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    Spike reacted to Mark B / Scooter Davenport in Hazzard is happening in Virginia!   
    As many of you know, Ben 'Cooter' Jones owns and operates 3 Dukes of Hazzard attractions in Tennessee and Virginia.  The Virginia location, which was located in Sperryville, has recently moved location a few miles away to neighboring Luray, Virgina.  The new Luray location is the biggest venue he has ever had- when it is finished it will have a retail store, Daisy's Diner, Dukes of Hazzard memorabilia museum, and will house replicas of the General Lee, Boss Hogg's Caddy, Roscoe's Patrol Car, Cooter's tow truck, and others.  The retail store and Daisy's Diner is already open 7 days a week (and you won't find a better grilled cheese sandwich anywhere).  The retail store carries a great line of original Dukes merchandise- everything from lighters to stuffed General Lees, and of course great T-shirts.  Admission is always free, but I challenge any Dukes fan to visit without buying at least a T-Shirt!
    In addition, about a quarter of the building is being turned into a replica of Cooter's Garage that visitors can explore!  Construction of the garage 'set' is currently underway and is stating to look very familiar (see pictures below).
    I've had the privilege of working with Ben Jones and his wife Alma to bring the garage to life.  Its an amazing and fun project, but the best part has been getting to know Ben and Alma and their extended Hazzard 'family' who work with them to run all the Cooter's locations.  Ben and Alma are two of the most genuine and creative people I've ever met.  
    The grand opening of the Luray location will be May 6th of this year when Cooter's hosts the Shenandoah Jamboree music festival.  But the big Dukes blow-out comes on July 29 and 30 with 'Cooter's Last Stand'.  This event will be a 'Dukesfest' style event with vendors, music, Dukes cast members, and a General Lee jump!  (For more information on any of the events, go to Cootersplace.com) 
    17632161_10155110478214402_1189871081453011783_o by mommydawn2000, on Flickr
    17630014_10155110478164402_2570272487669964811_n by mommydawn2000, on Flickr
    17621704_10155110478279402_816360907846242077_o by mommydawn2000, on Flickr
    17554252_10155110478169402_5111593084554948228_n by mommydawn2000, on Flickr
    17499479_10155110478204402_5484780726857679784_n by mommydawn2000, on Flickr
    17458232_10155110478264402_5465857622471407802_n by mommydawn2000, on Flickr
  2. Like
    Spike reacted to Andrew D Charger Chaser in Least favourite episode?   
    In fact, I truly go so far as to say, don't waste your time with either of the motion pictures. Not only wastes, but complete insults to all we cherish and hold as good and decent about the Dukes.
  3. Like
    Spike reacted to RogerDuke in Least favourite episode?   
    You got that right Spike!
  4. Like
    Spike got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in Least favourite episode?   
    The first reunion movie wasn't bad but the 2nd one plain out stunk. The only thing that really bothers me with the first one is Daisy doesn't want to marry Enos. And like you said Roger I don't think Daisy would have left Hazzard. I can see Bo & Luke leaving to sew wild oats but not Daisy. 
  5. Like
    Spike got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in Least favourite episode?   
    I don't really care for the Coy & Vance episodes though there are a few gems. There is one episode from Season 7 I usually skip past, can't remember the name of it but Bo & Luke jump the General over a barn, it is so cheesy and stupid. You can tell it's a model car and you can tell they really didn't spend the money on the shot otherwise it would have been done better. 
  6. Like
    Spike got a reaction from Roth Potter in Lego Dimensions   
    Yeah both from Universal. There are also a bunch of WB franchises as well in the game.
  7. Like
    Spike reacted to RogerDuke in Merry Christmas!   
    I just got gone watching "The Great Santa Claus Chase" and will watch the Dukes cartoon Christmas show when my grandkids come over tomorrow. I hope everybody has a very merry Christmas and as Boss says at the end of the episode "And God bless us every one."
  8. Like
    Spike reacted to RogerDuke in Domestic abuse in Duke Family   
  9. Like
    Spike reacted to Hobie Hartkins in Word Association   
    Macho Man!
  10. Like
    Spike got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in Word Association   
  11. Like
    Spike reacted to Mark B / Scooter Davenport in Hazzard Run 2016   
    IMG_0406 by mommydawn2000, on Flickr
  12. Like
    Spike reacted to Mark B / Scooter Davenport in Am I The Only One?   
    Traffic in Tennessee??  Try coming to Orlando!  People from all over the world in rental cars trying to figure out where Disneyworld or the malls are.  And when it rains, they and the locals seem to forget how to drive!
    Back to Hobie's original question: No, you are not the only one.  Its great that other folks see Hazzard the same way I do.  Beyond the silly antics of Boss, Roscoe, and Cletus and the impossible feats of the General Lee, you really do get a feel for this show's location.  Despite the best efforts of Hollywood to make a caricature of life in the rural South, there is something genuine and attractive that comes through.  I credit the original spirit in which the show was created plus the ongoing efforts of the cast to infuse the show's characters with some integrity.  Its easy to point out the repetitive nature of the scripts, especially as the show reached 5,6, and 7 seasons.  But to me, every time I tune in is like visiting old friends- you would never complain about doing the same old thing with good friends.
