Enos sighed and turned her head to face him "Daisy Mae Strate. . .if there is one thing I can assure you of is that I will NEVER leave you. I don't know how that idea got into your brain, but it needs to leave because I will stay by your side till the day I die."
Granny nodded "I know you do. I'm trying to say that he cares about you more than anything. It would kill him if something happend to you." All this while Lily was watching unnoticed.
Enos only shook not knowing what to do then "You know he's. . .well you both know I won't be here much longer. . .I wish I was, but I won't. I won't be able to help you through your problems. . .I don't know what your Uncle would say, but probably that you both need to be strong."
Agree there Grarret. it does kind of contradict some of his songs like American Soldier, but again times have changed so. . .but yeah. . .I agree with Alan too. . .I have six of his seventeen albums.