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Everything posted by holly13

  1. Uncle Jesse looked straight back into Enos's eyes and saw his pain. "Sit down Enos" Uncle Jesse said while motioning to an empty seat. Enos sat slowly still clutching his hat. Uncle Jesse sat silent waiting for Enos to talk.
  2. As everybody rushed to the fishing hole to try and find Enos, Enos was with Uncle Jesse. "Don't tell them i am here Uncle Jesse please" Jesse saw the upset and panic in enos's eyes. "Ok" he replied simply. Enos showed a small smile to Jesse as a thank you. "I need to talk to someone" he looked up to Uncle Jesse with a pleading look in his eyes.
  3. Daisy looked back to see Anna standing at her door way. "oh hey" Daisy replied. She took her eyes off Anna's and continued to look around "Do you know where Enos is Anna?" asked Daisy avoiding her eyes and trying to avoid conversation. "thats what i need to tlak to you about" Anna answered. Daisy sensed the distraught tone in her voice. "Enos has gone, where i don't know he just went, just now when you came by i knew that he hadn't gone to you" Daisy began to feel scared Enos never did that.
  4. Daisy continued to cry into Uncle Jesse's shoulder. "I don't know what to think Uncle Jesse" Daisy said inbetween sobs. "In a way he is right, i have ignored him and used him to help Bo and Luke, but i ..." "What Daisy?" asked Jesse wanting her to finish her statement.
  5. "What just happened" asked Bo in shock and confusion. All three men just stood and looked at each other unsure of what to do next. Meanwhile enos was driving bak to Hazzard, but ended up outside Anna'a door.
  6. Enos looked up immmediately into Daisy's eyes. His look was of shock and confusion. He again turned his attention to the Dukes carpet. He sighed. "Daisy i am confused, i don't know how i feel about Anna or you, you confuse me Daisy, us confuses me" He replied. "What do you mean us confuses you?" Daisy asked forgetting the earlier part of Enos's statement. "I mean" He said looking up towards Daisy. " I don't know how you feel towards me , sometimes you show me you care for me more than a friend then other times i barely think of you as my friend"
  7. "Hey Daisy" Enos replied with a huge smile. Just seeing her lit up his face. "I thought you were tired" He asked. "Well , i am a little but i thought i would say hi" Daisy replied. Uncle Jesse immediately sensed the awkwardness of the situation. "Come on boys we have some left over jobs to do" he motioned for Bo and Luke to follow him. This left Enos and Daisy alone. "Errr, Daisy?" "yes Enos?" she replied. "I need to talk to you about something"
  8. Uncle Jesse continued to Daisy's room and called back to Bo. "Answer the door Bo" He entered Daisy's room and slowly sat himself down on her bed. "Are you ok honey?" he asked. "I don't know Uncle Jesse, I don't know what to think about Enos and Anna, the other day she told me about how much she loves him, and then i saw them together in the Boars Nest and now i don't know what to think" As she fininshed a single tear ran down her right cheek. "how do you feel about Enos?" Uncle Jesse asked but was interupted by a familiar voice coming from the living room as the visitor entered the Dukes Farm.
  9. That night at the Farm Daisy was quiet at the dinner table. Not telling her usual stories of her day. Uncle Jesse looked over to her and noticed her picking at her food with her fork. "You ok Daisy?" he asked.
  10. The rest of Daisy's shift was a nightmare. She couldn't stop thinking about what Anna had said. Once she had cashed up and closed for the night she was happy to be sitting in her car alone with peace. She leaned back into the chair before leaving for the Dukes Farm. The next day Daisy walked into the Boars Nest ready and refreshed for her late shift when she saw Enos and Anna alone together at a table. They were both laughing and smiling. Daisy was rooted to the spot.
  11. Daisy rushed outside and sat in her car. She slowly turned the lights off and sat silently. It was that question the one people had always wanted to ask Daisy but never had. Now she didn't know what to think. Her head was spinning. 'What if Anna loves Enos and is making sure i don't so she can have him' Daisy thought. Getting up out of the car Daisy said in frustration "I am gonna' have to get back to work or Boss is gonna fire me!" The incident with Anna was going to take alot of thought as Daisy let out a sigh as she walked back into the Boars Nest.