  13. Haha
    Spike got a reaction from Skipper Duke in Am I The Only One?   
    Yeah Tennessee is fun to drive thru  Visited family in Knoxville a few times. I don't have the patience to drive there so I usually let the wife or my dad drive in Tennessee. Though I got to say Ohio drivers aren't much better. Our last trip back up from Tenn. we almost got into an accident as soon as we crossed the Ohio state line with some crazy lady doing 45mph on I-75 and decided she needed to get over 3 lanes, she just put her signal on and started moving over without even looking even though traffic was moving 55-60mph. Thank god the semi behind us had great brakes otherwise we would have been roadkill. To top it off the lady had the audacity to flip us the bird for honking at her, when my wife seen that she stuck her head out the window and went off on her stupid (bleep) when we passed her. 
  14. Like
    Spike got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in Am I The Only One?   
    Either Hazzard or Petticoat Junction's Hooterville would be perfect... especially with all the crap going on these days, would be nice if there was a real place like that to escape too for a while. 
  15. Like
    Spike got a reaction from MrsRosco1996 in Which Dukes of Hazzard Character Are You?   
    Bo Duke:
    [x] You are extremely loyal.
    [x] You can be impulsive at times.
    [x] You have a bit of a temper.
    [] You’re a hopeless flirt.
    [x] You’re a little immature, but in a lovable way.
    [x] You love cars.
    [x] You tend to be easily swayed by your feelings.
    [] You are very charming.
    [x] You are a dare-devil.
    [] You are good at getting yourself out of trouble.
    Luke Duke:
    [x] You are very clever.
    [x] You have a sarcastic streak.
    [x] You are usually level headed.
    [x] You are a good driver.
    [x] You are usually good at thinking before you act.
    [x] You are fairly mature.
    [x] You are a good problem solver.
    [x] You are very honest.
    [x] You always help a friend in need.

    Daisy Duke
    [] You are tougher than you look.
    [x] You are very free spirited and independent.
    [] You are an excellent sweet-talker.
    [] You can be flirty at times.
    [] You are usually upbeat.
    [] Everyone seems to just love you.
    [] You have multiple admirers.
    [] You wear very eye-catching outfits.
    [] You have zero tolerance for unwanted advances.
    [] You don’t hate anyone.
    Uncle Jesse
    [x] You are a bit old-fashioned.
    [x] You are very wise.
    [x] You give excellent advice and often serve as the voice of reason.
    [] You have been known to quote from the Good Book on occasion.
    [x] You are very family-oriented.
    [x] You believe in wholesome conservative values.
    [x] You maintain your honor no matter what.
    [] You rarely get angry.
    [] You are usually an optimist.
    [x] You would do anything for your family.
    Cooter Davenport
    [x] You are humble.
    [x] You are very handy.
    [x] You don't mind getting dirty.
    [x] You love to help people.
    [x] You are extremely reliable.
    [x] You are usually easy going.
    [x] You do not start fights without good reason.
    [] But you can certainly finish them when necessary.
    [x] You have a good sense of humor.
    [x] You are a hard worker.
    Rosco P. Coltrane
    [x] You giggle a lot.
    [x] You have a goofy sense of humor.
    [] You are extremely childlike and innocent.
    [] You love rules and laws.
    [] You tend to have larger than life reactions to things.
    [] You are very energetic and excitable.
    [x] You have a pet that you love dearly and treat like your own child.
    [] You like hugs.
    [] You sometimes get confused easily.
    [x] You have a mischievous streak.
    Cletus Hogg
    [] You are easily lovestruck.
    [x] You are usually friendly.
    [] You are a bit of a ditz.
    [x] You are generally good hearted.
    [] You can be very oblivious at times.
    [] You are sometimes prone to moral dilemmas.
    [x] You dislike conflict.
    [x] You are usually happy.
    [] But you are also sensitive sometimes.
    [x] You don't like to lie.
    Enos Strate
    [x] You are very polite.
    [] You are very innocent.
    [x] You are tender hearted.
    [] You could not lie if your life depended on it.
    [x] You are bashful, especially with the opposite gender.
    [] You apologize a lot.
    [] You can be very naive or gullible.
    [x] You are very idealistic.
    [x] You are very trusting.
    [] You wear your heart on your sleeve.
    Boss Hogg
    [] You love money.
    [x] You are often cynical and/or grouchy
    [] You eat a lot.
    [] You are a pragmatist.
    [] You lie a lot.
    [] In spite of your vices, you do have standards and do not wish to directly harm others.
    [] You are chubby.
    [] You frequently raise your voice.
    [x] You do have a sensitive side, you just don't like showing it.
    [x] You can be very devious.
