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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. Doug was about to tell her when Kathy walked in and she said Doug THe baby's mother is out in the hall and she is real worried. Doug looked at Kathy and said Take me to her. and Kathy took Doug to Reba and He told Reba That Jamie has the flu a real bad case of it.I cave her some medicain and it should bring the feaver down you can go in with her if you Like. Reba ran to her Baby's room Doug looked at her and said who was other women. and Kathy said Nobody. Luke walked over and asked Howa Jamie and Doug said she is Stable. and Doug walked away. Kathy looked at Luke and said Juliy is here. Luke said ok we will keep an eye out. Adam walked over to his mother and said Mom when you and Dad leave for Hazzard Kaitlyn and I are going with you we want to move to Hazard. Kathy smiled and said That's great. But I think you shoud Spend Some time with your Father Bobby In Dallas first. Adam said Ok mom
  2. Luke ses Bo and he's talking to Lucy. So him and Kathy get out of the General and then theysaw J.R and Bobby Kathy looks at Luke and said Baby this isn't good and they walk up to them. And JR smiled and said Howdy Kathleen. Kathy looked at JR and said What are you doing in Hazzard? Well I'm here to brotect My neace from your cousin. You see them bruses on her face well she told me That Bo did that. Kathy looked at Bo and she said No way. Uncle Jesse would have his hid if he did that. Kathy asked Lucy and Lucy didn't saw anything. and then Luke spotted the Sheriff coming and he said Kath Get Bo we better go and Kathy grabbed Bo and they headed for the General Lee and took off.
  3. Carol ran into Kaityln's room and said Kathythere is a baby that is 8 weeks old that just came in and its a girl and the baby is in your family Kathy and Luke ran out of the room and they saw Reba and she was upset. and when she saw Kathy she Ran to her and said Oh Aunt Kathy none of my kids has ever been this sick before. Kathy said Reba she has the best baby doctor taking of her in Chicago Dr Ross. I will go see what's going on. and then Kathy left.
  4. Kathy looked at Bobby and said Thanks. and Adam walked over to Kathy and Luke and said Mom, Dad Kaitlyn wants to see you. and we have made a desion. So Kathy and Luke followed Adam in the room. IN KAITLYN'S ROOM Kathy walked over to her and said sO WHAT IS THE DISION you made Kaitlyn smiled and Adam Said after we visit Dad in Dallas we want to move to Hazzard
  5. Uncle Jesse looked at Dusty and said I don;t know where Bo is going . I'll call Luke and Kathy on the CB They are at Hazzard Pond with the General Lee. So Uncle Walked to the CB andgot Luke on the CB and Luke said Ok Uncle Jesse Kath and I will catch up with him and ask him what's going on Lost Sheep 1 out.
  6. Luke said I know Sweetheart. Kathy said Luke, I'm so glad that the baby made it. and she fell in Luke's arms. Bobby walked over to Kathy and said Kathy. That baby is stronge, It takes after you. I have never maet a women who is as stronge as you.
  7. Pam said, Adam how are you? Adam looked at her and said I'm scard really scard. I don't want to lose the baby. Pam hugged him. Kathy came out and she saw Pam hug adam. Adam saw her and Adam said Mom how is she. Kathy smiled and said the contractions has stopped. She is resting right now. Adam She's in her own room now Oh and Adam she needs to say relaxed, You can go in and see Her Room 45. adam hugged his mom and said Thanks Mom. and he went to Katlyn's room. Kathy walked over to Luke and Kissed him. and said Luke when I saw her there I saw myself.
  8. in the present Kathy was still in the room with Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn looked up at Kathy with tears in her eyes and said save my baby. Kathy said Kaitlyn they are doing the best they can. right now you need to calm down and relax. we need to stop the contractions and the medicain they gave you need a chance to work. Kaitlyn said ok mom. and then she looked at Kathy and closed. her eyes and relaxed. 2 HOURS LATER Pam, Bobby and Christopher walked over to Adam and Adam smiled and he said Dad.
  9. Kathy was with Adam. Adam said Mom please go in with Kaitlyn she doesn't know anyone and I know you are a doctor. Kathy said Ok Adam I will go . Kathy looked at Luke. and Luke said Go I will stay here with Adam. MEANWHILE IN DALLAS TEXAS ON SOUTHFORK jr was ripping mad. That Kathy has found her son and now they have a relationship and Now Bobby was mad at him. and wasn't talking to him. Christopher was at southfork talkint to he father about Adam. and he said Dad. you mean Uncle JR took Adam when he was born. and told Kathy he was dead. Wow. and you had no idea eather? Bobby looked at Chris and said No Chris I had no Idea. Just then Pam walked in. and they had a dission you see Bobby and Pam are back together. Pam said Hows Kathy taking it. But before Bobby could finish his cell ring and he said Ok Thanks Luke I will be right there. and then he put the phone down and told Pam and Chris whAT WAS GOING ON . and Pam said I'm going with you and Chris said So am I want to met my older brother. and they left . They headed for the Ewing Jet.
