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Redneck girl 01

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Status Updates posted by Redneck girl 01

  1. howdy Me! lol...I talk to myself in the chat so it don't kick me out well time me out automatically....lol...but my computer was bein dumb...n wouldnt bring the chat up till y'all were gone...lol...

  2. Howdy Randi How are you?

  3. Howdy Roger...How are you? Long time no talk to..lol.

  4. Howdy Sis...Hows you? Woo prom is in two days! Well 3 days...lol...

  5. Howdy wanna chat for a few minutes?

  6. Howdy your welcome...n I saw you n Daisy Mae was wonderin hpw to send a private message on here...I dunno if you have figured it out yet or not but if ya ain't then I tell ya...You know how each profile has the tabs: Visitor Messages, About Me, Statistics, Friends, and Contact Info well you go to the one that says contact info and then when that page comes up click send a private message to this person and there ya go...does that make sense? Hope it helps!

  7. Howdy!

    So did you get all your wrapping done? I was right up to the last minute putting finishing touches on the gifts... How was your Christmas? Was Santa good to you? :p

    Hope all is well

  8. Howdy! Any chance that you can chat?

  9. Howdy! Aww thats fine...I know all bout computers not lettin ya on this site....Mine wouldn't let me on it for months...n I finally just had to put hazzardnet.com/forums....n that would take me to it....I've been busy....I ain't been on the computer much...n I can really oly get on it when I'm at the library cause ours at home doesnt work....lol....

    My fair was last week....I had fun...I only got to go 3 days though....n then bout two weeks ago I got to go see Darryl Worley in concert....have you heard of him? n then on Saturday I got to see him again...he puts on a great show!

    Well I gotta go...hope to talk to ya laters..bye byes

  10. Howdy! Happy Birthday! Hope ya had a good one!

  11. Howdy! Hey you wanna chat?

  12. Howdy! Hmmm what I have been up to....school...school...and school...and some more school...since two of my classes are only half the year now...they have to shove everything we would learn in a year to a semester...So now I'm writting an English paper like every week....n thanks to me not understanding Shakespeare...I have a C in English....the only thing keepin me from honor roll....I've been sooo busy this year....I ordered graduation stuff bout 2 weeks ago...

  13. Howdy! How are ya doin? Ain't heard from ya in a while.

  14. Howdy! How are you doing? I ain't talked to ya in a while...what have you been up to?

  15. Howdy! How are you doing?

  16. Howdy! How are you doing?

  17. Howdy! How are you? How was your 4th?

  18. Howdy! How are you? I just seen you live in Ireland!!!! AHH!!! Whats it like over there? I have wanted to go there since 6th grade when I first found out what travel was...I thought it was beautiful.....

  19. Howdy! How are you? n thanks....

  20. Howdy! How you? Sorry I wasn't exactly in the chat thingy...lol.

  21. Howdy! Howdy! Hows you? lol...

  22. Howdy! Hows you? :D:) There I smiled!!! hahahahaha

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