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Boss Hogg 2

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Everything posted by Boss Hogg 2

  1. Lori dear why don't you just run over to see your cousin and see if he has some nice pink paint lol....i'm thinking the cop cars around here need a new coat, don't you?
  2. yup mini i adore that man lol i like Luke to lol but bo's just better LOL Sheriff_Rosco_P_Coltrane: you took the words out of my mouth LOL
  3. Lori dear your grandmother is gone....so you can stop resenting her now and don't say you can't.....if i can so can you!
  4. Hey Lori dear...what are mother's for LOL just kidding dear i'm thankful to say you don't give me any problems. General Grant:we'd have fun watching the dukes if she wouldn't cuss at me for having the good luck have been old enough to watch them when they 1st hit tv years ago lol. she somehow figures it's my fault lol
  5. not in this case NO lol
  6. no your not stupid lol just smart enough to know better.
  7. can only be Rosco!
  8. In your dreams dear.....you'll have to pry it from my cold dead fingers....and no ideas either i'm bigger than you are
  9. mangle maybe jr but i wouldn't kill ya heck i love you too much to do that!
  10. Now would i kill my only daughter....even if you are boss jr
  11. this ones going great only problem i still think Luke and Lori should be together and Candy should just leave! other than that i love it!
  12. i was told not to comment on this one LOL
  13. i tried to add these to my last post but it wouldn't let me so here ya go...some more pics. 1. the LaCitadelle in the paper just after it opened 2. the LaCitadelle 3. the old airport (yeah besides Tom Wopat we also had Robert Kennedy, spiderman and wonderwoman (long story there lol) and a host of others to visit Hazard via the airport 4. newspaper clipping of the airport closing (notice the date) 5. what's there now (a waste of taxpayers money if you ask me!) the consolidated high school-yeah i hate it they shut my old high school down just to build this one. in between the airport closing and the high school replacing it the land was used as a park-most of it is still a park.
  14. no reason to be jealous of me-i can't help it i'm older than you . but those are great memories that i wouldn't have missed out on for the world. i have gotten a hold of the local paper and they said that a fire destroyed all their old copies (bummer) and the local T.V. station is supposed to have a 30 minute special on the event i am planning on calling them and seeing if i can get my hands on it if they have it. There was a lot of talk of daisy being drunk and on drugs during her stay here and that she came close to falling out of the car (her jeep was here but she never rode in it during the parade-her jeep and boss hogg's car was used just for photos with them) i found a couple pics. and plan on digging up some more lol. one is of Boss Hogg in front of city hall at the end of the parade and the other is the memorial gym (taken years ago but looks the same) in which Tom Wopat and John Schneider gave their concert.
  15. your welcome..have you ever thought about joining a genealogy group (assuming here that you haven't yet) i belong to one at MSN it's for the state of kentucky http://groups.msn.com/KentuckyLines/ancestorsearch.msnw?action=get_message&mview=&ID_Message=16434 also have you tried care2connect? they have some great genealogy groups filled with many great links.
  16. oh yeah i can safely say that you will regret saying that JR
  17. yes you are JR! respect your elders now or else LOL!
  18. ok boss JR~don't start with me lol you said not to call you boss hogg jr so i didn't! might not be any wooden beds around but there are wooden counters and chairs (think about it)
  19. never said you didn't have manners lol i raised you didn't i or i'm trying to lol
  20. thanks everyone! HEY lulu is bigger than i am by far!! you will pay for that one~you shouldn't say such things exspecially to someone you hve to live with
  21. my all time fav. has to be "at the sound of the tone"
  22. here's the harlan co website might be links worth checking out on there (i haven't checked yet) http://www.harlancounty.com/ also a genealogy forum with ZENGER http://genforum.genealogy.com/zenger/ another great site http://www.usgennet.org/family/baicon/soky.html hope it's ok to post these links~they are safe~with a teenager running around on the net i try to watch everything i post i just wish i could get her to speak plain english at times LOL
  23. yeah i'm new lol i am basically a boring person (and according to my daughter i have no life ) i used to watch the dukes when they 1st came out and have been in love with bo and luke for many years! oh well just wanted to say hi to everyone!
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