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Everything posted by daisydukeXenosstrait

  1. Daisy nodds "its true, and KITT always trys to check me out when we go out"
  2. Walker said "thats none of your bussiness" Daisy stepped forward "listen mister, its one thing to be disrepectful to me, but you are not going to be disrespectful to my cousins"
  3. Daisy said "yeah" and she was actually acting covincing "now who are yall"
  4. Micheal said "poor Daisy your boyfriend is stuck being a deputy in Hazzard"
  5. "i knew i shouldnt have asked Luke to meet me out here today to fix the General..........."
  6. Daisy sais "were trapped were not getting out of this one Bo take your hand off the door frame"
  7. Alex said "were just saying, go slower" just then Enos and Rosco pull up Daisy said "oh man, i forgot my date with Enos, thanks Bo" she says turning to Bo
  8. Micheal said "they probelby want to kidnapp yall, my guess is that theyve been stalkin' yall"
  9. Trivet said "yall were going 88 on a 55 mile per hour speed limit" Bo and Luke said together "speed trap!"
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