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Everything posted by i1976

  1. Immediately Luke picked up the CB, "Lost Sheep to Bo Beep. Where are you?" Daisy told her cousins where she exactly was, "Hurry up, please. Me and Enos are..." her words were stopped by a shot, then the boys heard again Daisy's voice, "Please, hurry up... please", she sobbed.
  2. Enos saw fear in Daisy's eyes. He couldn't stand to see Daisy like that. He couldn't stay there without trying to help her, but that man was grabbing her very tight, "OK baby, now you have to come with me. Get in the jeep". Enos knew that it was too late; he couldn't let that man go away with Daisy, but the thief was pointing his gun to him. He prayed for help. Suddenly a roar distracted the man. Immediately Enos ran to him and grabbed his right arm trying to disarm him. Thanks to Enos's move Daisy got free of the man, and she saw them falling to the ground, fighting.
  3. Meanwhile Bo and Luke were trying to find Enos and Daisy. The boys knew that if uncle Jesse was worried, there was something to worry for. They knew everything 'bout Daisy's jeep because of previous Enos's call, and now Enos and Daisy didn't answer to their calls. They had a bad feeling. Luke was thoughtful, "Enos told us he was going to the Boar's Nest to meet Daisy. He told us that someone stole Daisy's jeep and her purse and housekeys too". Bo nodded, "Yeah. Daisy was worried 'bout her housekeys, so she called uncle Jesse......and ". Luke continued his cousin's thought, "And uncle Jesse told us they were going to the farm, so they can't be far from the farm. Maybe they had an accident. We have to find them". Bo and Luke were right; Enos and Daisy had an accident on the way to the farm, but not a car's accident.
  4. I like your writing. LOL

    Thanks again to join my fic.

  5. Enos froze when he saw that man grabbing Daisy. Daisy tried to wiggle out of the thief, but he was too much big and strong for her. Both Enos and the man had their gun, but the thief had also an hostage. It was a very bad situation for Enos, and for Daisy too. Enos pretended to be calm, "Let the girl free. I'm waiting for backup", he knew it was a lie 'cause nobody knew where they were excatly and nobody was coming for help them, but he kept on talking, "It's better for you to surrender. You can't go far from here". Enos swallowed hoping the thief believed in his words. The thief seemed a bit confused; he was wondering if someone was really nearby. But finally he shook his head, "We're alone, nobody's coming here, so drop your gun and put your hands up". Enos had no choice, so he dropped his gun and he put his hands up. Meanwhile, at the farm, uncle Jesse was wondering why Enos and Daisy weren't still there. He was worried 'cause they didn't answer to him, so he decided to call Bo and Luke. He picked up the CB, "Shepherd to Lost Sheep"
  6. Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Sweet Home Alabama" is definitely a lot better than Kid Rock's version.
  7. The thief hid behind a bush, hoping the cop didn't notice his presence and wondering how to reach the girl. Enos had a strange feeling: he didn't see anyone but he felt like if someone was looking at him. Maybe Daisy was right: someone was waiting for her, but why? And why stealing her car? He took a careful look around, trying to hear every noise. Finally Enos noticed a little movement and a rustle from a bush. The thief saw the cop approaching to him, "Damn cop", he thought, "he saw me". So he tried to escape. Enos saw the man coming out the bush and running away. "Freeze and put your hands up", he shouted, pointing his gun at the man.
  8. Daisy was holding her breath while Enos was walking in front of her. They were approaching at the jeep, and everything seemed quiet. Enos thought that they're worrying too much and maybe there was no need to worry at all. Anyway, he was a cop and he had to be careful until he was sure everything was OK, especially 'cause he was with a civilian (especially 'cause that civilian was Daisy). Finally they arrived at the jeep. Nobody was there. Enos looked around, then he looked at Daisy, "Ok Dais. Everything's OK. Your car is here. Look for your purse now". Daisy got in her jeep, "Maybe my purse and my housekeys are in the car". Enos nodded, then he walked around the jeep looking at the ground. Suddenly they heard a noise coming from nearby.
  9. Hey, do you want to join in my fic "A normal day in Hazzard?". I'd like it. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it (even if by now nothing important is going on..... I'm having a writer block LOL).

