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Philip_Duke last won the day on September 30 2021

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  1. Yeah, and it has the iconic horn sound. I'd always play it whenever I jumped over whatever.
  2. I've played this game to death so am pretty much done with it, but it sure was fun to play with General Lee as my main car (well, not really as it's missing the Rebel Flag).
  3. Sounds like something Uncle Jesse would say. "I'm not your uncle." 🤣
  4. For the first time watching the show, sure, but afterwards it's just optional. I watched the whole of Married With Children, the early seasons were absolutely fantastic although the later ones were really hard to stomach as it wasn't really that funny, if anything, it just felt unpleasant and rude. As if they had forgotten about comedy. Think it was Seasons 1-7 (or 8), and afterwards it went downhill. The Dukes were never that bad, thankfully.
  5. The episodes are great don't get me wrong, but when watching Dukes of Hazzard I'd much rather see Bo & Luke than their replacements. Oh, and the jumps General Lee made I just love it. As cool as KITT is, never as much as the General. 😆
  6. I suppose it's just the looks and white beard he has. Every time I watch this I just see Uncle Jesse. 😅
  7. I do wish a publisher would make a new Dukes of Hazzard game that would cover the series and with great gameplay, but I fear the devs would be sent death threats because of the flag General Lee has. Probably the same reason the HD remaster hasn't been released on Blu-ray.. afraid they'll be called "racist" and be canceled.
  8. Amazon has a native HD Remaster which looks beautiful, but unfortunately they cropped it to 16:9 so we're missing the details from the top and bottom. Plus, it'll cut out the Rebel flag from the General Lee which is part of his character/identity. For a General Lee without the flag, it's the bootleg car in Burnout Paradise that looks nearly identical to General Lee. Burnout Paradise honestly feels like the best Dukes of Hazzard game there is as it allows us to do insane jumps with General Lee and I love that! The official DoH games weren't very good, I think. Sadly.
  9. True. I just can't put myself to watch that again and I tried a few years ago if I'd like it any better... No. There's an even crappier Dukes of Hazzard that came out in 2007 or something, let me check... The Dukes of Hazzard: The Beginning That looks pretty bad, even worse than the 2005 flick, yikes. Willie Nelson was in this one, too. Huh.
  10. 19 years ago already? Wow, that was fast. It's not necessarily a bad movie, just not very good. This is easily one, if not the best scene of the movie: I'd love to drive General Lee more than KITT (grew up watching it, but much prefer General Lee now).
  11. I've yet to get married, but if it were me I'd either take years or just never again. Schneider made videos with Alicia and one crying how hard it is, just to get remarried months later. Never mind the what the public thinks, Alicia is probably disappointed and saddened he already moved on.
  12. Love rewatching the show with Bo and Luke just good time and all, but Coy and Vance as good as they tried to be Bo and Luke's replacement it just didn't work, imo. They were good boys no doubt and very friendly, at least there's that. Some replacements are just painful to watch.
  13. I kept up with the updates as he posted on YouTube and others did it for him, and was hopeful he'd make a full recovery, but he left us. Left us too soon. Rest in peace, cowboy.
  14. I'm sorry, what?! He already moved on and remarried? That doesn't feel right to me. It's just too soon, in my opinion.
  15. Doesn't John Scheneider owns him? He [John Schneider] teased us with him on the movie "Tres Leches" (they only showed "01"). My favorite TV cars are: General Lee, K.I.T.T., Pontiac Firebird Trans, and the Impala (Supernatural). This list is an absolute disaster: https://www.scrapcarcomparison.co.uk/blog/the-ultimate-list-of-must-see-car-movies/ Smokey and the Bandit is number 23 while the crappy Dukes of Hazzard movie is 12? It makes no sense.
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