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Everything posted by holly13

  1. Chapter 2 Enos noticed the tone in Daisy's voice as she said that statement, why did she say 'oh no'. Was the idea of them getting together really that bad. This was exactly the reason why Enos had never made any attempt to date Daisy, let alone ask her to marry him. He lowered his head. He did not know his feelings, he felt sad for Daisy's reaction but was more confused as to why people were saying that they were getting married in the first place. Daisy saw Enos's reaction and realised that maybe he was a bit upset at the way she spoke about the rumour. She decided to tell Enos why it had started, she needed to get back to work and the awkward silences made her feel uncomfortable. "Enos, this whole thing started because i brought posh suits for Bo and Luke. They needed them to see what Boss was upto, and you know what people are like in this county for a bit of gossip." She smiled at Enos. His reply though was not a smile, instead he turned to go. "Sorry Daisy i gotta' go" "But Enos don't you want to stay for a glass of buttermilk" But Enos didn't stop, he continued for the door almost in a daze. Daisy sighed. Her pause for thought was stopped by Bo and Luke. "Hey Daisy , are you o.k?" "mmm, oh yeah i am fine thanks" Luke was not convinced. "No your not, whats the matter Daisy?" "Oh its nothing , just Enos, he seemed a bit unusual thats all" Bo laughed "Sounds like he's alright to me" Luke joined in with Bo's laughter as Daisy smiled and shook her head. Back at the courthouse Enos was talking to Rosco. "Whats the matter with you ?, you've been moping around here all afternoon" "nothing" Enos continued writing as he spoke. "Is it about Daisy?" Enos sighed. "yeah" "whats the matter with you two now?" "nothing, its just her reaction about this rumour thats been going round" "why what did she say?, oh i didn't think it was true you know, cuz' you would be wearing a grin from one side of your face to the other if it was" Enos smiled. "well she realised that i found out, and she said 'oh no people told you about us'" "and whats wrong with that" Rosco asked. "Well why did she say 'oh no', she could have shown a slight bit of happiness about the idea" Enos sighed, "if that what she thinks about the possibility of us then, we ain't never gonna get together"
  2. i have posted the 1st chapter of my fanfic Rumours? please tell me if you like it. It is taken from the episode money to burn.
  3. Chapter 1 Daisy handed Bo and Luke the suits. "Now thanks to you the whole county thinks i am marrying Enos!" Bo and Luke laughed as Daisy continued "I don't know waht he's going to do when he finds out" Enos was stopped by Dobro Doolan on his way to get lunch. "Hey Dobro how are you?" "Don't give me that you, i know" " Know about what?" Dobro laughed. "Very funny Enos, anyway i gotta be going, congratulations" Dobro tapped Enos's shoulder then left. Enos stood in confusion, "What was Dobro talking about?" Enos continued to the cafe to get his lunch. Miss Tizdale was leaving just as Enos entered the cafe and she immediately grabbed Enos's hand. "Oh Enos, you finally did it, Congratulations" This was yet another person, Enos thought to himself, he hadn't done anything recently that warranted Congratulations from everyone, but everyone kept telling him that he had. Enso made his way back to the police station. He entered and gave Rosco his lunch. "Enos you are always in a daze, wish you would use them to think for once" Enso had npt paid attention to what Rosco had to say to him. "Sheriff?" "what Enos?" "Have i done anything lately that makes people congratulate me?" "Enos, you dipstick, you never do anything anyway" Enos sighed and gave his usual expression of raised eyebrows to Rosco's comment. Once Enos finished his lunch, he was called by Rosco. "Enos i want you to go to the Boars nest" "What for sheriff?" Rosco sighed. "To see if Bo and Luke Duke are there cuz' we gotta' arrest them" He gave out his trademark laugh. Enso sighed "Yes Sir" On his way out he was stopped by Lulu. "well hey there Enos" "Hey lulu" "I take it your going of to see daisy now?" "well i am going to the Boars nest yeah why?"Enos said with uncertainty. Lulu smiled "ahh you two will make such a lovely married couple" "a what" "come on Enos you were there , you had to be if you proposed to her" "But......" As they were talking Boss hogg pulled up. "Oh Enos , mmm congratulations but i don't know why you want to marry that duke girl" "J.D!" He was abruptly told off by Lulu "I gotta go" Enso walked to his patrol car zombified by what