  10. Enos smiled, "Don't worry Daisy. I'll be careful. And if there's someone waiting for you, he'll have me to deal with before he can reach you. Wait here and hide in the car". Daisy grabbed his arm stopping him, "I'm afraid of stay here alone waiting for you. Let me come with you, please". Enos looked at her in confusion. Daisy usually was a very strong woman and nothing seemed to scare her, but that day she appeared very weak. He nodded, "Ok. But be careful. Stay behind me". He drew his gun and they silently approached at the bush where Daisy's jeep was.
  11. The end of the world? Tomorrow? Ooops, I'm looking when you wrote your post... and tomorrow it's today. In Italy it's 8,30 p.m. The day is almost over... and... not.... It's not the end of the world. Anyway, speaking seriously.... I think that atomic phisics is great. I like Nature's misteries. And I like to think 'bout dimensions of Universe (10-11 dimensions? WOW). Black holes? The Universe is beautiful... scaring and beautiful at the same time. The Nature is beautiful. I don't think there is a God who can decide when (or if) destroy the world. And anyway, in the Universe there is a lot of "life" (not only on the Heart). Why human beings are so egocentric? Maybe there's a Spiritual Being above everything and everyone. This Spirit is everywhere.... it's the Nature. Only a thought. Hope I didn't offend anyone. Sorry if I did.
  12. When Daisy heard her uncle's voice relaxed. "Daisy, honey, calm down. We'll find your jeep. Where are you?" Daisy sighed in relief, "I'm with Enos. I'm fine, don't worry, but..." Suddenly Enos stopped his patrol car. "Look Daisy. Behind that bush. It's your jeep". Daisy nearly shouted, "Yes, it's my jeep". She was going out the patrol car to reach her jeep when Enos put a hand on her shoulder, "Stop Dais. Maybe there's someone out there. It could be dangerous. Stay here and wait for me. I'm going to check everything's OK"
  13. Enos kept on driving to the farm, but he couldn't help looking at Daisy. He noticed she was trying not to cry, so he tried to calm her down, "Hey Dais. Don't worry. We'll find your jeep. I promise you. Call uncle Jesse and tell him we're coming to the farm" Daisy nodded and took the CB.
  14. Thanks to you for creating this group. ;-)

  15. Enos smiled, "Sure Daisy. Come on". He drove to the farm with Daisy by his side. He liked it very much. Daisy asked "Do you think that people who took my jeep are going at the farm?". Enos shrugged, "I don't know. Maybe by now your jeep is far away from Hazzard, or maybe we'll found it at the farm. If someone is going there with your housekeys, we'll find out there". Daisy sighed, "Oh my God. If it's not at the farm, where do we go?" Enos glanced at her, "While I was driving to the Boar's Nest I warned Rosco 'bout your car. And I warned Bo and Luke, and Hazzard folks too. I hope someone saw your jeep somewhere in Hazzard and call us" Daisy nodded, "I hope to find my jeep. And I hope uncle Jesse isn't in danger, 'cause he's alone at the farm".
  16. Enos looked at Daisy; she was very worried and he didn't like to see Daisy worried. "Ok Daisy. Don't worry. Try to remember if you saw someone strange lately, or if someone approached you. I don't know why you and why your jeep. But it's better to go at the farm. Someone has your housekeys, and if he's heading to the farm, we'll reach him".
  17. Thanks for joining my round robin.

