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Skipper Duke reacted to a post in a topic: The Hive
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Argh... I never did like him. And I don't like that kind of music. But he can sing, even though I wouldn't ever listen to stuff like that. XD The second video is restricted in Germany. x-X
Hahahahaha... like Tokio Hotel? XD They did their first song in japanese, that is so awful, if you know, how japanese has to sound. XD This should be it. If you can watch it, it's restricted in Germany. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hvupo9SSvE Oh btw. a very good singer/band is Unheilig (Unholy), they have very very good songs. As I have heard he wrote these songs for a friend. "An Deiner Seite" means "At your side" and he wrote it, because his friend was very ill and dying. It means, that he stands at his side, through all problems and what this friend gave to him. He wrote "Geboren um zu leben", "Born to love" after his friend did die. It's about how precious life is and that the death of someone beloved is no reason to give up.
There is a show in Germany called Misheard Lyrics. It's on Youtube as well. Coldmirror did many funny miheard lyrics with funny videos. But I guess it's really only funny, if you do understand german. XD My fav is this one: She did understand Dinosaur Tasche which means Dinsosaur bag, but in turkish it means Dinosaur balls and the song is X-rated and very dull. XD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7ZZG20zN8A Or this one XD Ella the Elephant: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93IAPKnD2Bo&feature=relmfu
I think it was the only one. ^^ OMG and she doesn't even sing good. XD And nope, I didn't know this video. XD Hmpf.... XD Yeah, he had a number one song in 89, I guess. I never understood what the people did like about "Looking for Freedom". He sang that song when the wall fell, even though it has nothing to do with real freedom. I wish they would have chosen this song as the Freedom song. It's call Freedom in german and the main meaning of the song is: "Freedom, Freedom, is the only thing that's missing... Freedom, Freedom is the only thing that's important"
Yepp and she is still very active with writing songs and stuff and she worked together with Uwe Fahrenkrog-petersen again, that was one of the guys who mainly wrote her first album. He was the blonde Keyboarder. Wow, this really sounds great. I'm not that much into disco music, so I never really liked the 72 version. But this is very good. Haha, I'm not able to watch the video due to restrictions Youtube did. But I know the video. I love the song, even so it's stupid as hell. But it's also very funny. Trio had other songs, that were even more dumb then Da Da Da... there was "Anna - Lass mich rein, lass mich raus" (let me in, let me out) and a song from the 90ties from Remmler solo which is called "Alles hat ein Ende nur die Wurscht hat zwei" (Everything has and end, only the sausage has two). XD Wow, but respect to (is that Palin?) that he sings that very understandable. I guess it's not easy to sing a song in another language. If I try to sing english songs, I have problems to keep the lyrics in my mind and if I try to sing japanese, well, that sounds pretty odd to japanese, I guess. XD Do you know the german In My Room version of the Beach Boys? That's what happens, if someone can't speak a language and tries to write in german, because the Beatles did that as well. "In meinem Raum" isn't only pronounced very bad, but Brian Wilson also didn't use the correct german grammar. But heck, I do love them... ^o^ Here's a song from Wir sind Helden: It's written for an ill child, that can't walk anymore and the mother says, she will carry it everywhere it wants to go, even though it already got too heavy for her arms. The mother gets big as an elephant and carries the child miles over the land (here is life meant), and at the end of the way, she will even carry her child over the river to another land... *sniff* But I totally forgot to mention Ton, Steine, Scherben (Clay, Stones, Shards). This was a very important band in the 70ties and 80ties, because they were some of the first that did write critically and political songs. König von Deutschland - King of Germany is the best known of the bandleader Rio Reiser. He tells, what he would do, if he would be the King of Germany and what he would change and stuff. It's a funny song, but is has a political message. Ton, Steine, Scherben - Keine Macht für Niemand (No Authority for Nobody): Rio Reiser - König von Deutschland: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=On15CmMMMxk
Do you really think that Merkel knows what car has what value? XD I guess she is someone who would stand there, clap idiotically in her hands and say: "I do love my Bonzenkarre", if someone would tell her, that a Mercedes Benz is called like that. : D I didn't find the correct translation for that word. A Bonze is a bigwheel and the Mercedes is almost driven by rich people, or politicians, that's why it has this name. Karre means car in a negative way.
Oh, yeah, I remember that Nena even had a number one or two (not exactly sure) hit in the US with 99 Red Balloons. That song was from her first album. 99 Red Balloons is one of my alltime favs. She once did a collaboration with the orchestra of the Hessische Rundfunk (Broadcaststation of Hessia) at a Rock meets Classic show. That version was the best I’ve ever heard, but I only saw it on TV once and never did find it again. ;.; Do you know Leuchtturm (Lighttower) and Fragezeichen (Questionmark) or Wunder geschehen (Wonders do happen – she wrote that for her ill child, which died in 1989)? These are really good songs of her too. Btw. She’s 51 now and she looks hot like hell. Way better than in the 80ties. Such a fascinating woman and that body after giving birth to 5 children… There are some really good new (not really new, but newer) german bands like Wir sind Helden (We are Heros). They do very nice, somewhat critical songs. IMHO the saddest and best song of them is Ein Elefant für Dich (An Elephant for you). I know Rammstein, but I do only listen to some songs or the ones used in the AMVS done for some anime clips. These AMVS are the best I have ever seen in my whole life. Ö-Ö If you want to check it:
Yeah, in Germany they have to change the lights as well, because of the color. And with the license plates they are even stricter. There are a whole load of license plates and you can only run the car to the conditions of these plates you have got. If you do else, you'll get massive problems. One example is the so called H-plate for classic cars. These cars have to be in a good or very good shape and don't have to be modyfied, or if modyfied and changed, then they have to be modyfied in a contemporary way. This is the Wikipedia text I found about the H-Plate. Plus rams aren't allowed in Germany any more. And a General without a ram, isn't a General.
