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Redneck girl 01

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Posts posted by Redneck girl 01

  1. Howdy! Two suggestions! One is to have a forum for holidays...The general one to use fer it is ok but one for just holidays would be nice...if that makes any sense....n then you know how the chat things have where you can play sound...the dixie horn would be nice to have as an option...there is a Yee haw! but no dixie horn :(....Sorry Im hyper at the moment may not have been a good time to write this...but otherwise hazzardnet is GREAT! Yee Haw!Hope that made sense

  2. I think that it would be really nice fer them to have a northern dukesfest somewhere...Even if it ain't as big just one that the people up north who love the Dukes dont have to drive or fly as far. There are plenty of places they could have it and I think that they could make a lot of money. Heck I know when Ben Jones "Cooter" came to Pittsburg PA with the World of Wheels car show along with Erin Moran(Joanie from Happy Days) and Cindy Williams(Shirley from Laverne and Shirley)(Fonzi[Henry Winkler] was posed to be there but had the flu) anyways we went to them first well my mama did I didn't even know Cooter was there and we got their autographs and then I saw people had autographed Dukes stuff so then we went over to see him n that was only lk 15 mins after they all came, and we stood in line bout 2.5 hours waitin to git to see him...(THAT WAS AWESOME!) And then they had to cut the line off and have them and everyone else come back at 6.

    There was a lot of people at that...n then there was one guy in line that had came from Ohio to see him and a few more from virginia, and one had went to Ohio to see Rosco n said he stood in line bout 4 hours waitin to see him

    Then when John Schneider came to Moorefield Wet Virginia (March 12, 2008, heck how can I fergit that day my first hug from a guy that wasn't a relative...and it was Bo Duke...well John Schneider but Bo!! Now how many people can say that?!?!lol) He came at 2 and was posed to go home at 6...The guy who bought 'Bo's General Lee' had it as part of the deal that he showed up to sign autographs n such...Well I was picked up from school and when we got there there was people lined up fer bout a mile or a lil more.They was just packed together...We stood in line probably 3 hours waitin to see him...Eventually they had to stop autographs completely and just make it a meet n greet...I had to settle for that...you could buy pics that he previuosly autographed I got one of those...Originally you could buy pic, the movie, "Collier & Co. Hot Pursuit, and some cd I think to ave him sign but they ran out of all that but like 5 DVD's. Later we found out that they had only expected a couple hundred or so and there ended up bein some like 5,000 people that went through(I really hope that number is right I know it was thousands)

    So right there are 3 times up north that 3 of the cast from The Dukes brought in A LOT of people in and probably made a whole lot of money. I think that a Northern Dukesfest is a good idea and would probably bring a whole bunch of people! This was a long post.lol. :p:D

  3. I'm goin to have to go check that one out, and leave my thoughts...lol...I heard bout how there was so many people that went to see him in Ohio when I was at The World of Wheels car show in Pittsburg someone in line said they went to see him and they stood in line fer bout four hours...then in Pittsburg just the people that came to see Cooter I stood in line bout 2 hours and we got there bout 8 mins after they came n then the people that went to see John Schneider in Moorefield West Virginia...WOW! N yea your right it could be a very big money maker.

  4. Loretta Lynn had a pertty good show today from what I saw I only saw bout 40 mins of it but I liked it...she had a really pretty dress on I thought...n I loved how she brought her kids out n sung n her grand daughter...They could all sing quite well....GRRRR thunder I gonna have to git off so computer don't go boom! Yea I know it in Ohio to umm Stubenville(sp) is what keeps poppin in my head, does that sound right?

    Sounds like a good place to have a Northern Dukes Fest.

    Hey RogerDuke which place did you mean Wheeling ot where they have Jamboree in the Hills? I'd be happy if they had a Dukesfest at either one of them places we could manage to go there...But Georgia that is a long trip specially with gas prices...They should have one up north fer the people there who cant afford to go down there...Even though we really really really really really really really want to.

  5. Howdy Y'all...Thanks again...It aint that big...just a little smaller than the 1:18 General Lee RC...to be more specific bout 8.5 inches from headlights to taillights(lenght)...then bout 2.75(width) inches from one side of hood to the other side...n then bout 3 inches(height) from the roof to bottom of tires. Hope that is what you wanted to know...n no I don't think you would General Grant it is actually pertty easy...and all it takes is a lil practice.

  6. Thanks General Grant...The pictures are courtesy of my mama...she got one of them fancy smacy 35mm photography cameras so I had her take them...she wanted to retake cause a few didn't turn out but they came up ok...I need to learn to let the computer make it the right color...but it is close...Umm I worked on it probably 3 weeks when I had time but if I worked right through it probably 10-12 hours makin he pattern n makin it n so on...it is really easy!:-P

  7. I Love this movie! It aired Memorial Day at nine on the halmark channel n me n my mama n a couple other people watched it..everytime John would come up on the screen I would say, "He he he I got to hug him!!!!"(*Thinks back bout gittin to meet him and smiles uncontrollably* :D:Danyways...It was really good...I think...It has John Schneider in it! lol...Grrrr I can't say nuttin bout it or ruin what happens in it...lol...I actually made a post bout it like 2 days after it aired in This week in tv...I was a little late...Gosh it was $15 or $20 at my walmart...:( Haven't been able to git it yet...but I really like it and it would make a good family movie. Hope y'all enjoy it. :)

  8. Howdy Howdy Y'all...well I hope this thread is more popular than my last one...lol...opps...Anyways I dunno if y'all know bout it or watch it on tv or actually go to Jamboree in the Hills(JITH) (Knows at the biggest country mysic party festival type thang) It is on till Sunday on the tv and I didn't git to see none of it on Thursday :( But I watched it all today...I liked most of it...Does anyone else watch or or go to it? It takes place out in Ohio can't think of the place now...grrr...anyways if anyone watched it today did you think Jason Aldean looked sick? Specially round his eyes...n The one dude that was in Gary Allan's band that was wearin a green plaid kilt...that was a bit strange but other than that I liked it...n if you have no idear what Im talkin bout tell me...Well Im gonna shut up fore I make myself sound more stupid.

  9. Howdy Y'all! Its been a while! Anyways I finally got pics of my plastic canvas General Lee...so feel free to look at em and let me know what you think...anyways Do you like school Lori? I have always thought it was fun borin at times but usually fun...So hows the trainin have you got that back on track? Has it stopped rainin? It bout 90 degrees here...lol...Did y'all have a good 4th? Well Im gonna put the pics on n then hit the hay I've had a long week...talk to y'all later...Well maybe the pics aint comin up! GRRRRRRR!!! I will have to try again...Here goes nothing! Yay! I got em! Sorry if the color is a lil off I didn't have it automatically fix the color and whatever. They are just different views of it. N the winders are actually lk a silverish but they come up white on here...dunno why...lol.






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