  18. Finally Enos arrived at the Boars Nest. He saw Daisy waiting for him and, as usual, he felt a thud in his chest. Enos stopped his patrol car. "Hi Dais", he said blushing shyly, "what's happening?"
  19. Daisy's voice woke up Enos. The deputy was very happy to hear her voice. "Don't worry Daisy. I'll be there as soon as possible". He left the Court House in a hurry, heading for the Boars Nest with his patrol car.
  20. (Anyone can join in. But only ORIGINAL characters, please.) It was a beautiful day in Hazzard. Birds were flying in the blue sky and everything seemed peaceful. It was 7 a.m. o'clock and the town was waking up. At the Court House Enos was jawning, looking at the papers on the desk. "Possum on a gum bush", he jawned again. The phone rang.
  21. Happy birthday!!!!!!! A virtual hug and a kiss from Italy, sweetheart.
  22. Chapter 7 Daisy kissed Enos deeply, and he kissed her. They hugged keeping on kissing. He was lying down on his back, and Daisy was on him. She caressed his cheeks, then her hands slid down on his shoulders, then on his chest and down on his hips. Enos felt himself shivering. Was it real? Or was it a beautiful dream (something he often dreamed)? He wrapped his arms around her chest and he held her tight. Daisy gasped when she felt his arms around her; it was the first time they kissed so deeply and they hugged so tight. They stopped kissing and they looked in their eyes, wheezing. Daisy tried to unbutton his shirt and to undo his tie, but her hands was trembling. He took her hands in his hands, so she stopped trembling. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Meanwhile, in Hazzard, Boss decided to show Laura’s pictures in advance, so everyone was looking at the billboard with her pictures on. Hazzard people seemed to like those pictures, and everyone was enjoying and laughing. Bo and Luke were near uncle Jesse. “What do you think, uncle Jesse?†said Luke “These pictures are beautiful, especially the pictures of the General Lee†Uncle Jesse nodded, “Yeah, that woman is very talented. She’s able to catch Hazzard’s soul. Look at the picture of me; nobody ever took a picture of me like that. It’s really…. me; she took that picture when I wasn’t looking at her, so I seem so … natural… and realâ€. Bo nodded, “You’re right, uncle Jesse. She’s a great photographerâ€. Then he looked around, “Where’s Daisy? She likes so much Laura’s pictures. In the past days she often talked ‘bout Laura and her pictures, and now she’s not here†Luke looked around trying to found Daisy. “The last time I saw her she was talking with Enos. Did you see Enos, Bo?†Bo shook his head, “No, Enos is not here†They shrugged. “They’ll coming. You know, Bo, sometimes Enos and Daisy like to stay alone. Maybe they’re having lunch, and me too I’m a bit angry.†------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Daisy kissed Enos’s chest, slowly, then she kissed his neck. She wanted to kiss every inch of his skin. Enos moaned under Daisy’s kisses. It was better than in his dreams. He slid his hands under Daisy’s shirt, and he felt her shivering. He hugged her and they rolled, so now he was on her and she was lying down on her back. He slowly unbutton her shirt, then he kissed her lips gently. Daisy felt like his lips were burning; she felt her lips burning, then her neck and then her chest. He suddenly stopped, looking at her. “Daisyâ€, he whispered, “do you…?. She nodded, then she hugged him tight, ‘cause she wanted to feel all his weight on her. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hazzard’s people liked Laura’s pictures, so Boss had to admit her talent and to pay her for her job. “Ok, Miss O’Brian, I’ll pay you. But I don’t want the General Lee’s picture on the book’s cover. I can’t accept that Hazzard will be symbolized by that car†Laura nodded, “OK. I have an idea. People will choose the picture for the book’s cover, except the General Lee’s pictures, as you prefer, Mister Hogg. But you have to accept people choiceâ€. Boss Hogg looked at her, suspicious, then he nodded. When Enos and Daisy arrived in Hazzard, they saw people looking at Laura’s pictures. “But, Enos, this morning Boss decided to show pictures tomorrow. So, why..?†Enos shrugged, stopping her words, “Don’t worry Dais. There’s no difference. Finally everyone can see Laura’s work. I’m very happy for herâ€. Daisy smiled, taking his hand and walking with him toward her family. Luke looked at them, “Finally you’re here. Where did you go? I hope you had a good lunch, ‘cause because of you, Daisy, since this morning me and Bo are starving†Uncle Jesse turned and gave Daisy and Enos a piece of paper and a pen, “Everyone has to vote a picture for the book’s cover, except the General Lee’s picturesâ€. Bo shook his head, sadly, “Boss Hogg doesn’t want the General Lee on the book’s cover†Daisy was surprised, “Vote? A picture?â€, then she run toward Laura. The Dukes looked at Enos “What the heck is she doing?â€, but he seemed in a trance. “Enos?â€. “Uh, yeahâ€, he jerked and the piece of paper and the pen fell down, “we have to voteâ€, then he grinned. Bo looked at Luke, “Oh my God. Today is clumsier than usualâ€. When Daisy came back, after a talk with Laura and a hug, she smiled, saying “There’s a new picture on the billboard to vote forâ€. She smiled at Enos, taking his hand, so the piece of paper and the pen fell down again. Bo and Luke sighed, shaking their heads, then they went to where the billboard was and they looked at the new picture. Then they looked each others, and they turned to see with a new look Daisy and Enos who were in the crowd, smiling and laughing, hand in hand. Now, folks, try to wonder what picture won for the book’s cover. I have an idea. ;-)
  23. WOW. Awsome!!!!! Congrats. You're the moral winner of the competition.
  24. Oh my God. Yes. I don't stand they never married. But, anyway, all the thing "Does she love him?" or "Doesn't she love him?" during all the show is interesting. It makes me eager to write fic 'bout it.
  25. Yeah. But I only watched the first one. I don't like so much reunion movies, 'cause it makes me sad. I prefer to remember characters in their youth. Hazzard is so lonely when they are away (there's only uncle Jesse at the farm, and in the second Reunion uncle Jesse is gone. Too sad ). And, moreover, I don't like reunion movies 'cause Enos and Daisy didn't marry. At the end, authors HAD to marry them.
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