  10. After the wedding. Kyle was feeling tired So Abby took him back to his room. Jesse looked at Sarah and Said howdy Mrs.Duke. Sarah smiled and said Hello Mr Duke. Luke Just laughed cause he remembered that's what him and Kathy did after they said their vows/ Luke said TO Jesse remind me not to tell you any more stories about me and your mother. Jesse just laughed and so did Sarah. Sarah's mother was crying and she walked up to them and said what a beautiful wedding. and she hugged them both. Sarah's father walked over to Jesse and shook his hand and said welcome to the family son. Kathy was over talking to Adam and Kaitlyn. Kathy noticed that Kaitlyn looked tired and then she fainted Adam coughter Adam looked at her and said Mom what happened. Kathy looked at Kaitlyn and checked and then she yelled Doug get your butt in here. Doug Carol and Mark came a running. and they took Kaitlyn to an excam room. Adam was very confused. Luke said Don't worry she;s in the best of hands.
  11. Kathy walked in her father's room and said Dad. Kyle looked up and he smiled at his daughter. and Kathy said Dad Adam and Kaitlyn Jesse and Sarah are getting married in the hospital Chapail. and they want you to be there sitting in the front row. Kyle smiled and said well lets get going girl my grandsons need me. and Mark walked in and he smiled and he had some nurses help him. and Kathy wheeled him to the chapale. Kyle looked at her and said Kathleen your mother would love this. and to met Adam I know she loves him as much as she loves Jesse.Leventa and Jacob. Kathy hugged her father and said I know she does dad. and she put him in the front row. Kathy saw her sons come out of the room and they both looked very handsome in their tuxes. Kathy walked over to them and hugged them both. and then she took a picture of them and then Kyle said GET A PICTURE of you and your sons. Kathy gave Abby trhe camra and kathy stood in the middle and Abby took the picture. Kathy said Thanks. and Kyle said I want that one on the family wall. Kathy looked at her and said it will be dad.
  12. Kathy looked at her father and said dad are you all right. Kyle looked at them and said I don't Know all of a sudden my chest feels tight. Kathy looked at her father and said Dad relax and then she looked at Luke and said call an ambulance. 2 minutes later the Ambulance showed up and took him to County cause thats where he wanted to go. everyone followed in their cars. IN THE HOSPITAL Mark walked over and said Kathy your father had an heart attic and there is a lot of damage to the heart. Kathy he's dying. Kathy started to cry. Luke helder. Adam looked at Kaitlyn and Jesse looked at Sarah. Jesse said Mom Sarah and I want to get married now here in the hospital chapal so Grampy can see us get married and Adam said so do Kaitlyn. Kathy smiled and said if thats what you want. and they both said we do. and Kathy looked at Mark and said can he make it to the chaple. and Mark said that could be arranged. Sarah called her parents and they said they where coming.they would be at the hospital in 5. Sarah and Kaityln went back to the houe to get their dresses
  13. AT THE HOSPITAL.. Abby said Kathy you are making grat progress. I think you don't need me anymore. and if you want you can go back to Hazzard and conture your life there. Kathy was all excited and she said thank Iknow Luke misses the farm pluse I have a score to settle with some one and Abby said Kathy now don't over do it Kathy smiled and said Ok I won't but she had this coming a long time.. Abby just smiled and then they both walked out and Kathy told Luke what was going on and he smiled. and then they went home. AT THE SPENCER HOUSE Kaitlyn was talking to Sarah and said I never had a family like this. Sarah said ya the Dukes are an Awsome family. they stick up for each other. What mom tells me about the Ewings they stap each other in the back so I would be very careful about that side of the family. Kaitlyn said I agree. Just then Luke and Kathy walked threw the door and they told everyone the good news and Leventa was real Happy and said we are going home. Kyle walked in and he had a sad look on his face and Kathy walked over to him and said Dad you knew that as soon a I was better we where going back to the farm. Kyle said I know I guess I just got use to my kids being around me. Vance and Tina are here and I love them.but I never get to see Jesse, Leventa and Jacob. Kathy understood where he was coming from. Dad Jesse is staying here with you and help you with the hotels remember. Kyle smiled and said ya I remember. and then he sat down.