Oh and if interested, that's the dialect of my hometown. This clip is a parody of another one, that was shown on german TV, where a senior did yell to his employe, because he did something wrong. He asked him why he didn't read the sign at the wall and made the mistake again and again. And then another employe comes and tells the senior, that this man can't read, that's why he did the mistake again. Here it is a bit other situation, but the scenery is the same. The employe does something wrong and the senior is yelling at him, why he did that. The other employe then comes around and says, that the man can't understand the dialect. At the end of the clip is said, that 81,9 Millions of Germans don't understand Trierer dialect and we are 82 Millions in Germany. XD I understand it, but if someone talks that fast, even I have my problems. XD
Hehe, thanks. I will see if I can find one in german. If not, I will upload it by myself to Youtube.^^ Nena... *swoon over* she was my first fav band/singer. I remember that I got her first album at my 10th birthday. ^^ Edit: *mergh you only do find the movie on YT* I have to do it by myself... Thank you. ^^ Really, that's cool. Where did your wife live? I know that many americans did live in Wiesbaden, where I spent most of my life. I grew up with the german/american friendship festival and was very sad, when they stopped, because the americans left Wiesbaden. ;.;
Hehe, thanks. That's good to now, because my best friend (not the one I used to watch the Dukes with) doesn't like the series that much and since we share the same household I always get on her nerves. If I start talking about what I like, I often don't come to an end and I would be considered a chatterbox, I guess. XD And a Guten Morgen to you, it's about 5 am here. Heck I think I haven't slept for about 36 hours... but I'm not tired... strange... Thank you. Haha... don't know, it really sounds strange to someone not used to it. Do you know how Luxembourgian sounds? That sounds a bit alike. To strangers it sounds kinda like French mixed up with Flemish. Hmh @MaryAnn: Would it be okay to post a Youtube link of it? Hehe... I also remember the closedown. Plus the TV program started somewhat in the middle of the day. I was so fascinated that the Americans had so many channels running all day long. My mother almost wasn't able to get me off the screen. XD I don't remember exactely if the show originally running in 89 had the same intro, because the germans used to translate everything back then. It was like "what the german doesn't know, he doesn't eat" mentality (originates from an old saying: "Was der Bauer nicht kennt, frisst er nicht." - "What the farmer doesn't know, he doesn't eat"). And the comedy in the Dukes plus the car craze seemed to be too far away of what germans do like, that they tried to make it as german as possible. So it might be that the intro was another one. On the german DVDs they used the same intro. What I found rather funny was, the german dub or better saying the german voiceactors. Bo and Luke both had much higher voices as the original. Luke really sounded like a kiddo and I always think about Michael J.Fox, when hearing him, because that voiceactor did all german Michael J. Fox stuff way before they did the Dukes. Same is with Bo, he had the main voice of the Jean Claude van Damme voiceactor. *huzzah* let me show you some martial arts... XD But the funniest were Boss Hogg and Rosco. Boss had the german voice of Barney of the Flintstones... he sounds so friggin funny with that voice XD And Rosco was the Steve Martin voiceactor... he sometimes sounds a bit gay in the german version... ''o.O'' But everything is better then the french or the italian dub... My oh my... both boys sound like bored as hell old people... x_X I can try to find a german dubbed part... if that would be okay to post.^^ If interested: In Germany The Dukes were called "Ein Duke kommt selten allein" it refers to the old saying "Ein Unglück kommt selten allein", which means "Misfortune seldom comes single/A Duke seldom comes single" and haha it's not that untrue, if you see it from Boss' point of view. If he attacks one of the Dukes, he has the whole family in his neck XD
@Roger: Same here. It's not bad to have dreams and/or to keep ones dreams. But at my stage it was a bit too much, I guess. I have a really big problem with growing older. Not, that I am afraid of aging, that's not the point, since I don't look my age, but with growing older as of growing an adult. But nothing stays the same and forever and I had to realize that last year in a very drastically way. After I had a depression because of that, I tried to move on and it really did help... at least a bit. But still it's not forbidden to have dreams and even dreamworlds, if you are able to leave these worlds, if necessary.
I didn't like Sam's car, I don't like most of the looks of the newer generations, no matter what car it is, (I wanted to hit Megan Fox, when she called Bumblebee a ... Schrottkiste ... is that really called a lemon?) so I was glad, when it was gone. But I have to say I didn't like the whole 6th season as well, although SN is one of my favs...