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Garrett Duke

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Status Updates posted by Garrett Duke

  1. (For a Rookie, I like Brad) that came out wrong. It came out like I don't like rookies, I have nothing against them and do enjoy watchign them to see what htey have for the more experienced. I think I meant I liked Brad best over the rest of the rookies, but that is because he is Jr's protoge so to speak and is currently with Hendrick for the few races he races this year. Next year he will be in Sprint full time but with Penske :(.

  2. (sorry, wanted to cut it down some)

    I like a mixture of both styles. Am not a big Rascal Flatts fan, but do like a few of their songs. Toby Keith, Keith Urban, and Kenny Chesney, Alan Jackson are my top favorite artists...Like AJ and Keith Urban's styles are way different. Also like Clint Black and the other artists I listed as ones they don't play any more. It all depends on my mood. But they should keep country, country.

  3. (Then again...I get defensive for Gordon, so I probably took their comment out of context. Hopefully. LOL)

    You are probably correct that Johnson will not have another bad race. He has an awesome ammount of luck it seems as to be in the right place in the right time. Talledega for example. Of having another bad race like SUnday next week or at Homestead is at a minimum. but it could happen. :)

    I will always root for Gordon. LOL. GO GORDON GO. Though I will be happy for Martin if he does pull it off. For you and for him. He deserves it...though so does Gordon. LOL - my opinion of course!

  4. ***hugs*** I am sorry that you didn't have the best Christmas or maybe not even a good Christmas. I hope that things will get better for you and that next Christmas will be GREAT for you. My Christmas was good. Got some good things from Santa too, but it was great to hang out with family...which is what it is suppose to be about. People can get so wrapped up in giving and recieving presents and all that, that the true meaning of Christmas evaporates, which is the saddest thing I think. ***hugs***

  5. *Chokes on food* Redneck girl! :D She's alive after all this time! LOL...sorry had to give you a hard time.Was great to hear from you.l hope all is well with you. THings are well here. I was suppose to be cleaning my apartment but hopped on to check something out...once again, procrasinating (what I seem to be good at). Hope school is going good and that you have found time to relax and to enjoy life. :D

  6. *Cold stare* Only you would think that way. Shame on you, Lori!

    Ooo good luck with that! Sounds complicated to me, but am sure you can do great with it. Complicated and something you have to be brave to do if that makes sense.

  7. *GASP* You missed not only one but two races? How could you...LOL. No worries. I even missed most of last week's race. Life does tend to move on whether there is a race on or not and tends to get in the way from time to time. :) Hope whatever it was that you were doing was nice and relaxing. Just had to make sure I didn't upset you in any way.

  8. *GASPS* Garrett a jerk? You really better hope that Garrett didn't hear you say that...you'd make him real upset. *Holds Garrett back* Well now you did it...you gone and made him upset. Nice going. :) LOL...I know as am I.

  9. *Gasps* Who in the world just wrote me? The name and attitude surely sounds familiar, but from where? And who? Khee. Sorry couldn't help myself. Hope all is well with you. It was great hearing from you! Boy you can count me as jealous! I wish I could win a Jimmie Johnson autograph...:( LUCKY YOU!!!!!!! :) You deserve it.

  10. *GASPS* You didn't watch the race last week? Shame on you. LOL ;) Kidding of course. You didn't miss much. Johnson led seventy percent of teh race and won the race. Gordon started out great, but then kinda faded away to finish nineth, which wasn't too bad. But not the way he had started the race. That is about all I can remember at the moment. Edwards had a rough race if I recall, but I don't know why.

  11. *Gasps* You'd rather go to a different race than the DAYTONA 500?! Did I hear you right? You wouldn't want to go to super bowl of NASCAR? LOL...I think it would be an exciting race to go to, but maybe that is because I highly look forward to it for three months. LOL. I'd love to go to Daytona...or Bristol...or ChicagoLand..or any race. LOL

  12. *Glares at Lori* Glad you are enjoying yourself...

    That would be nice...wish I could find some spare time.

  13. *Grouchy...you're the one making me grouchy! Let me go and I won't be grouchy!*

    Talking of writing...I have finally broke out of my block (I shouldn't say that too loud, it may change) but on seeing how badly Bo just got beat and is now in the ER, I am seeing why my muses don't want to cooperate with me. I think Bo will be very mad at me when ever he wakes up.

  14. *hurt face* Hey what was that for? ;) How's things with you?

  15. *Jumping up and down* YAY!!!!!!!!!! :D

  16. *Jumps in excitement!* I am soooo relieved and glad to hear from you. I was beginning to fear the worst...sorry I can be like that sometimes. I hope that you have worked through your problems or will be able to. I am sorry that you have had your problems and if you ever need anyone to talk to, I'd be glad to listen. (I am hard to bore, so don't have to worry about that) but don't feel like you have to. I just want you to know that I am here for you if you need me or if there is anything else I can do that may help.

  17. *Mischievious smile* Who ever said you were my favorite little cousin? ;)

  18. *Ornery smile* Now that was fun. ;) LOL. Hope all is well with you. Sorry...blame it on Garrett, it was all his fault. :D

  19. *Ornery smile* Sorry, couldn't help myself

  20. *pokes Lori* Hey guess what!

    I posted to our story...I hope you like it. I hope I am not getting too repetitive with my emotions/thoughts. If so, tell me! Sometimes I feel like I take my characters around in circles.

    Anyway...sorry for the wait. I hope you like it!

  21. *Pouty face* You stop by Hnet without dropping me a line of hello? Whatever have I done to upset you so much that you keep ignoring me? LOL...HEE HEE. Sorry, I couldn't help myself when I saw your post to give you at least a little bit of hard time. Truely I am only giving you a hard time. Hope you are having a great break from school and that Santa was very good to you this year.

  22. *Questionable look* Who are you? You look very familiar, but...

    HA HA. How are you Emy? Long time no hear ;).

  23. *quizzical look* Um, please refresh my memory. You look familiar, but I can't remember why. Have we met? Who are you again? ;)

  24. *raises a questioning eye brow* I don't enjoy nothing, huh? I'll tell you what I'd enjoy...I'd enjoy being let go! What's up with people holding me hostage lately. I didn't do NOTHING!

    Well ignore Garrett...he'll get over it. ;) (that's from his author...but don't tell him I said so :) )

    It is great to hear your dreams and to know what you want to do. I wish you the best of luck with it - as I said, am sure you will do well with it. Are you excited for it? When do you get to start into all that? (Aren't you in your senior year?) Sorry for all the questions. . .

  25. *Raises an eye brow up at Val in surprise*

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