Lulu had just told him. As Enos drove the dirt roads to the boars nest he couldn'tstop thinking about the events of the morning gone. He never asked Daisy to marry him, he would love to obviously but Daisy never seemed interested in Enos in that way and now she was telling everyone that they were getting married. This didn't make sense to Enos. He parked his patrol car in the space nearest the entrance. The Boars Nest was quiet , well it wasn't but it seemed it to Enos , who at this moment in time was not on the same planet as everyone else. Daisy spotted him and noticed that Enos was acting strange. "Hey sugar , are you o,k?" "mmm i don't know2 it was at this point that Daisy realised. "oh no people told you about us"
  4. no probs it was great fun helping to write this!! xxx:)
  5. Jesse tried not to make too much noise as he didn't want to disturb them. Daisy was a light sleeper and woke as soon as the sound of crashing pans filled the apartment. Enos , didn't even move , Daisy laughed and stroked his face. Enos was a very deep sleeper. She got up to help Jesse with the breakfast. "You don't have to get up Daisy, i haven't woke Enos have i?" Daisy laughed again "Uncle Jesse i don't think even an earthquake could wake Enos up" Enos did eventually wake up and everybody sat down to have breakfast, which turned out to be more like a lunch considering the time. Enso told everyone how now his job was complete he could return to Hazzard. They all decided that after they had eaten they would get ready to return to Hazzard. cue i1976
  6. i have found out which episode the snippet is from, its money to burn, so i will start writing when i have free time what with exams and revision i am a bit busy
  7. The boys felt upset for letting their best friend down. Uncle Jesse was ashamed and Daisy felt like crying. She had told him how she felt but she could not believe that what she had done, by helping the grey brothers, had led to all this happening to Enos. The dukes were unaware that the transfer was Enos's own doing. He had trusted them and as a result refused to believe what Mason had told him, when in fact it was true. Jesse spoke for his family, "Enos, we don't know what to say" Luke joined in "yeah, we can't blame you for not fully forgiving us, i mean we went against everything, we forgot that you are our best friend. We are all very sorry Enos" Nobody spoke. For Enos,telling the dukes this had been hard, not as hard for the dukes to stand there and listen to it though. The clock bleeped as it approached 4 o clock. The boys on Jesse's command went back to bed, which left Daisy and Enos. What was Daisy going to say? She had told this man that she loved him, how could he believe her when she had gone against his word, the most trustworthy word in all of Hazzard. cue i1976
  8. The subject of what had happened since the shooting was not something that Enos wanted to get into especially at 3 o' clock in the morning. But with everyone awaiting him to talk made up his mind for him. "Well......." What was Enos going to start with? Everything had happened since the day in Hazzard. Enos held Daisy's hand tighter then let go and walked over to the table. "After i didn't catch the grey brothers i was transfered to Boston which is where they had fled to. See a transfer is something that everybody in the cop world looks down at you for, so i haven't had a fantastic time, although Howie has been a good friend to me, he went through the same situation. "So you mean that this Mason fella that Daisy was talking about has been unfair to you?" asked Jesse in a thoughtful way. "Yeah sort of, well he is just set in his way of being rude" Enos let out a shy laugh. "He did thank me for doing my job, in so many words, you can tell that he doesn't often give praise to anyone" "What happened with you when Daisy first visited, cuz when she called it sounded as if you were, well, not yourself?" quizzed Bo. cue i1976
  9. thanx Enos fan the avatar is good. the grin is the reason why i chose it, very cute picture!!
  10. Enso suddenly became shy. "You don't have to be nervous Enos" said Daisy in a reassuring voice. "I know but i can't help it, you always make me feel nervous" Daisy smiled. "what was the kiss for anyway?" It was my answer to you" Enos looked down and smiled "It was a good answer" They both laughed quietly. "i do love you Enos, very much" Daisy gently eased Enos's face so that it would be looking at hers. Their eyes met. "i have realised that you, Enos, are the most perfect person for me" At this they both entered a long , passionate kiss. cue i1976:)
  11. cool i will give it a go then.
