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cooter davenport fan

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Everything posted by cooter davenport fan

  1. I've lost interest in it. That's why i've disappeared from activity on this website.
  2. the address is 9910 tingert ave(not a reak street in hazz'd) *REAL street. Spell correct
  3. It's outdated and not all of it applies anymore.
  4. sorry, y'all. i forgot to add "TO" in the title of this thread in between "time" and "make".
  5. I've seen rosco drive it at least once. And i think cooter drive it in "cooter's girl". What other episodes?
  6. he lives in chickasaw. he has a job as a corpse transporter. his best friend is daniel twarpe, they used to be coworkers at a towing company. his full name is longstreet bernard, most folks call him LB, but my abbreviation is LS, or LSB. he has a blue chevy impala. longstreet's birthday is march 18. he's BB's brother. (BB stands for benjamin bradley). BB is a plumber, also living in chickasaw.
  7. my story of cooter & his wife beverly that the producers VERY RUDELY didn't include . (just so you know, i like to make old shows&movies be more modern in my imagination, which is what i've done in this one) When cooter davenport was 17,he eloped with Beverly hibbs who was 15. They were originally in Alabama, but went to Georgia. She decided cooter wasn’t marure enough, so she went back to her parents(matt & kylissa). Then she found out she was pregnant. Cooter found out but foolishly decided he should stay away. on 2-6-99 nancy lou was born. Beverly got remarried in 2001 to tyler nelson, and nancy lou received her step dad’s last name. Tyler and Beverly had 3 sons together, Richard in 2005, and twins named bryan & matthew in 2008. Cooter started a mechanic shop in 2002 & got a farm in 2009. Beverly & her family live in Burnsville,Alabama in a green double wide manufactured home. Their address is 290 crowant street. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nancy doesn’t live with her family anymore, she shares an apartment with her friend carryanne colben. The rent is 720, nancy does 400 of it. Her 1 st car was a silver 92 olds cutlass supreme coupe, that she got when she was 19; she got a drivers license when she was 17 & drove her parents red 70 ford Ltd. she got a “hand me down” phone from her dad that qualifies for reddit’s r/redneckengineering, it was an at&t ZTE “qwerty style” that had duct tape as the battery cover, She now uses another “hand me down” LG G3. Her phone number is 256-403-7722. The address where nancy & carryanne live is 8505 w. moritz avenue, unit 4.
  8. hezekiah pringle, & an unnamed pringle that owed money to the dukes for a maintenance job(roof?).
  9. In my imagination, longstreet's middle name is bernard. His birthday is march 18. His car is a white 49 chevy 3600. His best friend is daniel twarpe.
  10. could you now please post the long list you said you had,please.
  11. i got back into my account again , after resetting the password AGAIN, it'll probably last until i log out again, which i'll try to avoid. this really needs to be fixed so other users don't get tortured. thanks again for offering to help me.
  12. sorry for the obnoxious email, i know i can be better than that which i will. thankyou for giving me another chance with this. i already got back into my account & it WAS the problem of a weak password. i do hope you still post that list of what the topic is about, please.
  13. Such as abraham hogg, cooter's family(BB,longstreet,beverly,nancy), vance&coy, the pringles. Etc.
  14. are they ones he's working on & lets people use them without the owner's permission ?
  15. i'd like to know more about the hazzardnet'ers i talk to , including you
  16. Thanks for responding. Why would it have to be a scam for rosco to put a police issued vin on a vinless vehicle ?
  17. For example, the format could be GA-HZD-[MM/DD/YY] GA would be the state, HZD would be the county, [MM/DD/YY] would be the date(appearing like a production number).
  18. Here's what i made up about bo's inlaws Curtis benson(diane's dad). He has 5 kids from 2 marriages. From 1st marriage-sarah(fraud convict),brian,diane. 2nd marriage- lester & shawn. Curt is unemployed & used to work at a golf course. After bo got married, he let luke have the general lee. Diane had a green olds sedan that became his too. More about the rest of the doh folks. Bb davenport (nickname bb dav) has 4 cats, 3 tan ones & 1 tan black striped. Jd hogg has a golf course, the address is 9910 tingert ave(not a reak street in hazz'd). Cooter's dad's name is samuel steven davenport, birthday may 27. I don't know why i like the davenports so much
  19. Thanks, any comments about specific details ?
  20. ------- I said it was in photoshop-------- It was rosco's wedding photo, bo & diane's faces were put in it.
  21. did bo married diane in carnival of thrills? only in photoshop.
  22. stuff i made up about the hazzard world----

    character birthdays :  jd hogg nov 25, cletus june 20,enos aug 28,rosco may12, emory potter jan 16.daisy march 23,   cooter april 19, nancy lou feb 6, mary lou pringle aug 20, diane benson dec 7,luke nov 28, bo  sep 15, longstreet march 18, bb davenport may 23, adam venable oct 2, esther may 13, hughie hogg feb 7.

    phone numbers :  (area code 770 unless specified) dukes 467-1714                cooter 431-2777   city office 810-5005  cooter's ex wife 256-871-9106                longstreet 404-602-0994.
    vehicles :  longstreet-white 49 chevy pickup 3600, bb- 29 chevy coupe, pace arrow motorhome.

    other stuff:  cooter's ex wife beverly lives in burnsville alabama and is married to scott hibbs with their children nancy, richard & diane.(rich & diane are made up by me).

     bb & longstreet are brothers.

     bo is married to diane from carnival of thrills.

      cooter sold a car to the venables in good neighbors duke to replace the one that went off a cliff.

    mary pringle in hazzardville horror decided not to sell the home she inherited cuz it had centimental value, the home's address is 2629 pilvey road, the landline # that came with it is 770-682-9044.
    PLEASE REPLY !!!!! to username : cooter davenport fan.                           I NEED TO KNOW SOMEONE CARES.


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