  14. Luke walked over to Kathy ans said Sweetheart did you forget you have phucail theropy today. Kathy looked at him and said I forgot Abby must be mad. and then she said bye and they walked out the door. Adam looked at Jesse and said is mom always this struburn, Jesse smiles and said ya she is. Kaitlyn came down the stairs and said Adam Mom is going to let me ware her wedding dress and it's beautiful. Jesse picked up a wedding picture and it was their mother and he showed it to Adam and he looked at it and he said wow our mother is beautiful. who is the women standing next to mom. Jesse said that is our grandmother Rebecca Spencer. she died a few years ago and Gramps is still taking it hard. That's one of the reasons why I came to Chicago. she he wouldn't be a lone.
  15. Jesse looked at his brother and said. So bro, tomorrow is the big dsy. Adam smiles and said Ya it is and I'm glad I can celbrate it with my family. a Family I didn't know I had. and it feels great to have this large of a family. But I'm kinda skeptial of meeting the Ewing side though. Kathy walked over to him and said all the Ewings ain't bad. Just J.R. I giving you my Ewing stock and voting rights. cause I don't want anything to do with the Ewing Oil. and that should make you have as much power in Ewing Oil then Jr him self. and I know Bobby will help you. and then Kathy handed him all the papers. He looked at her and smiled. Kathy said be careful your Uncle can be ruthless.
  16. Why don't you ask Aunt Kathy? Reba Said. just then Kathy walked in and said ask me what? How did you feel when you married Uncle Luke? Reba said. Kathy said well we got married on the farm. Iwas very nervice.until i saw Luke. he looked so Handsome in a tux.and my eyes where on him. Kathy smiled as she remered that day you know we will be married 25 years next week. man time does fly.
  17. Adam smiled and said I 'm my mother's son. and Jesse said you sure are and both boys started to laugh. Just then Kathy and Luke walked in with Tommy and Rachael said oh no. and Tommy walked over to her and he said. I know what you have done to Jesse and I suing you for custdy of my son and the tape that Jesse has will prove that you are a unfir mother. Tommy looked at the Dukes and said Thanks. He took his son and Left. and then eveyone started to cheer. and then Sarah ran over to Jesse and jumped into his arms and kissed him right in front of Rachael. Rachael gave them a dirty look. Luke just smiled. then they all went home. then Kathy said hay we have a wedding tomorrow. and Kaitlyn smiled. AT THE HOUSE Kaitlyn was in her room and she was looking in her closet and she started to cry. Kathy walked into the room and she was carring something. Kathy said Kaitlyn , What's the matter? Kaitlyn whiped her eyes. and Said I don't have anything to ware for my wedding. Kathy smiled and said yes you do. and she hadned her. her wedding dress. She looked at Kathy and said oh mom is't beautiful. Thank you. Luke walked in and he smiles and said I know you will be as beautful in it as Kath was. When I saw he walk down to me in that Dress all I saw was her. she was so beautiful. KATHY SMILED. downstairs Jesse and Adam where talking. Bro thanks for your help with rachael. Anytime bro. That's what Brothers do. and that laugh. Leventa comes running in with her flower girl dress on and she said adam how do I look. Adam smiled at his sister and said Sis you look beautiful. Leventa smiled. and she ran to her room. Jesse smiled and said now you done it she will have a swelled head now. Adam laugh. Reba came up to her cousins and said well this family is growing. Jesse said Ya. as dad would say Uncle Jesse would be proud. Adam looked at him and said who is Uncle Jesse. and Jesse went and told him about Uncle Jesse.
  18. Rachael looked at Adam and said why don't you have a drink with me before you go to the game. Adam said I can never turned down a beautiful women. Rachael smiled as he sat down. and Adam said Hi Im Adam Cornwell. Rachael smiled and said I;m Rachael. and then he saw a little boy run up to her. and he said your son. and Rachael said ya. I fixing to get alot of money from his father's famlily. his father Grandfather is Kyle Spencer. Wow you hit it big then I hear that Mr Spencer owns at least 10 hotels including the one we are in. Adam said. Ya And his father runs them all.I going to stick it big. and my son isn't even his. It's my boyfriends back home. Rachael said as she stared to laugh. Jesse was hiding in the bushes and he got all of it on tape. and he whispared got you Rachael.