  12. you know in the episode where boss hogg tries to bury the money in the coffin to claim on the insurance and rosco sends it in the cremature at the end well in that episode daisy buys suits and stuff from a outfitters and she says that people think that she is marrying enos and she doesn't know what he will do when he finds out. do you think it contains the possibility of a story, you know what enos's reaction might have been????? thanks
  13. As there were two flights of stairs in the building, Enos and Howie both ran separate ways to the roof. Howie contacted the backup to meet them at the roof. John and Daniel approached the roof. They walked around aimlessly when suddenly from the door to their right came Enos. "Drop your weapons and lie down on the floor" Enso created a good distraction as Howie entered the roof and immediately tackled Daniel to the ground. John was left standing with his gun in hand unsure of what to do. "give me the gun John" said Enos in a reassuring manner. "Just shoot him John" Daniel screamed from the floorwhere he was being handcuffed by Howie. John began to shake nervously. "All my life you have told me what to do, let me get in trouble, do your dirty work" John's voice began to get angrier, "the younger brother who gets bullied by his older brother" John broke into tears. He spotted Howie bringing Daniel to his feet. "I have had enough" The tears falling more and more down his face. Suddenly a sound surrounded the roof. Daniel fell to the floor. Enos grabbed John and handcuffed him. The doors slammed open as the backup arrived. Later Enos was ready to leave before Sergeant Mason stopped him. "Can i talk to you please Enos?" It was the first time please had been used by Mason. "sure" " i want to apoligise, you did a god job today. It was a difficult problem to overcome and you did good kid" "thank you sir" On his way home Enos became nervous, yes he had completed one difficult job , but another was on its way. He had yet to hear Daisy's feelings. He feared the worst, that the nightmare would become reality.
  14. rosco lover i have messaged u with my msn!
  15. Enos was getting ready to get into his car and head off to find the grey brothers when someone approached him. "Hey, Mason said that i am joining you for this arrest" "Hey Howie" Howie was the only person who showed Enos friendship during his time in Boston. His relaxed and friendly persona reminded Enos of Turk, his partner in LA. Howie always cheered Enos up and always moaned about Sergeant Mason which meant that they both got on well. "Hows your friends from hazzard enjoying Boston?" "mmmmm alot" Enos was not really paying attention he had too much on his mind. "Enos, man, are you alright?" "yeah i am," "But....." "you know how i was telling you about daisy and everything" "Yep , did you tell her about how you feel?" " I did" "Alright!!!" Howie was happy as he was the one who encouraged Enos. "see what did i tell you ,huh, what did she say?" "not much, i had to leave 'cuz i got Mason's call" This allowed Howie to be even more annoyed with Mason. "damn it , that man......I hate him" Enos laughed "You don't say Howie" "right Enos we have to forget that now 'cuz the location we were given is the next street, are you alright to do this?" "yeah , i need to do this" " i understand, right our backup will be waiting now" cue i1976
  16. Rosco obviously, the greatest sheriff of all time!!
  17. "Whats the matter Enos , are you okay?" asked Daisy sensing the worry in Enos's voice. "Daisy can we.........talk...please?" "Okay Enos" Daisy replied but was unsure about the tone in Enos's voice. "Daisy I.........." Enos decided that he would just say it and not beat around the bush, his confidence was slipping by the second anyway. "I......love you daisy" Daisy stood silently for a moment, to Enos it seemed like forever before she finally spoke. "Well Enos i kinda knew that already" Daisy said softly before she was quickly interupted by Enos "No Daisy you don't!, everybody in Hazzard knows, well at least they think know but they don't, and you Daisy you especially don't know how much i love you , how much i never stop thinking about you and how much i would do anything to make your life on this world as perfect as it could be......" Enos's words were suddenly stopped by the short rasps of the phone. Enos walked over and answered, the other end answered in a gruff voice, "Enos this is sergeant Mason, you are needed now we have a location for John and Daniel Grey. Its time to arrest them". Enos put the phone down and went to leave but before he could Daisy stopped him. "Enos...." "I am sorry Daisy but i have to go, i am needed at work, i will see you later"
  18. just wondering if anyone was a fan of Tiger Army. The new album is great!!
  19. enos sat silently. The quiet afternoon at the police department had enos thinking. He loved having everyone here, especially Daisy. But that fateful day still stayed with Enos. The argument, the shooting and the transfer, everything ran through Enos's mind again and again. Last night he had the nightmare again. Did Daisy love him like he loved her? His shift was nearly over and he toyed with the idea of talking to daisy properly. He needed to know what her true feelings were. The walk home seemed quicker than usual. He got to his door. He waited before he entered. Suddenly the door opened. There stood Daisy. Now was Enos's chance. Cue anyone
  20. hey i1976 you should do that story!
  21. i don't believe that i want to see the reunion show but because i know what happens i have a feeling that the end will upset me whats the relationship like between them in hazzard in hollywood??
  22. he is very sweet!
  23. i love your slideshows!!!!!
  24. hi i am new around here i started watching the dukes last year and couldn't stop its great. so i had to buy the dvd's as you do!! the site is great!
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