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Posts posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Luke nodded softly, walking to the door, waiting for his cousin to join him. It was a thing she had begun doing when she first came to the farm...Bo was never able to follow after Luke in the rain due to his asthma, but Daisy had no such limitations.

    Over the years, it had become a tradition between them. While Bo and Luke shared the General Lee, their room, and countless other things, walking in the rain was one thing that was strictly a connection Luke and Daisy had. They would talk about anything or nothing on these walks together, just enjoying the closeness of one another and the bond of brotherly and sisterly love.

  2. Luke nodded looking out the window as he heard the slight patter of raindrops. It called to him like a beacon in the night. "I'm gonna go for a little walk...wanna come?"

    Luke had always loved to walk in the rain. He supposed it started with fond memories of his parents, playing with him out in the rain. Back then he had been a romping, laughing four year old...with no cares in the world.

    After they died, he had taken to walking in it. In his child's mind he assumed that the light gentle rain was just a soft reminder that his parents were still watching over him, still nearby though he couldn't see them.

    To be sure Aunt Lavinia scolded at first, sure that the oldest boy would catch his death-a-cold walking around in the rain like that...but he never did. In fact, more often than not, he would return to the farmhouse more calm, if not happier, than when he left it. After a while she stopped scolding, but insisted on Luke taking his jacket with him.

    It was a habit he still had today as he reached for his jean jacket, the only one he had, tossed in a chair in their room. It was silly to take that jacket really... it soaked up the rain like a sponge. But he supposed it was better than nothing.

  3. Speaking of shows we remember from when they originally aired, there are three episodes that I remember quite well: My Son Bo Hogg, Brotherly Love, and Play It Again Luke....it's funny the little things that as a kid stick out in your memory. For instance, I remember the TVGuide teaser for the Friday that "Brotherly Love" would be aired. It read: "Luke risks his life to save his long lost brother from killers!" Why I remember that so many years later I have no idea but I know I watched it that night (and recorded it with my trusty tape recorder since waaaay back then we didn't have VCRs).

    I also remember that when Play It Again Luke aired I was Up North with my great grandmother who was in her mid 80s. We watched Dukes together and I remember her saying how "He's got a good voice" referring to Tom Wopat. I didn't know it at the time, but that was the last time I would see her-she passed away later that year.

    It's funny the things you remember...

  4. "Yeah," answered Luke softly. "Course I do." Of course he remembered. One day he was there...less than a week later he was gone. Oh there was still the occasional phone call, the greeting card at Christmas Time. But that was it. Luke shook his head. He never quite understood why Judd would spend all the money he supposedly spent trying to find his family. Luke figured now that that was just a lie. Maybe he had known where Luke was all the time. Maybe he just came to him when he needed help. One thing was certain- he hadn't stuck around long enough for Luke to find out.

  5. Luke jumped a little having been looking out the window when she came in. He simply nodded a little, saying softly, "They sure were." He sighed running a finger along the window sill. "But they weren't easy...even then.." he scowled. He knew, in his heart, that he probably sounded full of self pity...and it really wasn't his intent. He couldn't help feeling though that the hand life dealt him wasn't fair.

  6. Luke went straight to the room he shared with Bo. The room they had shared most of their lives.

    Had Luke still been the small, scared boy he had been when he first came to the farm he would have done what he did back then: crawl onto the bed and cry his heart out into his pillow.

    He wasn't that little boy any more though... and he couldn't just cry his troubles into his pillow and have them magically go away when his aunt softly rubbed his back.

    Now it was up to him and only him...and he didn't have a clue what to do. All he knew was that he was being forced to choose between two people he cared about...and it wasn't fair.

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