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  1. Next time I can't think of something I definitely will! Thanks so much for the lovely welcome from all of you
  2. Omg thank you so much this has been killing me! Going to watch tonight :)
  3. I'm one of the younger dukes of Hazzard watchers (I'm 21) as my dad had all the DVDs when I was younger and we'd watch the show all the time. I'm looking for the episode with a specific scene that won't leave my head. Bo is driving the general and Luke in the passenger seat, and I feel like someone else was in the car with them. There's a truck coming the other way, Bo swerves around it. He says something about being a great driver, and then another truck comes. He swerves round that again and Luke says 'how did you do that twice' (or something along those lines). I'm sure there's more to the scene then that but that's all I can remember and its really annoying that I can't place the episode. Thank you for any help
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