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Posts posted by TimDuke

  1. Where did you get that figure? I know the guys that bought it from T.Bell here in Ohio and when they had it on Ebay I thought it went for around 30,000$ or there about. Where did this 150,000 come from? Then I hear the guy that won the bidding from the guys here in Ohio are allegedly going to restore the car.

  2. Well Brian I hope he maybe has had a change of heart recently.I was just going by past interviews and the bonus features on the DVD set where he mentions the second reunion wasn't that fun without Denver or Sorrel and he really wouldn't want to do another.I know he just tried to stay clear of Duke related stuff in the past and was putting that behind him.Maybe now he has come to terms with fans are going to remember him most for being Luke Duke no matter what other projects he does.I think he was trying to avoid the old type casting scenario but I think maybe now he realizes that he's going to be be Luke Duke in the eyes of the public no matter what.We'll have to wait and see.

  3. It's a nice thought but realistically.... Don't think it'll happen.Tom Wopat has already expressed a number of times he's not interested in doing anymore reunions. It's rumored he's going to appear at this years Dukefest.I'll believe it when I see it. I know Peggy Rea(Lu Lu) has been very ill so that may explain why she wasn't in either reunion. Unless a miracle happens the last time you got to see John and Tom together in a Charger was that episode of Smallville.Now maybe Tom would do a reunion IF it was done like the Happy Days one last year where they just sit around,show flashbacks and have them talk about the different clips they show.

  4. Now I'm only assuming this but since Bo was still active as a professional race driver and Luke went to fight fires. Luke probably lost a little bit of his driving edge so it just made sense to have Bo drive. Bo drove about 90% of the time on the series anyways.

  5. Jumps are categorized by type.Dirt to dirt,Asphalt to dirt,ect. The jump at Dukesfest 2003 broke the record for asphalt to dirt at 193 feet. The jump across the river, Styx river or Indian Dunes depending on how you call it was approx 230 ft.Probably was the highest too. Now the Oxnard train jump(Grannie Annie) was asphalt to asphalt and reported at over 200 feet. The very first jump is arguable.It was either jump in One Armed Bandits. The jump on Elm street the first jump in the episode some claim was the first but others claim the one at Oxford College later in the episode and used at the end of the opening credits was the first jump. Little piece of trivia,the Indian Dunes jump was filmed at the spot where Vic Morrow fell victim to a helicopter during the filming of the Twilight Zone movie.

  6. Yes most celebs charge for one autograph but most will sign anything else you brought with you free as long as you purchased one thing from that celebrity.I understand people get greedy though and bring tons of stuff to get signed and some end up selling that stuff on ebay to make themselves money. Which is one reason why Jimmy charges for everything to keep people from doing that. It's understandable.I spent an entire day with Jimmy at a car show as he was using my General Lee as a backdrop. My friend was also there with his Rosco police car replica he built as a dedication to Jimmy and his character and Jimmy charged him to sign his car which I didn't feel was right. I was just giving a heads up to anyone getting to meet him to expect to pay for every autograph. No disrespect to Jimmy.I understand why he charges but I felt he shouldn't have charged my friend for a car he built in dedication to his favorite TV character.

  7. Latest rumor I heard now this is strictly RUMOR.They are trying to get all the surviving castmembers to appear this year including Tom Wopat as this Dukesfest is allegedly the last one. Tom and Chris Mayer are the only 2 main characters I haven't met and need their autograph on my General Lee. If you get to meet any celebrity try and remain calm and be casual most celebs are very nice.I've met alot of them and all but one or 2 have been very friendly. Jimmy Best can be a bit grumpy and he charges for a autograph on everything.

  8. Brian ,You and I are responsible for that whole topic being deleted.You pointed out in your one post there about it was ok for him to use "crap" but some post get deleted for basically no reason.I reinterated that fact on a post and made a plea to the mods over there if they expect people to follow their rules(which are very strict) they should remove the entire topic because of the "crap" remark and guess what? It's gone. Yes we won a battle with that complainer and pain in the butt over there.Possibly won the war cause I figured he would start another topic about his topic getting removed. I haven't seen hide nor hair of him since so maybe CMT saw his constant bashing and the trouble he was causing and banned him from posting anymore. We can only hope.Victory is ours Brian,Dukes fans rejoice!! LOL

  9. I still say 40k people coming to an event for a 28 year old TV show is quite a statement for the fan base and that's probably a small percentage of the total fans.From what I heard they were ill prepared for that many although they did expect 50k.I unfortunately couldn't afford to go as I'm sure applies to hundreds or thousands more fans who would have gone if the money was there.Comparing those races to a Dukes event really isn't a fair comparison.Those events are highly promoted on national TV where as these events really aren't. I used to think I had one of the few General replicas in the USA now there are hundreds around the world so that speaks a lot too. Rumor has it that all the surviving cast members including Tom Wopat are going to be at this years Dukesfest which is also supposed to be the last one. So I expect even more than 40k this coming year if that holds true.

  10. Dale I agree if the Dukes went on in the rougher direction as the Capt. wanted it to.I have a feeling it wouldn't have lasted 7 seasons maybe 2 or 3 and it wouldn't have the fan base it has now which is quite considerable don't let the lack of different screennames fool you on the Dukes sites. 40,000 + fans at a single Dukes event is not a lot? Considering gas being close to 3 bucks a gallon and the cost of lodging and work schedules I'd say that's phenomenal. Dukes probably has the second biggest fan base of any TV show other than Star Trek and I think we are approaching those numbers.We are fortunate to get almost all the surviving cast members to come to these events which you don't get at a Star Trek convention trust me. If not for the fan base it has because they changed the direction of the show there wouldn't have been a movie and we wouldn't have this website or this discussion in my opinion. I'd like to know Gy Waldron and Jerry Rushing's view on the movie without whom none of this would be possible.

  11. Cedar I agree 110% with everything you said but somebody is going to say you didn't watch it with an open mind or what were you expecting a carbon copy of the show or the first 5 episodes weren't far from this movie. In other words you expected bad and thats all you saw.As I said I agree with you but expect those arguments.

  12. Some of you maybe aware but for those who aren't.There is a Dukes message board on CMT.com.Well there has been a person who goes by landsharkk posting on there saying Dukes shouldn't be on CMT and should be removed.He has gone to some of the other boards over there trying to get more people to support him. Well I figure 2 can play that game so I came here to ask you guys for support. Go and join(its free) and show your support if you want to keep Dukes on CMT as long as possible. This guy is very serious and very persistent.Warning if you decide to post over there be careful how you word things the board rules are very strict over there. Brian and Muffin I apologize for posting an ad for another Dukes board without permission but this I feel is important to all Dukes fans and thought you would agree, in fact you may want to post this where everyone is likely to see thats up to you.

  13. The only time the doors were actually welded shut were on the cars scheduled to be jumped to give the stuntman a extra measure of safety.Other than that they weren't welded. It drives me crazy at car shows when people come up to my General asking why it has door handles and they will stand there and insist that it didn't have them. Then I calmly pull out photos of actual Generals that I always carry with me and show them it had them,they just didn't use them.

  14. The anti-movie people could say the same thing about you pro-movie people.Maybe we are tired of the constant support of it so you could leave that at the door as well.Tit for tat.The point is we have our own opinions on the subject. We can probably think of as many reasons not to support as you can to support it. Just respect each others opinions.There maybe no right or wrong to either side.Why don't we just drop it here and move on.

  15. I will accept the apology but for future reference it is not wise to suggest someone or group to leave because you consider their opinion to be whining or moaning in your opinion.Not a way to promote new or current membership. I've been here since 2001 and didn't want to leave.

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