  12. The dinner went well. Daisy ended up getting on well with Anna much to Bo and Lukes surprise considering the way Daisy reacted before. However, she was still unsure of whether she liked the fact that Anna and Enos would become neighbours. The next day Daisy had a visit from Anna at the Boars Nest. "Hey there Anna" Daisy said with a smile. "Hey" she replied. "Can i talk to you please?" "Sure" Daisy replied unsure of what to make of Anna's expression.
  13. Daisy stood there staring. Not wanting to take her eyes off Enos and especially Anna who had not stopped looking at Enos. Enos walked over to Daisy. "Hey Daisy" he said, before he was pulled into Daisy's grasp. She held onto him, kissed his cheek and looked over at Anna. Bo and Luke sensed that she was trying to make Anna jealous.
  14. The drive back to the Duke Farm was quiet for Daisy. Anna continued to chat with the dukes but Daisy continued to stare out of the window, not paying full attention to what was being said. As soon as they reached the Dukes household Daisy walked straight to her room. "Daisy honey?" Uncle Jesse began. "I am tired" she replied. She went to her room and sat on her bed, confused about what to think about Anna and Enos. As she got lost in her day dreams she over heard Uncle jesse saying that he had invited Enos over for dinner as Anna was here. cue anyone
  15. Daisy sat in the backseat of the General Lee alongside Anna and Julieduke. It was quiet, too quiet for Daisy who wanted to find out who Anna was and why she had such an interest in Enos. "So Anna how do you know Enos?" Anna looked across at Daisy and smiled. "we met through a case he had with Turk" "How?" Julieduke asked. "There was a robbery at my best friends apartment involving a couple of criminals they were after, he was so nice and sweet and supportive" "yes he is" Daisy interupted stopping the list, she began to feel annoyed at the way Anna was reacting over Enos but she couldn't explain why. cue anyone
  16. Bo helped Anna climb into the General Lee. Luke turned to Anna just as Bo was beginning to drive away. "we are just going to pick up our cousin Daisy from the Boars Nest, if thats ok?" "yeah" she replied. Enos had told her so much about Daisy she couldn't wait to meet her.
  17. Anna oand looked at the General Lee. She seemed a bit over-whelmed at first by all the attention she had got. Julieduke gestured to the car, "wanna lift to where your stayin'?" "Thank you but i am staying with Enos" she replied. The Dukes looked at both Anna and Enos in shock and confusion. Luke turned to Bo "Wait till Daisy heres bout' this" cue anyone
  18. Anna made her way over to the County Courthouse after alot of dazing wandering around. She was beginning to enjoy the town of Hazzard. Walking up the steps to the Courthouse she kept looking round going up every other step backwards as she tried to take in as much of the town as she could. In doing this she could not see where she was as she took the last step backwards. "ooh sorry" she apoligised quickly to the crouched man in front of her, desperately trying to grab his papers that were beginning to escape him in the soft breeze. "don't worry" he replied the voice made Anna smile. "Enos?" she said quietly. He got up quickly clutching his papers meeting her eyes immediately. "Anna?" he asked breaking a smile. "What are you doing here?" cue anyone
  19. Chapter 9 Daisy and the boys rushed to the the General Lee. Daisy called back to Jesse "Uncle Jesse go and get Rosco and tell him that this wedding is far from over" Jesse nodded and ran to his truck. "Where we looking first Daisy?" asked Luke "Just go towards all the exits out of Hazzard, he couldn't have gone far!" * * * Daisy and the boys had been round in circles looking for Enos's car, when suddenly Daisy spotted it on a short dust road. She pointed and called out "There Bo!" They followed it and realised where they were, the old road out to the Old Strate farm. "I haven't been down here in years" said Cooter. "Stop the car Bo" said Daisy apprehensively. "OK" answered Bo. Daisy slid out of the General Lee. Bo, Luke and Cooter went to go to, but Daisy stopped them. "No i am going to find him alone, i know where he is and before you ask i will be ok" The boys slid back into the General Lee. "Damn it Luke i wanted to go too" said Bo. "Now Daisy didn't say anything about not following her did she" said Cooter with his usual laugh. Bo and Luke joined in with the laughter. "Alright lets go" said Luke. They followed as quietly as they could and spotted Daisy approaching Enos. The three of them hid behind the nearest tree. After a while they poked their heads from behind it to watch. Enos heard cracking of branches behind. He turned sharply. "Daisy" Enos stood to talk to her. "I made a terrible mistake, I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you" Enos smiled. He slowly walked to Daisy and took her hands. Daisy looked into his eyes. "Do you still want to marry me Enos?" Daisy asked. "Thats the most ridiculous question i have ever heard" he answered. They both laughed. There eyes met and so did their lips. Their kiss was interupted by Bo, Luke and Cooters cheers and yeeha's. Daisy and Enos turned to see them. The boys began to shush each other but it didn't do any good. * * * The Happy couple got into Enos's car, followed by cheers and words of congratulations. Their honeymoon would be spent in L.A, which would allow Enos to quit his job and return with Daisy to Hazzard for their new life together.