  19. Adam smiled and said Mom you didn't push in the lake? I sure did Adam, and she still tried to get Luke. right up till Jesse was born and I fought her all the way. and every now and then she still tries to get Luke. But I'm right there to set her strait. and I owe her for what she said when we where getting ready to move here. Luke looked at her and Kathy swmiled and said Ya Baby I hurd her. I just thought wait til I come back home . She will get what's coming to her. Adam laughed and said Mom I would like to be there when you get her. Luke Just laughed. Jesse came running in and Sarah was right behind him. and they walked over to them and they told everyone What his plan was and He looked at Adam and said Bro she doesn't know you. Adam looked at Kaitlyn and she said go ahead it's to help your brother. and they went into play Jesse and Adam went to the hotel to set up Rachael. Meanwhile Luke and Kathy was going to wait for Tommy to show up and pick him up and take him to the hotel.
  20. Kathy smiled as she heard the younger generation of Dukes Talking. and she walked up to them and said Ya I had the same proble as Jesse an Sarah You see Lou-ann Henderson. was telling everyone that her son Keith was Luke's. and it was proven that He wasn't But she kept saying it So I decided to get tough with her. Luke started to laugh. and said You pushed her in Hazzard Lake. Everyone laughed.
  21. Jesse ran after her. and when he got to the bedroom he saw her packing. and Jesse said Baby what's the matter? Sarah looked at him and said What's the mater you have the gull to ask me what's the matter? I went to the hotel. Dad asked me to drop off some papers in his office. on the way out I ran into someone you know I beleive her name is rachael and he had the cutest little boy with her. and he looks like a sertion guy I know. Jesse said Baby listen That Boy isn't mine. He's my buddies Son. Sarah looked at Jesse and said. Sso why is Rachael saying the boy is yours? I Don't Know. Baby please don't leave. Sarah saw the look in his eyes the look she could never say no to and he knew it. and She smiled and said ok Jesse I'll Stay. But we need to get this strait. I know and thats where my parents come in . I was about to go see them want to come with me? Sarah looked at him and said I'm with you all the way.
  22. Jesse remembered that Rachael was dating his friend Tommy the same time She was dating him. So he called Tommy and Tommy said Hay Jesse What's up MEANWHILE AT THE HOTEL Sarah was at the hotel to drop something of for Luke. she ran in to Rachael with her son. Rachael looked at her and said how does it feel you are going to be a Step-mom to my son. Sarah just looked at her. and then she loked at the little boy. and she ran out. BACK AT THE SPENCER HOUSE IN THE GUEST HOUSE Jesse was talking to Tommy and he told Jesse that they all ready had a test done and tommy was the father and the boys name is Tommy Jr not Jesse Jr. Jesse said If you want I can sent the Spencer plane to get you and you can come get her. Tommy said Thanks Bud I would like that and I will keep her here she won't be bothering you again. Just then Sarah walked threw the door. and She walked over to Jesse and Slaped his face. and she went to the bedroom.
  23. Luke and Jesse came in the house and Luke walked over to Kathy and said sweetheart we need to talk. and Kathy said Ok and she walked over to him and they walked outside. Kathy saw his face and Said Baby what's going on? Luke looked at her and said Rachael is back and she has a 18 month old son and she says Jesse is the father. I told her we want a perenty test done. and she agred do you think you can talk to Doug cause I don't want anyone else to handle this. Kathy said Ya I agree with you. IN HAZZARD TOMMY Jorden was woundering where Rachael went with his son.Little Tommy.
  24. Meanwhile in the nursery Kathy was taking care of Jacob and she was holding him and said soon Jacob I will be walking like I use to. and I will be running after you soon. I hope you ain't going to be in mistive like your brothe Jesse was. Jacob Just smiled. Kathy said you are aren't you? Just then Sarah walked in and said Mom why do you think Tom called? Kathy said there was probly a problem at the Hotel. don't worry about it. Sarah looked at her and said Mom something doesn't feel right. Kathy looked at her and she knew what she was talking about. Kathy said Sarah always trush your gut feelings.
  25. Tom looked at Rachael and said let me make a call mam. and then he turned around and picked up the phone and called Luke AT THE HOUSE Luke's cell phone rings and Luke picks it up and Luke saidOh No ok Tom we will be right there. and he hung up and he looked at Jesse and said they have a problem at the Hotel that we need to attend to. and Jesse said ok.and they Left. AT THE HOTEL Luke and Jesse walked in and they saw Rachael with a little who's about 18 months old. Rachael walked over to Jesse and she gave him a hug Jesse pushed her away. and she said Now Jesse is that any way to treat the mother of your son.. Jesse looked at the little Boy and he did look like him he had the dark curly hair and Blue eyes. and Rachael said met Jesse Kyle Duke JR. Luke said Rachael we want a pernety test done. Rachael was mad. Jesse said ya we do and you can stay here at the hotel for free until then. and then she gave her a room Key. and she left. Jesse sat down and said Dad how am I going to tell Sarah. Dad I don't want to lose her. I would die without her
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