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Everything posted by travelerF150

  1. I don't know the name of the actor who plays Cooter, all I know is it's the same guy who played Farva in Super Troopers.
  2. Cooter is the bald dude next to the boys when they blow the shed up at night and Roscoe is the one who yells "Come out with your hands up!", prompting Luke to say "I never get tired of hearing him say that". The aren't featured prominently in the first trailer but it is the first trailer, which seems to be geared to show off the established names they have in the film. I'm sure they'll be another trailer a month or so before the movie comes out, maybe they'll be more of them in that.
  3. The true fans of the show will go see this movie. I'm not saying they will like it, but they will go see it, and I'll tell you why. If you're a true fan of the show you like the family dynamic, the southern feel and a hell of a lot of car chases and wrecks. Not to mention hot girls that take a clothing optional approach to life. Those who refuse to see it I believe simply like the Dukes because of the nostolgic feeling they get when watching it. I know quite a few of you have said you won't see but to be quite honest I don't believe you. I'll be looking for you, sitting in the corner of the theater, hoping no one sees you. Probably cussing the whole time, but I know you'll be there.
  4. Brian Coltrane wrote: But when viewed from an alternate-universe perspective, it might be interesting to see Bo and Luke as edgy, wayward, rebels-without-a-clue. They're grittier, nastier, and dumber, but when their main purpose in the movie is to get shook around in the car like two peanuts in a tin can, who cares? Amen brother! That's exactly what I've been saying.
  5. It sounds to me like Waylon but you can't tell for sure. I know Shooter just released an album but I haven't heard him sing yet. If he sounds like his dad then maybe it's him. But I agree I've got to get those songs somewhere. I know they're releasing a sound track CD for the movie cause Willie's recorded a version of the them sound and he's redone Skynyrd's "Call me the Breeze" for it. Plus I've heard Simpson is gonna sing a song or two on it. Hopefully it won't be pop like all her other stuff. I'll be checking Best Buy occasionally to see if they have it.
  6. I think this movie looks awesome! But if you don't like the trailer you probably won't like the movie. That's not my perogative. Either way this movie is gonna be huge. Every entertainment show on t.v. mentions it atleast once a week for some reason or another, not to mention my friends that aren't big Duke fans like myself but still watch the show occasionally want to go see it. I showed the trailer to a couple of them and they thought it was awesome. I know that it's not a traditional as some of you might want but I'm ok with that as long as there's cool stunts, hot girls and the General looks the same. Hell I go see any movie with cool cars and hot women that's set in the south. August 5th can't come fast enough for me!
  7. The good thing about the cars used in the movie though is that quite a few of them were wrecks from the t.v. show and were rebuilt just to be jumped and wrecked again. This means they didn't wreck a perfectly good Charger on every jump.
  8. This makes me breath a HUGE sigh of relief! I think this movie looks awesome. If you don't like the cast you can atleast appreiciate the stunts. Man I can't wait for August 5th. Hell Yeah!!!!
  9. She looks mighty fine to me!
  10. I'll admit that Simpson might not be the sharpest tool in the shed and she might turn out to be not that great of an actress, but I don't know what the hell you're talking about her having a crooked nose. As far as I'm concerned her face is flawless. Yes I've heard that acne rumors but that was when she was younger. I've said before that she wouldn't have been my first choice for Daisy but the one comfort I'll take is even if she can't act I won't mind seeing her in short shorts or a pink bikini. And for that hollywood reporter who called her "William Defoe in a wig" I'm sure he was too busy smoking poles to get a good look at her.
