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Everything posted by Cowboy

  1. Hey Emy, Not much, chillin. You?

  2. Seventy-seven years ago on this day of February 26th in Kingsland Arkansas a legendary singer, song writer, known as the man in black, one of the Highwaymen was born into a world so much different from the one we live in today. Born Johnny R. Cash in 1932, his imprint on the world made by a deep and very distinctive voice that people from generations later (such as myself) could pick out of millions of others. His songs still to this day have been tested by time and still stand as some of the greatest songs and hits ever written in not only Country Music, but rock, pop, and so many others. He was not a perfect man, but a incredible reflection on the magnitude of what the world is today. I'd like to celebrate and remember Johnny Cash's birthday today, because he was the awesome one and only Man In Black, no one can ever bring back that deep voice and one of a kind characteristics that he brought to this world every time he touched pen to paper, stepped on a stage or sat down with a guitar. Happy Birthday Johnny Cash, may your days of being a Ghost Ryder In the Sky, forever being a Highwayman... again and again... or maybe a simple drop of rain... but you will always remain and come back again... and again. ~Chet
  3. "Know your friends and family well... but know your enemies even better." *Smirks.*
  4. Whats this I hear? No more Knight Rider? ~Chet
  5. Cowboy

    Of Many Colors

    Hey I really enjoyed the art work the other person here posted. Infact I enjoyed it so much I thought I'd share some of my own. Hope you all enjoy mine as much as I enjoyed the other. A comic style attempt at our Good Ol' Boys I dont paint a ton, but heres one of the few. "Razor" A working progress, aint finished. This is "Talc" he is the fantasy character for my novel. I drew this for a Hazzardnet moderator some years ago. Can anyone guess which one? I have some more I'd be glad to post when I get them uploaded. ~Chet
  6. Cowboy

    Knight Rider 2009

    I SAID a show of hands of the people who ENJOY the new knight rider. Aint you ever heard the old saying; "If you aint got nothing nice to say, dont say nothing at all!" ~Chet
  7. Cowboy

    Knight Rider 2009

    Let me see a show of hands of the people who are ENJOYING, the new Knight Rider. Im always open mind to new series like this because so many people seem to be wary of new deals like this. Thats why I cant believe how much I really enjoy and look forward to seeing the new episodes every Wednesday. Anyone else feeling the same way about the series? The story lines aint half bad, Ive seen alot worse, and Kitt... heh he aint a half bad mustang either. ~Chet
  8. Dont worry about it BL, it cant be helped. Besides! Lookit the bright side I can count higher then Brian and Alex! 1....2....skip a few... 99...100.... *Rolls on floor laughing.* ~Chet
  9. Im sorry, I wasnt trying to complain and I have made a effort to be a better part of this community. I do loose my cool at times, but we all do. But i will stay off the RR and stay away from people as it seems to work best for everyone. ~Chet
  10. Oh just peachy, you?

  11. Ive been looking around Hazzardnet lately, and looking at some of the writing on the more open boards, especially a board that used to be my favorite past time, a place I once really enjoyed writing on. The Round Robin Board. For those of you who dont know me, Iam Chet Duke and Ive been known for alotta trouble around Hazzardnet over the many years (almost 10 years) Ive been here. But no matter how much trouble I got into I ALWAYS made the best effort to write legible so people could understand what I was doing, where I was and who I was. I believe theres alotta other people here, weather they simply be readers or writers that can chime in when I say I cant understand a thing thats on the Round Robin boards anymore. ITS A MESS! If I wrote like that when I used to write on the Round Robin board, people woulda freaked out, they never would have written with me. Worst yet, I dont see any of the writers who are struggling asking for help from people who have been here. When I first arrived, I was utterly rebelious! But when it came down to writing, I bit my tongue and asked for help on improving myself because I wanted to beable to stand among the greats. So Im askin, Whats the Deal? Doesnt anyone take pride in there work anymore? I see SOOO many stories on the Round Robin, hundreds that arent even finished, not to mention illegible and practically incoherent babbling. Hazzardnet was once a wonderful place, and many parts of it still are, but whats the open boards coming to? ~Chet
  12. (Do you know theres a original Characters roll play section for stories just like this? Round Robin was made to be and open board for ALL and ANY who wish to write on it.Read the rules! ~Cowboy)
  13. The brawl between Jesse James and North continued for many long minutes, they rolled around in the shallow water of the creek, trading punches. The two outlaw men evenly matched in everyway. Frank James looked at there back trail, growing wary that the law would be onto them soon. "JESSE! Stop this! Now! The laws gotta be trailin us we need to skin out! The Youngers gotta already be waiting, forget that cur." Both men shoved each other apart hard. North grabbed up his horses reins quickly and mounted up. "We'll meet again Jesse James.... and I'll be damned if I dont kill you." North sneared, his cold grey eyes icy as he glared at the other outlaw. Jesse sneared back. "Not if I kill you first!" North flicked his reins at his pinto and galloped outta the creek bed and down a deer trail heading back for the Sleepy City. After it, it had been the James brothers who had shot Doc Holiday... not him. He'd just been along for the ride. (Cue anyone who dare.)
  14. (* Born John Henry Holliday in Georgia in 1851, "Doc Holliday", known for a mean disposition and an ungovernable temper. A weakling from Tuberculosis, he was known to have been in 8 gun fights, he shot several people, fatally killing 4. Holliday died in 1887 at age 36, they say he laughed when he lay in his death bed and realized he was about to die peacefully.* ) Many miles from where the great John Henry Holiday had been shot by the natorious Jesse James, a trio of outlaws drew up there winded horses near a creek. Jesse James turned in his saddle looking back on the deer trail they'd just ridden hard on, a crocked grin came to his lips. His brother Frank allowed his horse to ease down into the creek for a much needed drink. The third rider, a man riding a blue eyed black and white mustang pinto brought up the rear, whirling his mount to double check there back trail. A pair of six guns tied down on his hips, and a rifle at his knee. "Nice job North, we've seen the end of Doc Holiday. Now on to kill Earp. He'll never see it coming either." Jesse smirked wicked. The young cowboy aboard the pinto horse nodded in reply, his coal grey eyes dark as he looked back at the trail they'd ridden on before letting his horse down into the creek bed for a drink. "I think I'll ride back into town for a drink, and make sure you hit to kill." North leaned down to fill his canteen in the creek. Pressing his lips unhappily, Jesse reached over and shoved the younger man off his horse and into the water with a splash. Furious North got up in the water and yanked Jesse off his horse and a brawl broke out between the two, Frank James sat by, watching. (Cue anyone, but beware, North is my property.)
  15. Please contact me. Its important.


