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  1. Interesting so far. Keep up the good work.
  2. I was just thinking that there Minnow might be quick about swimming in an ice cream scoop because it couldn't manage to stay in the thing for very long:D I'll just head off to that tree over there, can't remember barking at that one yet:p
  3. You got me intrigued on this, so had to see what google turned up. What I found was a link to oral history recordings at Emporia State Uni and this quote Looks like it's an ice cream scoop then.
  4. Can't help at all, but if you do find anything out I'd love to know too. I've never seen either of them and would really like to see them.
  5. You know what, if you hadn't given your age I'd never have guessed. Your writing and discussion on here always comes across as very mature and well thought out. Hoping to see "His Prison, Her Prison" updated soon. As for Season 7, not seen all the episodes yet - well, I probably did when they originally aired, but that's too long ago to remember them. Not seen the alien or robot one recently. As with any season, there's a mix of good and thoroughly annoying. However, the worst thing has to be the very obvious stunt models. What were they thinking?? That sort of thing never looks good. Presumably a result of cuts in production budget.
  6. If it was the player I'd expect to have problems with other discs, particularly double sided ones. It seems odd that it's just that one disc and that it also has problems in my laptop, although to a much lesser extent.
  7. I've got to agree that there's some good episodes in there, makes you wonder what they would have been like with John and Tom in them instead. I'd like to have seen how those two played off each other in something like The Great Insurance Fraud. As far as I'm concerned, Byron Cherry wasn't too bad an actor, but Christopher Mayer came across as rather wooden. At the end of the day they were both fighting a losing battle from the start, being cast as identikit characters rather than characters given their own personalities. Also, again down to the way the characters were written, weren't they just that bit too ideal. Just two people getting on well, all pleasantness and smiles. Compare that with the characters of Bo and Luke, so many sideswipes at each other and witty sarcasm, much more what you would naturally expect from two characters who are meant to spend so much time together. Someone answer a question for me, was Cletus's departure ever explained? If it was I've got no recollection of it.
  8. We got a cheap mini cordless mouse to use with the work laptop and the Chinese pidgin English instructions it came with were great. "Always use mouse with provided white table". I looked in every corner of the little box the mouse came in and just couldn't find the white table anywhere! Instead I have to take a big risk everytime I use the mouse on an ordinary table.
  9. Wonder if it's a specific problem with Region 2 DVDs then. I've not had any problems with Seasons 1 or 2. I tried playing disk 4 on my laptop and it would play longer on there, but still couldn't get it to play all the way through any single episode. Very frustrating!
  10. Has anyone had any problems with the Season 4 DVD? Just got a Region 2 DVD set from play.com and I found that Disc 4 would not play on either side from about 36 minutes in. I sent that back and the replacement arrived today. It's got exactly the same problem on Disc 4. It either skips and pauses from 36 minutes onward or won't start to play any of the later episodes. Have I just been really unlucky to get two faulty DVD sets or is there known to have been problems with that particular DVD?
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