  11. I would hardly call Burt Reynolds a "sub-standard" actor. Knoxville has been in several films besides MIB 2. There's Walking Tall, Dueces Wild, and one or two others I can't think of right now. Scott has been in the Rundown, Bulletproof Monk, Old School, the American Pie movies, just to name a few. Yes I know Simpson hasn't acted and we'll wait to see how she does, but I think we should all give her a chance. Willie's been in a bunch of movies. And as far as I'm concerned no one has named two guys that would be better for Bo and Luke. If I hear Paul Walker and Ashton Kutcher one more time I'm gonna puke! Simpson wouldn't have been my first choice for Daisy but I'm willing to give her a shot, Willie I think is perfect for Uncle Jesse, and while Burt wouldn't have been my first choice for Boss Hogg, I'm interested to see what he'll do with the character. The only thing I would change right now before seeing the movie is maybe hire a more established actor for Roscoe like Billy Bob Thorton or Jeff Foxworthy if he wouldn't be too corny. Other than that I'm satisfied so far. But I'm holding final judement until I see the movie.
  12. Alright here it is. I just picked up the latest edition of Entertainment Weekly and it's the summer movie preview editon. I'll put it on here word for word. The Dukes of Hazzard Starring: Johnny Knoxville, Seann William Scott, Jessica Simpson Directed by: Jay Chandrasekhar When Scott read an early script for a movie remake of the '80s road-rubes TV series, he thought it "felt like a cheesy episode of the show." But then director Chandrasekhar (Super Troopers) said that he and his Broken Lizard partners were punching it up to make it a funnier, faster film, inspired by what he saw as Dukes' true inspiration:Smokey and the Bandit . "I said, If you're gonna make it cool and country and rock, that's awesome!," says Scott, who plays Bo to Knoxville's Luke. (And what's more country-cool than Willie Nelson as Uncle Jesse?) " I wanted to make sure it wasn't Dude where's my car? in the South." To ensure that Smokey flavor, Chandrasekhar not only cast Burt Reynolds as Boss Hogg, he hired one of Hollywood's top car-chase artists, stunt mastermind Dan Bradley (The Borne Supremecy). " I told Dan I want the chases to feel like when you got in the car with that guy in high school who was out of control," says Chandrasekhar. "You got in that car once and didn't get in again." Simpson, making her film debut as the boy's nearly kissin' cousin, Daisy, doesn't do much driving, but her short shorts will be handling the curves. "Daisy is an all-American girl," says Simpson. "It's very empowering for a woman, she's a badass but can use her body at the same time," defends Simpson. "I think that's a really cool image to put out there for women." Quick somebody get Condoleezza Rice a pair of hot pants. (August 5th)
  13. For one thing if you don't think Jessica Simpson is hot I think you need to get your eyes checked out and another thing Johnny Knoxville is a Tennesse native and if anyone has seen Jackass the movie, you'd know that when he performs a couple of his stunts he's wearing a helmet that has a big Confederate flag on it. And by the Deirks Bentlely while a good singer has never acted before in his life not to mention he was born in the mid-west not the south.
  14. The movie doesn't come out until four months from now. I'm sure they will once it gets closer. Not to mention when I signed on AOL today I was greated by Darth Vader and the General Lee. The buzz on this movie continues to grow.
  15. Anyone that thinks this movie will tank is living in a pipe dream. Fast cars and hot girls always rake in box office bucks. Fast and the Furious had a terrible and unrealistic script not to mention Paul Walker and Vin Deisle are two of the worst actors in Hollywood. Not to mention all that's been confirmed about the movie and the Confederate flag is that there's a scene in the movie where the boys are in down town Atlanta and they don't understand why some people love their car and some people hate it. The scene goes on to show them talking with a couple young African-Americans and the boys explain that they're from the rural south where the flag is just considered a symbol of regional pride and everything works out and the folks they explain this too wind up keeping an eye on the General Lee for the boys. This movie isn't going to be a carbon copy of the t.v. show and I for one am glad that it isn't. The original cast was so good at the roles that they have to be changed cause no one could fill their shoes and quite frankly the original cast is too old to be jumping in and out of car windows. I see this movie being just as popular if not more than Fast and the Furious and XXX and all those other movies that young Americans today flock too. Hopefully it'll make the south as popular with Americana as the t.v. show did. But the main point for me being excited about this movie is that I'm not asking for much from it, but what I have asked for they seem to have done. The General Lee looks same, they got a hot girl to play daisy, and the stunt scenes are real(no CGI). And I know deep down that as long as those criteria were met that this movie will be at least entertaining if not down right awesome.