  20. its great, they just get cuter and cuter
  21. Chapter 8 (cut to reunion) Daisy rushed into the duke farm living room close to tears. Why did he have to be here why did he have to turn up now. Luke , Bo, Jesse and Cooter came in after her all offering her support. They saw Enos park in front of the farm and run up the steps of the farm. Bo, Luke , Jesse and Cooter ran to the nearest bedroom to allow Daisy and Enos to talk. They ran in and Luke shut the door. "What are we gonna do now?" Bo asked. "Just let them talk" was Jesse's answer. * * Enos entered the living room. "Daisy" he said soflty as he walked towards Daisy offering his hand. Daisy turned sharply, "no, Enos" Enos dropped his hand as if he weighed more than all of him put together. He looked to the floor. "But, Daisy" he stopped, he didn't know how to finish. L.D had turned up Daisy had called off the wedding, what was he going to say. * * * All the guys hiding in the bedroom had there ears as close to the door as possible. "Well fellas it don't sound good" said Cooter. "There ain't no noise at all" Luke said abruptly. "I know, thats what i mean" was Cooter's answer. * * * Enos decided he had to try. "Daisy, i love you, and i am not gonna' let L.D ruin your life again, he's upset you again" Daisy interupted Enos. "I can't do it" she said softly. "I love you too Enos, thats why i can't go through with it" she turned to Enos. "I don't want to hurt you" Enos sighed. "Your hurting me now" he said quietly. She turned away from him again. "I still don't know why L.D left me, i don't know whether it was me, and i don't want to do that to you Enos" * * * "Shoot Daisy, it was that...." Jesse noticed that Bo was getting angry and gave him a look. "Bo" "Sorry Uncle jesse, but Enos is right, she's letting him ruin her life again, by not letting her be with Enos, if that makes sense" All the men sighed realising that Bo was right. * * * Enos walked up behind Daisy and slid his arms around her waist. Daisy wanted to pull away but she couldn't, she loved this man and had planned that by now she would be married to him, but she wasn't. "I am sorry Enos, but i can't" she closed her eyes trying to stop the tears from falling. "Daisy, don't do this" Enos replied retaining his hold on Daisy's waist. "I can't go through with it Enos, not after seeing him" "But i love you Daisy, more than he ever could" He lowered his head and gently kissed Daisy's shoulder. Daisy did not reply. There was silence for what seemed like an eternity. Enos let his arms loose Daisy as he realised he was losing his fight to keep her. He walked away from Daisy with tears in his eyes. Daisy heard the door of the farm shut. She couldn't hold back any longer. The tears poured from her eyes. The boys heard and came out from the bedroom. Jesse immediately took Daisy in his arms and comforted her. She continued to cry into Jesse's shoulder. Cooter looked out the window and sighed. "He's gone" Luke took Daisy's hand. She turned from jesse and looked at him. "You do know , Enos is not L.D. he's that naive boy who has loved you since we can't remember" Daisy laughed slightly. "What i am trying to say is that Enos would never hurt you" "Heck he wouldn't even hurt a fly" Cooter added. Everyone looked at him. He shrugged. "Well he wouldn't" "Daisy are you sure you've made the right decision" Jesse asked her. Daisy stood and went towards her room. "I need sometime alone" * * * Meanwhile, Enos had stopped driving and walked to his old hide out from when he was a child. He sat and looked out at his old home. He decided he would stop here a while and then start his way back to L.A. Where he thought he would never return. * * * Daisy sat on her bed trying to take her mind off Enos but she couldn't. She had tryed sleeping but that had made it worse because she was now used to Enos being there with her. She walked to her dressing table and picked up a tissue. Her eyes suddenly caught a small box. She took it with her and sat back down on her bed. She carefully opened and burst into tears and managed a smile at the same time. It was the necklace Enos had brought her in Hazzard, the one, that years ago, she told him reminded her of Aunt Lavinia's old necklace. She took it in her grip and walked out the door meaningfully. Bo, Luke, Cooter and Jesse looked confused. "You alright?" Luke asked. " I am goin after Enos" Everybody jumped to their feet. Bo, Luke and Cooter, all shouted 'Yeeehaaa'
  22. happy birthday sonny!!!!
