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Everything posted by travelerF150

  1. Myself along with just about everyone I know is excited about this film. I know it'll do good here in the South.
  2. Well now we know why Ben Jones is so upset about the movie.
  3. I think people need to calm the F-down about this movie if you know what I mean.
  4. I think this guy was more interested in the comedy aspect of the movie not the movie as a whole. He sounds kinda nerdy to me. Anyways, I think the movie sounds pretty good. They've done what all that I have hoped for for the movie. Kept the General Lee the same, make the jumpe real (no CGI), and have a country legend either narrate or play Uncle Jesse or Boss Hogg (Willie). If you have reservations about the movie, (which I can't blame a person for, especially if they've seen Super Troopers) go see it first without your kids. If it's ok then see it again with them. Lets remember it is PG-13. There's not a whole lot they can do in the movie anyways.
  5. I wouldn't be surprised though because who want's to put out an action/car movie the same weekend that another one comes out? Don't get me wrong I think the Dukes would beat it at the box office but at what cost? I think they know they have a good movie so they probably want to put it out when there's as little competition as possible.
  6. Actually I've heard he is just doing the Theme song. The balladeer hasn't been named yet.
  7. Saw the Herbie trailer on t.v. last night. The trailer said it was coming out June 24th.
  8. Sounds good to me. I can't wait. P.S. Anyone who gets upset about sexual references or underdressed women needs to take a better look at this show. The first three seasons of the show were filled with sexual inuendo and skantally clad women.
  9. I was wondering if we could start a gallery that would let everyone who chat's here post a pic of what they drive.
  10. I have an 83 CJ-7 on 38.5 Swampers and it's bright orange just like the General. If anyone knows where I can find a rebel flag bikini top for it let me know.
  11. If June 24th is a Saturday you're probably right. I just copied down exactly what I saw.
  12. I just saw on MTV.com that the movie is supposed to open in the USA on 7/24/05.
  13. August 5th is when it open over seas. Movies usually come out in America a month or so before that so June 24th or July 7th is probably when it's comeing out.
  14. In one of Jessica Simpson's interviews she kinda hinted that Willie is the balladeer and sings the theme song.
  15. I've heard that a lot of the cars built for the show came from the Warner Bros. back lot and were junk anyways, but they restored them enough to do the stunts for the movie.
  16. As long as there are a bunch of car chases it's all good with me. And they better not use computers for the jump scenes. But I heard they built 23 General Lee's for the movie so I think all the jumps will be real.
  17. The Dukes movie ain't no parody son! They're going for a more realistic, contemporary telling of the story.
  18. I was just watching my tape of TLC's Rides and got to thinking how I would make an "Exteme Lee". I would put more chrome on it for sure. The cow-catcher on the front would be chrome as would the rims. I'd put some kinda 18 polished aluminum racing wheels on it. I love old muscle car's with 18 on them. I do the interior something the King Ranch editions of Ford trucks with different shades of brown leather and saddlebags. Instead of a 440 magnum I'd put a 426 hemi. The paint job would stay the same except I try to maybe to have a subtle 01 on the roof outlinged in the rebel flag to make it look more NASCAR.
  19. I just saw American Wedding the other night. Sean William Scott stole the whole movie. He was really good. Hopefully he's not as raunchy in the movie but I don't think he will be. Just wanted to add my two cents.
  20. They don't give-up any info on the script if that's what you mean but there's a lot of stuff that I see. Everytime the talk about Jessica simpson they show her filming a scene for the movie, my girlfriend loves her show on MTV so everytime I watch it with her they show her getting ready to film a scene. MTV did a thing for MTV news that I saw last week where they had some Jamacian lookin' guy interviewing pretty much everyone. There was a "little" blurb about in on the DOH Inside Fame. That's just some of the stuff I seen in the past week or so. And I don't watch much tv except for NASCAR and Dukes re-runs on CMT. My point is that a petition won't do any good because Warner Bros. has enough buzz out about the movie that not just hardcore Dukes fans want to go see it. My second point being that you shouldn't put something down that you haven't even seen anything of yet. I think if people could just pipe down until atleast the trailer comes out they might be pleasantly surprised.
  21. Whoever signs this petition need to grow the f-up! Just cause you can't have the movie your way, you want to ruin it for everyone else who might be interested in seeing the movie. And whoever said that sony isn't releasing the movie or what-ever needs to get it's facts straight. Sony has nothing to do with the movie it's a Warner Bros. joint and they are very excited about the movie as you can tell if you just turn on the t.v. for a second. They're talking about it all the time, from CNN to Entertainment Tonight, to MTV. I see something new about the movie atleast once a week. Sometimes two or three times in one week. My advice to all of you is to hold your judgements atleast until you see the freakin' trailer!
  22. Just saw a quick story about the movie on Entertainment tonight. Not very informatinve but showed some pretty cool shots of the General in action. Uncle Jesse apartently drives a blue mid 80's to early 90's Dodge Pick-up truck, and saw Knoxville dressed in Boss Hogg's outfit. Daisy kicks some guy in the chest at the Boars Nest, and it showed Scott filming a scene driving the General by himself. Other than that it didn't show much.
  23. I think Randy Travis would be a good choice. He's got a very distinctive voice.
  24. I can show you 7 in my town that I know of plus there's always 1 or 2 in the Classic Car Trader here.
  25. Dodge made over 150,000 Chargers in 1969, and judging from what I see in our local classic car trader, they're not in danger of being extinct. As for those photos, the guy was not injured and I belive the jump took place in Covington Georgia. As for the his training, the show on VH1 made it sound like he got a wild hair up his ass and decided to do this for the dukes 25 anniversary. It didn't say who helped him or if he had any experience with this sort of thing. The only thing I can tell you is that the car's motor was mounted where the back seat should be. I thought that was odd. The show didn't go into much detail. The segment was only about 10 minutes long.
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