast in there somewhere...and think that it definately should have Bo and Luke in there somewhere for something..and possibly Catherine Bach as well...but as for adding a bunch of the cast in there....at one way i think it is a good idea but in another way it doesn't seem like too good of an idea to me. I think they will probably do a fairly well job with it
  9. I think that Danny Devito would make a great Boss Hogg...and Paul Walker sounds like a good Bo as well....and something i'd like to add while im on that topic...I've already read somewhere and loved the idea is Chevy Chase as Roscoe! Im a huge Chevy Chase fan! Thats my thoughts on it! tell me what ya'll think.
  10. I'm sorry guys but im gonna have to disagree with you..I think and its just my opinion so don't take it the wrong way but I think Dolly will ruin the movie I mean she's an ok singer....but she's not a very good actor!
  11. I definately agree with most all of this.....but.....I definately do not want any new songs in it! and they need to stick with the original version of The Good Ole Boys. can't beat waylons version!...just my thoughts on it!
  12. Hey, Meadowmufn, I think that your cast idea would be great...except one correction in my oppinion...I think Ben Stiller should be Luke?! But on the other hand, I think Chevy Chase would be a good Roscoe! I'm a big Chevy Chase fan...anybody else agree with this?!
  13. Well, I can understand that...I mean it does take a while to do all of that...I'm just so excited to see this movie!LOL
  14. Yeah, I totally agree...when I think of The Dukes Of Hazzard I think of John Schneider, Tom Wallpat, Catherine Bach, Denver Pyle, Sorell Booke, etc. I mean theres no beating the original cast
  15. Besides Super Troopers and Club Dread, what else has this guy directed? I have never heard of him. Don't get me wrong he could be a great director...but in my opinion I think they should get someone thats had just a little more experience. Maybe Steven Spielburg, or possibly the guy who directed Starsky & Hutch which I loved and think they did a great job with. All I'm saying is that it might be a little bit better with someone who's been out there a lil while ya know. Or this may turn out to be as good or better than Starsky & Hutch lol i don't know.
  16. Its just my opinion...but that guy doesn't look like he would make a good Roscoe. It sounds kinda wierd but...he doesn't look like he could throw insults like ole Roscoe!
  17. Now....its just my opinion...and don't get me wrong i like burt reynolds (big Smokey and the Bandit fan) but i just can't see him as boss hogg...boss wasn't that old of a guy..i mean no he wasn't a young guy and i don't know how old burt is now but...i just don't know about that..i could be completely wrong he may do a wonderful job as boss..and i also don't know about willie nelson as jesse..i mean come on willie nelson is this little guy...jesse was a pretty big guy...but again i may be wrong on that as well, and on that topic im not sure about dolly pardon...whoever she plays. im a really big Dukes Of Hazzard fan, I really hope they make it unforgettable...but July as a release date sounds kinda far off..
  18. Wow...that is awesome! how cool is that knowing your that close to the filiming of "The Dukes Of Hazzard"...
  19. Hey, man...im a new memeber to this site...and i have enjoyed reading..some of these...postings...and i have read alot of good ideas and i think that yours isn't the only good one but is one of the best ones ive read about Gretchen Wilson being Daisy Duke. I mean I agree with you completely. I mean im just not sure about Jessica Simson as Daisy. Some of the stuff I've heard about her...it just doesn't seem to fit. It just makes sense her bein Daisy.
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