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  1. A REINDEER SHOOT! Gee....never thought of that......sounds FUN! Brian your Brilliant!!!!! *Hands Maryanne a pair of Reindeer Antlers and whispers to her to put them on Brian while I distract him.....* P.S. In case y'all couldn't tell---I'm having tons of fun with this "font" stuff......
  2. How about BOTH days???
  3. Glad ya liked it! By the way that cat's little brother "Tony" got even with the thugs that took his bro out!
  4. I get the left knee and Daney gets the right knee!!!!!!!!
  5. Are we gonna all meet up sometime in December? I really enjoyed last month's Turkey Chat!! Sadly, Christmas Eve and Christmas Night are out for me....too busy (but I bet y'all are in the same boat on that one). So if we can agree on a night, I'm there! Maybe Mr. Coltrane could put on that Santa suit I'm sure he has hanging in the back of his closet and Maryanne would make a great Elf! I have a Christmas list all ready for the two of you!!!
  6. I'm glad y'all got a kick out of those pics! How about a couple more? You might be a Redneck if your Motor home looks like this: If playing Horseshoes with your family looks like this: If your house looks like this AFTER you win the Powerball Lottery: Or if even your "high tech" computer runs like this: P.S. My car and I thank you Dukesfan1979! Glad to see another Pontiac Lover as well as a fellow PAer!
  7. The things you own are also a dead giveaway if your a Redneck or not.... If your cat carrier looks like this: If your dog looks like this: Or if your boat looks like this:
  8. Your own cat isn't even safe in this forum!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Quote: Everyone knows strange things go on in the Hazzard Swamp... Beware on entering this forum. The nuts hang out here. Not only that but these guys hang here also!!!
  10. Hobbies...
  11. Hi Y'all! I thought y'all might get a kick out of this "Hazzard County driver's test." I just took mine and passed with flyin' colors! http://www.brunching.com/hazzardtest.html
  12. I REALLY enjoyed chattin to y'all! Everyone is AWESOME and I'm so glad to have met ya! So....a Duke er Duck hunt you say, Daney?? Well then, I'm gonna start training my Hamsters and find some more arrows! BEFORE Training: AFTER Training:
  13. I hope to see everyone in the Chat tomorrow night, but just in case I don't see y'all---I'd like to wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving! And I'd like to share a Turkey Recipe that just might help y'all with that most important dinner on Thursday: Cooking Turkey 20 Easy Steps to Cook a Turkey 1. Go and buy a turkey. 2. Take a drink of whisky (scotch or bourbon or even better---Uncle Jesse's Moonshine). 3. Put turkey in the oven. 4. Take another two drinks of whisky. 5. Set the degree at 180 ovens. 6. Take three more whiskies of drink. 7. Turn oven the on. 8. Take four whisks of drinky. 9. Turk the bastey. 10. Whisky another bottle of get. 11. Stick a turkey in the thermometer. 12. Glass yourself a pour of whisky. 13. Bake the whisky for four hours. 14. Take the oven out of the turkey. 15. Take the oven out of the turkey. 16. Floor the turkey up off the pick. 17. Turk the carvey. 18. Get yourself another scottle of botch. 19. Tet the sable and pour yourself a glass of turkey. 20. Bless the saying, pass and eat out.
  14. Walmart will be selling Season 2 on line and at their retail stores. I always try to buy my DVDs at "Wally World" for the best low prices....LOL--- I sound like a commercial....someone shoot me I still feel Walmart is trying to take over the world starting with the United States! It's a whole conspiracy which I have unwittingly been made a part of by buying my DVDs there......OMG the little yellow smiling faces heard I was on to them!! They are coming for me!!! Help!!!
