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Everything posted by Cowboy

  1. SQUAWK! SQUAAAWWWWWWK!!! SQUUUUUUAAAAWWWWWK!!!! Holy hell! Grow the hell up both of you and get a life! In all the years I been here I have never heard such childish responses and complaints! Even from folks younger then both of you! ~Chet
  2. If you dont mind I wish to cut in and give my two cents on this Brian, I know I aint the best writer but I have alittle different perspective that maybe some of these youngsters dont know about and could appreciate. When I first came to Hazzardnet, I was completely new to just about everything, a regular SOB at times too. But, I never backed out of writing with anyone, and I was constantly getting suggestions on improving my work from other older/experienced writers.(Still do to this day!) But I was too hard headed to listen and I was too foolish to try to learn from them, took me years. Like Brian was saying, Round Robbins are a sheer test of a writers strength and weakness, they can be down right difficult! But they can be alot of fun too. Look at Buckshot and Bad Apples, there was a serious amount of time and effort among people who at the time were not the best of buddies, to say the very least. But we approached it in a proffesional manner and delt with each other and worked together on where and how we wanted the story to go. I cant tell you how many times people who normally would not even speak to me pulled me aside on AIM to talk about the story! It was an amazing effort. If you cant work together and work it out atleast take a proffesional approach on it for the benefit of the readers and story quality... ya never know you might just find a good friend in a person you consider a foe. Also dont be bull headed, be willing to go into every story with an open mind to learn something! No one knows everything! Aint that true Brian? ~Chet
  3. Yeah Im a wanted man... all the women in Hazzard want me! *Smirks.* ~Chet
  4. Oh yeah sure... I been pretending to be an Outlaw for TEN YEARS! *Rolls eyes.* ~Chet
  5. That just goes to show what little you guys know... First... I dont come anywhere NEAR qualifying to be a Bounty Hunter. MaryAnne and MeadowMuffin have a filing cabinet with my name on it, a entire cabinet dedicated to the criminal records of one Chet Duke. Second.... Im sure theres a few dozen wanted posters and rewards with MY name on it. Now wouldnt if be silly for me to bring myself in? Honestly... Third.... I cant were a uniform... or any kind of monkey suit for that matter, they make me itch. Also anything less then a .44 or a .45 is a varmit gun. So I guess you poor guys are stuck with me as an outlaw. But hey, I'd rather fight an enemy I know then a total stranger. ~Chet
  6. Hot damn Brian! 10w40? Is that what you run in your Impala? What the hell do you do to that thing? You'd be sunk if it sprang a leak... Cooter would be hauling your ass to the junk yard, that engine would be toast. ~Chet
  7. *Smirks.* I think a Bounty Hunter would be a great job for me, Outlaw gone Bounty Hunter. *Chuckles.* Theres enough riff-raff, criminals and full time outlaws, not to mention the one considered best or should I say "Lord of-" the outlaws to keep me in business until I grow old. ROSCO! MARYANNE! I need a favor if you please. I need all the most recent wanted and reward posters you have, especially on one Brian Coltrane and his blond side kick Alex Jackson. Thank you... ~Chet
  8. If I cant do any of that what the hells of the point of being a deputy? Maybe I should be a fire fighter, that way I could drown all the BS'ers around here. ~Chet
  9. "Deputy Chet Duke?" *Scratches chin.* "Deputy Cowboy" Hmmmm.... Does have a very nice ring to it, where do I apply? ~Chet
  10. *Sighs* I stopped worrying about fitting in some where years ago. I just exist. ~Chet
  11. "The outlaw who runs lives to run another day..." Im more of an outlaw then a Duke, Ive always been shunned from the Duke clan, why should now be any different? ~Chet
  12. Go ahead... but remember Im not so easy to throw in jail, ya gotta catch me first and Im not sure you old guys can handle that. *Smirks.* Dont hurt yourself. ~Chet
  13. I think another Coltrane is more suitable for jail then MaryAnne and it sure aint Rosco. *Smirks at Brian.* I bet its been awhile since you had chipped beef Brian. ~Chet
  14. Yeehaw! Looks like things are really coming together, I know its been crazy the last few days and I do apologize for my short absences. But truely it does not look like ya'll need me, this has all really taken off. For the better, its wonderful, now the future of Dukes of Hazzard writing and the furture of the writing here in Hazzardnet looks so much more promising! Thank you to everyone, especially a certain few folks who know who they are that finally one by one all came together to raise the roof on this. Everything looks so much better from here on out, I know theres still gonna be some goffer holes but folks, WE CAN DO IT! THREE CHEERS FOR HAZZARDNETS FUTURE! May it make the past of this wonderful place proud of its foundation. }~* Chet
  15. Yeehaw! Now were getting some where. I think starting from scratch would be a really great idea. I think not only would it give EVERYONE a fresh start but it might also seem somewhat inviting to the people who USED to really enjoy writing there. Frankly I think those who used to write there left because they were so over whelmed by these one-liner no account stories. Even Brian and MaryAnne, two of so many awesome writers that used to really have a blast on the RR board just said themselves that they were basically shoved out the door. Lets give it a fresh start, give the moderators a chance to help these green horns out and if it is a case of laziness and lack of effort... then they deserve the boot. I will be voting on the stories I wish to keep in the deck shortly. ~Chet
  16. First, I want to say thank you to MaryAnne and Brian. I know I have been a real pain in the ass and so much more all these years, but thank you for.... I guess just really listening and understanding where Im coming from this time. I know I can be hot under the collar, as MA said not quite the friendliest hombre around here. This has really driven me mad, I have come so far, it will be 10 years in the spring that I have been here and I feel like I have wasted so much of it. Now that Im mellowing in my old age and realize how warm and lovin this place is... it seems like its falling to ruins, just when Im ready to give it my all. *Clears throat.* MaryAnne, you make such a very good point about these green horns, what are there intent for these stories? It seems you have really dug to the roots, even deeper then I have. Ive over looked there intent, I admit. I'd really like to hear this, perhaps it will open my mind to there side of it better. Thanks again guys, means alot to me. BL, Lori... thank you very much ya'll have backed me firmly even when you had to follow me into hell never knowing what the consiquences might be because of me. Thank you. }~* Chet
  17. Meadow, I do apologize, I know how cocky, arrogant, mouthy, sarcastic and every thing else Ive been so colorfully referred to over the years. I did not intend to be this time and I do apologize. Again, I do not wish to sling attitude and hope this dont come out that way. I also hope that you understand my intentions of halting the stories, after all these years I have learned many lessons...but most of all Hazzardnet has become my one and only home. You should know, I am not a roaming muse, this is where I was born and this is where I will die. As of the spring of this 20-10 I will have been here for 10 years, only now do I see and understand truely what is so beautiful about this place. It kills me to see what I have been seeing for some time, and you know me, what hurts tends to cause anger. But perhaps others should know by example what this place can produce. Look at me... I started out as a hellion, I wanted nothing but trouble. Now I like to consider myself a fair to decent muse and writer here in Hazzard. I reckon I have spoke my peace and the only thing I have left to say is that, I do not have to put a halt to the stories to be heard or make a stand. Ive been thrown under the jail, I have been forever banned and exiled, but what these green horns are doing is worse then anything I coulda ever done to this place. I can only pray for a better future of writers, but from where it stands now, it dont look good. }~*Chet
  18. Do you know what makes a writer sell a book? Do you know what has made a site like this number 1 all these years... sure wasnt one line posts. DONT tell me or anyone else on here who works 40 hours a week that ya dont have time to post or put effort into a post. A good story could take YEARS to build, not days or weeks, which is what I see around here, one line at a time and it aint worth reading. People have been asked very nicely to not post a story that consists of single line after single line. MaryAnne even expanded boards in a way to make a place for every type of story. Dont be lazy, I Role Play lines longer in one night then you green horns post in a week! This is a site for stories to be made and read. People have come here for years and years to READ, simply and utterly READ. And they once really enjoyed it, but now they dont even bother. Go on... post your one liners in the Round Robin board, we'll see where it gets ya. ~Chet
  19. Its good to see someone other then me and a few others have eyes around here. Theres too many one liners and not half of this material around here makes a bit of sense! Ya'll should be ashamed. Ive raised hell over this before and I'll do it again, Hazzard is MY home too and I wont stand for this! If I have to I will hault these stories as I did before, if I dont see improvement. Gettin to look like Hazzard needs a Warden. Where do I apply for the job? ~Chet
  20. Hello,

