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Status Updates posted by HossC

  1. Thanks for putting me in your friends - I hope to make many more. Crossword #2 is now up - even if you don't get a chance to try it, can you let me know if the grids are showing up ok?

  2. Thanks for sticking my name on the home page. I've sent MaryAnne another 2 crosswords to put up. I'm giving them a rest for a bit now while I do the 'Official Trivial Thread' and the anagrams thread - have you tried the episode title anagrams?

  3. Thanks for your birthday wishes :).

  4. Thanks for your feedback Garrett. I wouldn't call myself artistic - take my computer away and you'd soon see that:). By the way, did you find yourself in the HazzardNet Anagrams in the Hazzard Swamp?

  5. Thanks Garrett, although I'm at an age now where the candles cost more than the cake :).

  6. Thanks Roger. I'm sorry you couldn't understand most of my posts, and after I spent all that time learning how to (mis)spell words the American way :).

  7. Thanks. I haven't been ignoring you, I just haven't spent much time on the patrol cars recently. I did look through five episodes toward the end of season 7 the other day, and found nothing!

    It looks like the Allied Security car is a '71 Matador. I'll try to include it in my next patrol cars post. The badge looks pretty detailed with a load of shading. It's not possible to get a good enough screengrab to reproduce it as vector art. The best I got was only slighly better than the one you have already.

  8. Thanks. You can click on my user name to leave visitor messages my profile page.

    Be sure to take pictures and post them if you get to the CA locations - I'm thousands of miles away, and a visit doesn't seem likely in the near future :(.

  9. That's computers for you :). When I moved house a few years ago my computer worked fine for a while before the HDD failed. I'd just about managed to reload everything (without an internet connection at that time) when the power supply failed. I replaced that too but it was never right after that.

  10. That's good news, and SE is much better than FE. Who'd've thought it would stlll be useful nearly 14 years after it came out :). I hope you're up and running soon.

  11. That's great news. I may be distracted for the next 1/2 hour while I watch the qualifying for tomorrow's Grand Prix, but I'll keep an eye out for you :).

  12. The Chip Away could be a BIOS virus which you might be able to cure with by flashing the BIOS from a floppy. It might also be a warning that you were trying to alter the MBR if it occurred when you were upgrading to 98 SE. I hope yo find some sort of solution soon.

    Sorry about your landlady's dog :(.

  13. The last picture has already been posted in another thread and I already have the grabs of the two patrol cars and prison car from Cool Hands, Luke and Bo. The prison truck doesn't really fit the thread.

  14. The next Patrol Cars post will just be about the first two thirds of season 6. I haven't yet gone through the last episodes to see if any more patrol cars appear. I would love to have more time to finish that thread off, but other things keep taking my time. I haven't forgotten to look at the Carver race car when I get to 'Undercover Dukes'.

  15. HossC

    There's no answer button - just click on the member's name to go to their page. In case you haven't read the relevant page, your first few posts are moderated, but feel free to get stuck in (you'll have to wait a few posts until you can add an avatar too). Hope you enjoy your stay in Hazzard.

  16. We actually had a hot sunny day today, although it hasn't been like that all week :).

  17. We had no mains water for about 2 1/2 days over Christmas, but it thawed out ok. It was the thaw that caused the problems in Northern Ireland - some people are nearly 2 weeks without water. How's the weather there?.

  18. We have a week of a more favorable time difference :)

  19. Welcome to HazzardNet :).

  20. Welcome to HazzardNet :).

  21. Welcome to HazzardNet :).

  22. Welcome to HazzardNet :).

  23. Welcome to HazzardNet :).

  24. Welcome to HazzardNet :).

  25. Welcome to HazzardNet :).

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