  16. I can't wait to see the movie and it sounds awesome to me but if it wins and Oscar for anything besides the sound track or stunt cooridination I'll consider that one of the seven signs the world is coming to an end.
  17. I think they did need to make the movie in the present day otherwise they probably would've just used footage from the t.v. show for the jumps and chase scenes like they did in the first reunion movie. I would've been very disappointed if they would've used those old Plymouths for the police cars. For those of you who don't like a new twist for the movie, don't go see it. The t.v. version is on every weekday on CMT and soon you'll be able to own 3 seasons on DVD. I wouldn't be surprised if they release seasons 4 & 5 if the movie does well. I personally can't wait to see the General fly over a couple Crown Victorias. The only thing I'm skeptical about is the role of Cooter but I'm holding judgement until I see the movie. Everything else is good with me.
  18. It doesn't matter how much or how little faith a studio has in a movie, if they have the chance to put a bunch of famous people in a movie they'll go ahead and do it. I think they did a good job with the cast. I know some people wanted Ashton Kutcher and Paul Walker. Well Ashton would make a better Bo than Luke and Paul Walker while I'll admit looks like he could John Schieder's long lost son has already done a couple car movies so that would be a little tired if you ask me. Not to mention when he talks he sounds like a surfer burn-out. Willie is perfect for Uncle Jesse no matter what the script. Jessica Simpson is hot, and I mean Hot! Not to mention just having her in the movie has people all over the country talking about it which is good no matter how you look at it. If they would've used actors who would mearly impersonate the original cast the movie would seem like a cheap knock-off and would suck. And for those of you who want the original cast in the movie, in a perfect world that's the way it would be but it can't. They're not just marketing this movie to fans of the old show, they want teenagers and young adults to go see it and perhapse create a movie franchise.
  19. Thank the good lord I don't have Divia's outlook on life.
  20. The best things come to those who wait right?
  21. Any of you who have AOL if you sign on tonight 4/23/05, they list 10 movies that you can't miss this summer and Dukes is one of them. They list Aug 5th as the release date.
  22. In case any of you were curious the producer of the Dukes movie hired the stunt coordinator from the Borne Supremecy to do the car chase scenes and for any of you that have scene that movie this is good news! All the scenes in that film were exciting and hair raising. It tells me that they are taking this movie seriously even if it's gonna have a more contemporary feel, which I like. They made 23 General Lee's for the chase scenes alone and had a few others that didn't get destroyed. And good news for all you Mopar fans out there, most of the cars they destroyed were actually wrecks from the t.v. that they rebuilt, so no gratuitous Charger crashing like Fast and the Furious. Also they reportedly wrecked countless Crown Victorias and Caprice Classics along with some other muscle cars that reportedly play a role in the movie as well. So even if you don't like the plot or the script atleast you'll enjoy watching some awesome chase scenes and jumps. P.S. Spoiler Alert!!!!!!!!!!! Don't read if you don't want to know!!!!!!! In the movie the boys don't share the General Lee, atleast not at first. Luke has his own car and Bo owns the General, but it's not clear if the General is even the General in the begining of the movie.
  23. I saw in an old Entertainment Weekly that the movie is coming out July 29th, but everything I've seen lately on the web has it coming out Aug. 5th. I'm inclined to believe the the stuff I see on the web.
  24. Knoxville has acted in some serious roles before but Scott is a good actor as well. I think they will both do a good job. I'm not worried about Burt or Wiille either. The only one I'm not sure of is Jessica but we'll see, she could do a good job.
  25. I don't know how I would make it better because I haven't even seen the dang thing yet!
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