  23. i refused to watch it too, when it comes to the dukes or any other show for that matter, you have to go with the original cast and the original cast only!
  24. Chapter 7 Enos won the first two games, then Daisy made a great comeback and won the next two games. They both decided that it would all be on this last game. They had been there a while, Daisy felt like she had lost track of time. She stopped to watch Enos break. Her mind started to wonder. She thought of how much she missed Enos, and how tonight was making her realise. It had been ages since the two of them had spent time together. Daisy came to the conclusion that she had not laughed so much in her marriage as she had tonight. Her thoughts where distracted by Enos's calling. "Daisy, Daisy" She snapped out of it and smiled at Enos as she walked to the table. "You ok?" He asked. "Yeah i am fine sugar" she replied. She took her shot. The game went on for quite a while. The two of them had become increasingly more competitive. Enos walked up to the table as if he was taking this shot to win a major title. He pulled back the cue and.......... He missed the black. It rebounded of the cushion. He slumped onto the table as Daisy laughed and walked up to take her shot on the black. Daisy pulled back the cue and calmly slotted the black ball home. Enos held his head in his hands. "What's the matter Enos?" Daisy asked jokingly "Don't you like losing to a girl?" "No i just hate losing to you" Daisy laughed "Why?" "cuz you never let it be" Enos replied. "Ahh i am only joking Enos, but you know, i did win" Enso gave a sigh and a look that read 'here we go'. Daisy laughed. That laugh that seemed like music to Enos's ears. He had misssed it for so long. He had missed her. He still hated how she belonged to someone else, especially someone who didn't look after herthe way he should, didn't love her truly. He walked back with her to her hotel room. The streets were silent now, not busy at all. "Will L.D be back now?" Enos asked. Daisy sighed "Probably not, when its a night like this i don't see him until the next morning" As she spoke to Enos she linked her arm with his. Enos shook inside and felt a pulse that shot through him to his toes. It was incredible, she still made him feel like that, no one else could make him feel like that. They reached the hotel room, Enos was going to stop but he felt Daisy's hold on his arm tighten, so he continued with her into the hotel room. He sat on the sofa, feeling extremely uncomfartable. Daisy got a drink and came and sat by Enos. She didn't look up from her drink and Enos noticed that she looked the most upset that she had been tonight. "What's wrong?" he asked in a soft voice. "I don't want you to go, i don't want to be alone again" With this she took his hand. He held it tight. Their eyes met and Daisy slowly leaned to Enos and met his lips. He kissed back softly and sweet. Enos pulled back and stood up quickly. "I'm sorry Daisy, i can't, no matter what's happening or i feel about you, your still married" He grabbed his keys from his pocket and hurried to the door. "Daisy i gotta' go" he turned back to look at her, maybe for the last time, before he vanished out the door. Daisy wanted to go after him but he was right she was still married and it didn't change anything, no matter how she felt.
  25. hey where did you get the reunion from?
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