    I wish to inform you that the Round Robin forum is not the home of simgle sentence replies/posts. We call them "one liners" and they belong else-where on Hazzardnet, try the Role playing forum. If you need help writing of any kind there are many a people who would be glad to lend a hand.


  21. I will never be acused of chasing someone away, think what you will about youself. But please get more then one line reply down or take it to the other board, I wont bother you there.


  22. Im seeing it again! RIGHT NOW, I can name more then 3 stories on the Round Robin forum that have FAR TOO MANY one liner posts/replies. I will not put up with it. There ARE people who put a tremdous amount of time and effort into writing around here. But AGAIN the majority Im seeing is not looking good. Havent we been through this before? If you dont want to put the effort in then dont bother starting a story! If you wanna write something thats off the map, put it in the right spot! (That means single line replies belong else where!) The moderators work hard keeping this place at its very best, and that means the stories are legable and worth reading. Im not asking you to improve your spelling or grammer... just put something on the paper worth bothering with. ~Chet
  23. Hey, Im seeing far too many one liner posts from you again. Improve on them, Im gonna raise a stink and it aint gonna be pretty, your not the only one, but I know you can do better.


  24. Chet's missmatched eyes met the eyes of the deputy and he flicked his brow nodding slowly that he agreed something wasn't right. He turned the rear of the frame towards MaryAnne so that she could get a look at the hook the frame at hung on and see that it was strong and secure. As was the nail it had hung on. Gently he laid the broken frame back down and rouse to his feet taking Amanda's hand in his as they continued on there way through the tour. The rooms were beautiful and elligant, the drappery and bed linnens matched glamorously. The tour was a good 40 minutes long, the tourists were even treated to a complimentary piece of opening celebration cake. Chet was on high alert the entire tour, but that was nothing unusual, being an outlaw and on the run for the better early part of his life had made it almost second nature to be very cautious and observant. But still, nothing more unusual happened the remains of the tour. The people parted ways once it was done, returning to the carnival like shindig for the remains of the day. Every person who took the tour was entered to win a free night in the hotel with four friends, Chet and Amanda stuck around for the drawing. (Cue anyone. Just cause Halloweens over dont mean this stories gonna fall through the floor, too much fun.)
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