  16. 2008 Hazzard Tough Mans Contest Rules No weapons of any kinda. Clean dirty fight. Bascially the object of the fight is to knock your opponet unconcious or battle until your opponet surrenders. In the case of a surrender, surrendering opponet should raise both arms above head wether standing or on the ground. Attacking opponet should immediately back off and return to there own corner of the ring. The winner of a round will move on to the next and be paired up by simularity of weight. The unsuccessful in the fight will be instructed to join the cheering crowd. Any participents caught cheating or breaking the rules will be disquilified. Please show good sportsman ship an respect for your oppents and comrades. Other then that have one hell of a good time. To enter please fill in the information below. Name: Age: Weight: Good Luck!
  17. What I really want.... *Leans my back against the wall pondering deeply.* Ya heart and soul is used to feel happiness and pain...*Swallows.*...but its never so simple... happy or sad... *Rubs my hands together suddenly feeling alittle nervous in a lost sort of way. Like walking down a empty, endless hallway.* I guess... what I really want... is to not have this heart and soul anymore. I cant take back all the things that I have done... *Takes my hat off a carpet of short black hair beneath, so unlike my kin in every way, like a storm cloud and a sunny day. Clears throat alittle bit keeping my eyes down.* I could say I'd take all those things back but... but it wouldnt matter.... it'll never matter. So... rather then carry it around with me... sell my heart and soul. Let someone who can put better use to it have it... so that I dont have to hurt and suffer in my own guilt, though Im sure that pleases many.
  18. *Frowns, sits down on the edge of the step in the booking room.* I dont know...
  19. *Removes my hat and turns to go up the steps, pauses.* Ladies first.
  20. *Presses my lips alittle annoyed, clears throat.* MaryAnne, is there any possibility we can continue this conversation some place alittle more private. Please.
  21. Nah I dont really need the money, just dont want them anymore. Dont really think I need a heart and soul. *Scratches goatee in thought.* Any price will do really, dont have to be a high price long as there sold to someone who needs em'. *Glances around not looking or seeking attention from anyone, weather they be in uniform or out. Just the interest of a buyer, someone in good need of a gently used heart and soul.*
  22. Yeehaw, you go Jessi. *Applauds Jessi Duke.*
  23. Geeze DukeFan post a couple more times, repeat it again I dont think I got ya point. No, Im not and have never been a 'die hard' Knight Rider fan. I love the Dukes but am I die hard fan because Im willin to give a new series a chance? I wasnt old enough to even watch Knight Rider when it was on TV, but I still liked it when i got older, thought it was cool. But i gotta say that theres a hell of a lot worse TV shows on right now then the movie/series of Knight Rider. And I think I'll watch it over some of the other crap. I dont have cable or Satelite, so Im limited to about 5-6 channels of alotta crappy TV shows, full of serious violence, profanity, rape and gruesome murders. So what if Ford tried to make a few bucks on it, everyones out to make money somehow, no matter how half ass it is. Far as makin General Lee into a Camaro, hey ya never know. Atleast its a sporty muscle car, and not a Dodge again.(Dodge dont make good cars no more.) The new Dodges are a piece of crap, lookit the new Charger.... I wanna know who stuck out there hand and got the pay on that piece of crap. Sure the performance was ok, but THAT was an insult to the Charger name. The Challenger... looks pretty but lets see what it can stand up to... I wont hold my breath. ~Chet
  24. Its mine sell, so butt out. *Turns attention back on MaryAnne ignoring Alex.*
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