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Garrett Duke

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Status Updates posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Didn't see the wrestling with Busch or Logano, but saw commercials for it. Don't know when Edwards is going to be on, but saw picture of Foxworthy with McMurray on NASCAR.com, but didn't read the article or anything. Hope that helps a little bit.

    Thansk for your responses.

  2. Dixie- Thank-you for adding me to your friends list! It was great talking with you tonight. Hope all is well with you. Keep it between the ditches ;)

  3. Do like Rodney's music...very sad to hear of his problems and that he is getting divorce or has. Glad to see another fan of his music. He seems like a good guy other than that issue. :) <3 the Dukes as well...number 1 show in my book. CMT don't know what's good for 'em...glad I got Dukes on DVD - though I seldom have time to watch an ep :( Who is your favorite Duke character?

  4. Don't rush this year along...please??!! LOL. I want to enjoy it while I can...next year will only mean a year closer to Gordon's retirement. Whenever that will be (hopefully a long ways away, but you never know with how people keep talking about him) and want to enjoy him out there racing as much as possible. (Pathetic, aren't I?) HA HA. Though I don't blame you for looking forward to it...glad you get to go again and are excited about it too. I did notice all the empty seats. That is a big bummer. Bristol's an awesome track and race...my opinion of course. especially the night race.

  5. Don't worry about it. I just didn't want you to think you had to go nor did I want you feel bad abuot not watching the races. It don't make you a bad fan, trust me.

  6. Don't worry Daisy. It'll take more than this to make me mad. I know you're only teasing, as am I. I hope you know that. I would never allow Garrett to hurt you.

  7. Don't worry...it happens to the best of us.

  8. Draw stick people ;). LOL...just do your best, that is all that anyone can ask of you.

  9. Dunno how long I'll be on for...and I'm not mad at you. Unless you want me to be. HA HA. YOu are fine. Glad you got to go see John...even if you did say hi for me, he wouldn't have thought much of it. I was only giving you a hard time.

  10. Dying of boredome...would still like to know how that feels. You could always come over and clean my apartment, fold clothes, go to work for me...LOL

  11. EEHK! I'm awake now Emy...throws a mud ball at you :D

  12. EEHK!!! LOL. Glad to see you back on. Hope all is going well with you.

  13. EEHK!!!!! *Gets up* How are you?

  14. EEHK!!!!!!!!!! You sure know how to sneak up on people and surprise them, but why always me? ;)Hope all is well with you.

  15. EEHK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me go!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    HA HA. You got Garrett yelling. ;) I'm doin' alright. How about you? It was great hearing from you!

  16. Eh you are probably right about his response...

    I'm glad I made at least some sense. LOL...as for coming to an agreement, you have any advice in doing that with a stubborn muse as such as him? ;)

  17. Eh Carl is younger than Gordon and everyone keeps talking of Gordon retiring...though I am hoping that he never retires...so I am thinking he NEEDS the championship before he retires; though like I said, he better never retire. I'd have Johnson to go for, but he's still not Gordon and won't be the same.

  18. Eh I wouldn't say that...perhaps a little posessive. LOL...just so you don't get into trouble

  19. Eh maybe for a couple of minutes, not for long.

  20. Eh thought you may be happy to see someone else in victory lane. It was an interesting race and one that people will talk about all year I am guess with Edwards and Keselowski. I understand what you mean...I keep going back and forth with it all.

  21. Eh you didn't dissapoint me about it at all. take your time or if you chose not to pick one out either is probably fine. I just get curious as to who is everyone's favorite driver that they follow. As I said, it is good that you are looking into it and taking your time.

  22. Eleven more days to be exact for Christmas...and I am not ready . I still need to get something for both of my parents, have a lot of things that need to be wrapped, and still have to send cards out...fill them out even. ERRRR...it is coming too fast!

    I am glad to hear that you are almost done...that is such a great feeling. Even more glad that you took time off to be home...though I will miss your messages! I have the 23rd off until the 29th...then will have New Year's Day off...they day care is closed those days. YAY...and I feel the same way. Very excited about it! Though know that it will go wayyyy too fast!

  23. Elliot's wife beat Carl's wich is ironic since Carl's wife is due any day and Elliot's isn't or wasn't due until next week. A baby boy they named Wyatt. Mom and baby are well I heard.

    I loved the Kyle Busch commercial - it was great seeing him in it. You should do it! I would love to see what you have him wearing and driving! HA HA HA HA. I wonder how much they paid Kyle to do that!

  24. Emmmmmmmmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :D Hope all is well with you.

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