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Chandler Prime 01

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About Chandler Prime 01

  • Birthday 12/14/1978

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  • Location
    Marietta, Georgia
  • Interests
    Dukes of hazzard,Transformers,playing ps 3/xbox 360
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  1. Thinking about Roscoe for the last couple days

    1. Meadowmufn


      I've been thinking about him a lot lately too.

  2. Yea Ratbag made the last one and did a great job in fact they even came to Ga. for some materiel for the game. I hope they make the next one.
  3. So if Abraham Lincoln Hogg is boss's only brother would that make Jamie Lee and Hugie his kids ?
  4. I hear that well the only reason i say that is because wither people liked them or not they are still part of duke history.
  5. Hopefully with any luck someone will buy it and restore it
  6. Just a thought might be pretty cool if the remaining cast would reprise there role's
  7. Coy and Vance should have been on the cover of the dvd for season 5
  8. Have any dates been annouced yet in the Georgia area ?
  9. I keep seeing this what is the $ 145,000 for ?
  10. I asked this question on another form but thought might put it hear also. I was wondering if anyone had heard anything about news on restoring the farm house ?
  11. I had heard from another dukes fan that some guy in alabama was going to restore the duke farm but that was 2yrs ago has anyone heard the same ? Im heading down there in a couple weeks so i guess we will see.
  12. Any rumors of a new dukes game either for the ps3/4 or xbox360/one ?
  13. Ok thats what i thought was just confirming. As allways thanks for the info
  14. Yea I knew she was never heard of again but I just didnt know if they had given an explanation as to how boss got his position back.
  15. Wow those are some great looking cars ! How are the joyrid version and johnny lightning versions of the general and the others do you know ?
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