  16. Like
    Spike reacted to Mark B / Scooter Davenport in The Boar's Nest in 1/25 scale   
    Thanks folks- as usual I have to give a shout-out and 'yeehaw' to HossC for his help on this as well.  I'm stealing (with permission I guess!) his sign art.  His take on the building dimensions and details was also very helpful.  Yea, I could do it myself but I certainly couldn't do it better and why reinvent the wheel!  It also adds another level of satisfaction to pull in the help of the HNet community on these projects.
    Untitled by mommydawn2000, on Flickr
  17. Like
    Spike reacted to Mark B / Scooter Davenport in The Boar's Nest in 1/25 scale   
    Thanks folks- as usual I have to give a shout-out and 'yeehaw' to HossC for his help on this as well.  I'm stealing (with permission I guess!) his sign art.  His take on the building dimensions and details was also very helpful.  Yea, I could do it myself but I certainly couldn't do it better and why reinvent the wheel!  It also adds another level of satisfaction to pull in the help of the HNet community on these projects.
  18. Like
    Spike reacted to Mark B / Scooter Davenport in The Boar's Nest in 1/25 scale   
    Here we go again!  After Cooter's Garage, the next natural place to stop in Hazzard is the Boar's Nest.
    Like the garage, this is such an iconic location that I had to do this one the same way- detailed inside and out.  I'll keep posting more as things are completed.
    Untitled by mommydawn2000, on Flickr
    Untitled by mommydawn2000, on Flickr
    Untitled by mommydawn2000, on Flickr
    Untitled by mommydawn2000, on Flickr
    Untitled by mommydawn2000, on Flickr
  19. Like
    Spike reacted to Mark B / Scooter Davenport in Darkest/most serious episode?   
    Not dark, but Cooter's Girl was a pretty serious story that added a lot of depth to Cooter's character.
  20. Like
    Spike got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in Cool Dukes of Hazzard Episode Ideas   
    I wondered that myself with their lead foots the best they probably got was 5mpg 
  21. Like
    Spike reacted to HossC in Are you on Facebook?   
    I've stayed out of this debate because I'm one of those private type of persons that Spike was talking about, so I've never had a Facebook account. Facebook is so big and powerful that they can pretty much do what they like with the stuff you post and the information you give them, and that's why they want you to join.
    Regarding the real name policy, you can read Facebook's own page on the subject here. You can use nicknames, but, as I understand it, your profile would be headed "Your Real Name (RogerDuke)". Facebook's real name policy is unpopular with a lot of people. Besides those who want to use nicknames and screen names, the policy also creates huge problems for Native Americans, and they don't want the Irish population using the Irish version of their names. A couple of years ago Facebook also blocked residents of a townland called Effin in Co Limerick, Ireland from using their own address. In that case, Facebook eventually gave in - see here. The Wikipedia article about the real name controversy is here.
    In the end, I always come back to this cartoon:

  22. Like
    Spike reacted to Mark B / Scooter Davenport in The Hazzard Garage (Cooter's Garage)   
    Untitled by mommydawn2000, on Flickr
    Untitled by mommydawn2000, on Flickr
    Untitled by mommydawn2000, on Flickr
    Untitled by mommydawn2000, on Flickr
    Untitled by mommydawn2000, on Flickr
  23. Like
    Spike reacted to Mark B / Scooter Davenport in The Hazzard Garage (Cooter's Garage)   
    Untitled by mommydawn2000, on Flickr
    Untitled by mommydawn2000, on Flickr
    Untitled by mommydawn2000, on Flickr
    Untitled by mommydawn2000, on Flickr
  24. Like
    Spike reacted to Boss JD Hogg in 'Orange Clunker Car' - MPC General Lee Build - FINISHED   
    The General Lee is all finished!  I took some quick pictures but the lighting inside isn't so good today.  I'll try to take some better pictures soon.
    BTW the CB antenna is held on with a magnet so I'll be able to remove it for some pictures.
    IMG_7572 Small by Michael Scarola, on Flickr
    IMG_7574 Small by Michael Scarola, on Flickr
    IMG_7577 Small by Michael Scarola, on Flickr
    IMG_7579 Small by Michael Scarola, on Flickr
    IMG_7581 Small by Michael Scarola, on Flickr
    IMG_7582 Small by Michael Scarola, on Flickr
    IMG_7586 Small by Michael Scarola, on Flickr
  25. Like
    Spike got a reaction from Garrett Duke in YAHOO Fantasy NASCAR   
    hehe that's pretty cool, just hope the P.C. crowd don't get on him about the flag on the roof. 
    I've only watched the races that have been on Fox. Don't watch TV enough to warrant spending money on Cable, and even if I did I don't think I'd spring the extra cash for the sports channel package just to watch the races. In years past when the races were on ESPN I'd turn the pc on and find an online stream but after last years Brian France Sprint Cup Circus, especially him giving Kyle Busch the trophy on a silver platter, I've lost a lot of interest in Nascar so I'm just going to catch the remaining races on Fox or NBC which just amounts to 8 if I happen to be home when they are on.  
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