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Everything posted by DixieRoss

  1. Welcome! Welcome!
  2. I have been playing the clarinet for 5 1/2 years. Probably the reason that I finally choose the clarinet is because my cousin played it in highschool. I started in middle school, and plan on playing through college. I have always loved music! I've been to a few contest, and have performed at MANY concerts! I have lots count! I love it, I love it, I love it!!!!
  3. After I watched the duke movie I was sick for a week! How can they do that to the Dukes!?!? I agree with all of ya'll!
  4. hey there Flo! I hope ya enjoy your stay here at HN! see ya round!!

  5. I like him, he's a good guy!! But I would NOT call him country!
  6. i would love to have another dukes show to put on my shelf! (original, just like Garrett said) But I have to agree with ya'll, it just wouldn't be the same!!!
  7. hey there! nice to see a new neighbor in town! :)

  8. He's ok! I like him!
  9. me 3!
  10. WOW! I've never heard that story, and I was raised on Waylon! Thanks to my dad I've been a Waylon fan since before I was Born! Every time I google his name it seems like i find another story! I miss you Waylon!!!!!!!! p.s. And take my word for it, mini is a true fan!!!!
  11. I knew about that, but I never thought to post it for all the other waylon fans to read on here! Something else I know is that it really effected Waylon, he felt like Buddy Holly's death was his falt, I think he kindda felt that way till the day he died. I miss both of them!!!!!
  12. "hey where's Bo?"
  13. I just realized that you aren't in my contacts!! opp! :)

  14. i'm really bad at rp, but i added a simple line :)

  15. "Don't worry yourself now Daisy, we don't even now how bad he's hurt yet." Jesse said as he hugged Daisy.
  16. hey there! i had a yahoo messenger for awhile and i think that MSN is better, but i know some others that like yahoo better! so i guess they're bout the same! lol :) see ya round neighbor!

  17. if it's not to much trouble, could you log into messenger again, i really want to make sure that you're in my contacts:)

  18. maybe i have the wrong address?

  19. hhhmmm??? thats what i'm using, i don't know why it's showing you as offline???

  20. are you loged into messenger?

  21. i sent you a invite for msn, it should pop up the next time you log in to msn! :)

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