  15. Poor Lulu....she doesn't have many posts does she? It was sad to read she has no family... especially when I seen she wasn't in real good health on the 20th Anniversary Barbecue Documentary on the DVD. I felt kinda bad for her so here is the only info I could dig up on the big informational highway (gee...ya'd think I'd find more on the net!): Peggy Rea, S '38 For Peggy Rea, the road to a career in show business began with her first job as a secretary to Arthur Freed at MGM. Her journey continued with stops as a secretary at CBS, a San Francisco saleslady, an actress in a road show, a casting director, and a film and television actress. She worked with the Freed Unit from 1941 to 1944 during the Golden Age of musicals. She joined CBS as secretary on Suspense and Sam Spade during, as she describes it, the Golden Age of radio. Rea left CBS in 1946 for a production of Skin of Our Teeth on La Cienega Boulevard. After a stint as a saleslady, she departed for New York, where she joined Anthony Quinn for the National Road Company production of A Streetcar Named Desire for two and one-half years. Next it was a role in a Cole Porter musical, Out of This World, which she remembers as "a huge flop," then a run in the revue Lend an Ear in stock. CBS beckoned again, and Rea returned home as a secretary on The Red Skelton Show, followed by Gunsmoke and Have Gun Will Travel! "In 1962 I went 'straight' again," she recalls. "Then it was back to acting. Since then I've done dozens of TV shows." Her credits include Here's Lucy, All in the Family, Maude, Mannix, and Death Valley Days. "And then Gunsmoke, Have Gun, and Skelton, all in front of the camera instead of behind it," she says. Then came "These nice breaks," as she calls them. These include two years on The Waltons as Rose and seven years on The Dukes of Hazard as Lulu Hogg. Her film career was launched in 1988 when she appeared with Bruce Willis in In Country, followed by Love Field with Michelle Pfeiffer and Made in America with Whoopi Goldberg and Ted Danson. Most currently, she has played the mother-in-law on ABC Television's Grace Under Fire, which she calls "the best of times." Regarding her career she notes, "Love it! How nice to be working and enjoying my 'Golden Years.'" Said Rea: "My personal life is pretty much work. No mate, no children or grandchildren (sorry about that), lots of adventures and locations & endash; Australia, Kentucky, North Carolina, San Francisco, Utah, Washington State, New York, and D.C. for In Country. It has been grand." Actress - filmography "Grace Under Fire" (1993) TV Series .... Jean Kelly (1995-1998) Devil in a Blue Dress (1995) .... Carter's Secretary Kansas (1995) (TV) Nothing But the Truth (1995) (TV) .... Flora Walton Thanksgiving Reunion, A (1993) (TV) .... Rose Made in America (1993) .... Alberta, Jackson Motors Secretary Love Field (1992) .... Mrs. Heisenbuttal "Step by Step" (1991) TV Series .... Ivy Baker (1991-1992) Angel of Death (1990) (TV) .... Marci Cross of Fire (1989) (TV) .... Eunice Schultz In Country (1989) .... Mamaw "Waltons, The" (1972) TV Series .... Rose Burton (1979-1981) Cracker Factory, The (1979) (TV) .... Pomeroy "Dukes of Hazzard, The" (1979) TV Series .... Lulu Coltrane Hogg Rainy Day, A (1978) .... Mrs. Jewels Gift of Love, The (1978) (TV) .... Mrs. Mooney Kate Bliss and the Ticker Tape Kid (1978) (TV) .... Woman on Train Bastard, The (1978) (TV) ... aka Kent Chronicles, The (1978) (TV) "How the West Was Won" (1977) (mini) TV Series .... Mother Tice (episodes 1 & 2) Lipstick (1976) .... Reporter Amazing Cosmic Awareness of Duffy Moon, The (1976) (TV) Promise Him Anything (1975) (TV) .... Mother Blood Sport (1973) (TV) .... Mrs. Birdsong Hunter (1973) (TV) What's the Matter with Helen? (1971) .... Mrs. Schultz Cold Turkey (1971) .... Mrs. Proctor "Red Skelton Show, The" (1951) TV Series .... Regular Performer (1970-1971) ... aka "Red Skelton Hour, The" (1962) (USA: new title) Learning Tree, The (1969) .... Miss McClintock Valley of the Dolls (1967) (uncredited) .... Vocal coach Walk Don't Run (1966) (uncredited) .... Russian Shot Putter... aka Walk, Don't Run (1966) (USA: promotional title) Strange Bedfellows (1965) .... Mavis Masters Looking for Love (1964) (uncredited) .... Relative 7 Faces of Dr. Lao (1964) .... Mrs. Peter Ramsey ... aka Secret World of Dr. Lao, The (1964)
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