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Everything posted by daisydukeXenosstrait

  1. Daisy said "why does this have to happen, i thought everything would be okay"
  2. Daisy wished she could have saved Julie "im such an idiot"
  3. Daisy sat there crying "i ruined everything with me and Enos because i was being stubborn, now he doesnt love me anymore"
  4. yeah its like me, yall wont see me on weekdays on the website till 4 o clock or something because i get off of school at exactly 3:24 PM and it takes forever for my busdriver to make all his stops
  5. well my dad doesnt watch it all the time and i do forget a lot of the stuff i mean i havent got a chance to pull the DVDS out ive been busy, dont judge me
  6. Luke said " Daisy Mae Duke, you are the best cousin in the world" with that Daisy smiled and waved them in
  7. i dont know the picture clues dont help me very much

  8. hey check my post in DOH memory... its probely not right (again), maybe you should put the season the dang episode is in

  9. yeah i know, im thinking the same thing
  10. welcome to Hazzardnet, hope you enjoy your stay

  11. i was mad at that and then when Willie said the GD word to Luke about his license i was like "he did not just say that!"
  12. Daisy came in "what power does that dang rinestone cowboy have to tell me i need longer pants!"
  13. Daisy nodds and then finds a dress in her size and trys it on and comes out of the dressing room "Lulu what do ya think?"
  14. Daisy and Enos were having an arugment in the next house about going back to Hazzard and Daisy tried to keep calm, she loved Enos and didnt want anything to come between them "listen i dont this stress, please Enos" she was crying
  15. Micheal suspected something but went along with they guys and helped them change the tire
  16. i dont know lol i think you are just a little
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