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Roth Potter

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Everything posted by Roth Potter

  1. Well, it could be the jump from the episode Hoss told me but I cant be sure. The shot isn't long enough to see if the General's rear window gets shattered. Also, I cant think of any other jump on Hazzard Square in season 3 or 4. Not really a Dukes of Hazzard behind the scenes but it shows a nice piece of Laramie Street. Behind the tree's on the left side of the Courthouse in this picture was used sometimes as a hideout for criminals on the Dukes. It was used as the cotton mill in the first reunion and the coffin works in one of the episodes. I believe it was used a lot of more times but I forgot them. Also, on the right side of the courthouse a little bit further back was Hogg's heavenly acres and the small church where Emery Potter and Maybel tried to get married twice. I wonder why they didn't sell of parts of these cars, I would buy one. Original from Generalleefanclub.com I believe this was somewhere in season 4. Original from Generalleefanclub.com
  2. I finally had some time to read it. Like always, another great chapter! It was really detailed which made it very good. I'm very curious about where he will talk privately. The police station? Enos' apartment? Anyway, I can't thank you enough for writing something about Hazzard which isn't all about Hazzard and the Dukes, I really like that for a change. It might just be me but when you are speaking about Catherine Burns I picture myself this woman. She is the manager of Loretta Lynn in 'Find Loretta Lynn'.
  3. Note on this picture and the one above the orange painted trim between the side and rear window. It's seems to be at Saugus Raceway so my best guess is that this was during filming of 'Carnival of Thrills'. These two might even be the two jumpcars for the leap for life. But I can't check it with my DVDs at the moment. Looking at the hood standing up my best guess is that it is from the jump over the fruitstall on Midwest Street. The one where Enos and Rosco both jump and Enos lands on the trunk of Rosco's car. Not A pretty sight.
  4. Wow, I didn't even spot Bo's costume yet. Then it must be halfway season 3 the Sheriff's Department lost the black jackets.
  5. Original from Imagecollect.com And in this Corner... Luke Duke!!! There is not one person in this whole photo having a straight face. No Flash, this must be from before the start of season 3.
  6. John and Tom at I believe Times Square. Original from Watt-up.com Something seems to be missing on these two pictures, and it isn't the remaining part of her pants.
  7. Thank you for that info Hoss! Now I know it's a screencap and not a behind the scenes picture. But oh well... everyone makes mistakes from time to time.
  8. Granny Annie train jump Anyone remembers this scene? I dont. My best guess is that its from a Georgia episode when i look at the type of car and the surroundings. I don't know but somehow it looks like a test for blowing the rear of the car like happening in 'Mary Kaye's Baby' All Dukes. According to the description I added to the picture when I downloaded it this are John Schneider and Tom Wopat practicing on driving the General Lee. when or where I do not know.
  9. Original from Generalleefanclub.com Original from Generalleefanclub.com I believe this picture and the one above is from the jump I use in my signature. (Second Reunion Los Angeles jump) I think it is this one as the pushbar is bend the same way as in that jump. Nice flag guys.
  10. You guys were so lucky to see it when it was first aired. I was born in 1993 so I never seen the first airings.
  11. I just love the clean colors on this one. Anyone recognizes the signature? It reads something Baris I think. Original from Smith Bros. Restoration I don't remember seeing this wreck on the show.
  12. What is he holding? my best guess is that it is a drawing made by a kid and given to him. From what I can see it is an orange car with black wheels smoking. where have I heard that before? Original from Imagecollect.com Original from Imagecollect.com
  13. Wow, great job on fixing that picture Hoss! Isn't there a way though to make it into one from 1400 pixels wide and still maintaining the same quality? I'd love to have it as my background if that is possible. About the train jump, I am sure I know which it is. I just remembered I made it into an animated .gif file ones. It was my Hardest one to make as every shot has a different crop hight and is from a different point in the episode. for example shot 1 and 3 are from the episode and shot 2 is from the intro. It is a shame the landing was a different one It is the second jump from Season 5 episode 18 'Witness Jesse Duke'
  14. I believe this is from a Season 5 episode, I am very sure that this is not from Granny Annie. This is from one of the Georgia episodes, I believe it is 'Mary Kaye's Baby' but i'm not sure.' My best guess is that this is on Elm Street. I believe the jump is from Season 1 Episode 'High Octane'
  15. Original from ebay user Greenjeepwrangler. I'm not sure if they are called actor's chair. It's not a director's chair as an actor isn't a director.
  16. Original from Hollywoodphotoz on ebay. My best guess is that these two pictures are from the same shoot as the one where he sits on the motorcycle. Original from Hollywoodphotoz on ebay.
  17. I just wish there was a way to see the series, when i read the wikipedia about it it sounds great! Especially the ones with dukes
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