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Posts posted by Dixie_Nachelle01

  1. *gentle Uncle Jesse voice* That's good to hear Dixie 'cause we missed you.

    *grouchy Uncle Jesse voice*Besides that, other people here had to take up the slack and do your chores. Now git out there and clean that barn. We got a farm to run around here.

    hahaha Man, I missed you guys!!! I'd love to stay and tell ya'll just HOW much I missed ya, but I'm gonna clean that barn now instead. tehe ;)

  2. Hey guys :) lol I've been soooo incredibly busy between finishing up the summer workshop and writing the screen play and doing shows and coming to a new school and all of our performances we do here that I never got a chance to tell ya'll how the script writing went. lol It ended up being set in present day New York. It centered around a rich family who loaned money to a guy, Troy, to open up his burlesque club. Troy didn't pay the family back so they hired a hot dog vendor, Jamey, who frequently set up shop outside the club to keep an eye on Troy. Jamey, an aspiring musical theatre actor, who also believes himself to be gay, thinks he is falling in love with Troy. That is, until he meets Charlie. Charlie is a dancer at the burlesque club, The Crystal Glass, and is also the daughter of the rich family who loaned money to Troy to open the club. Charlie is living a double life because she doesn't want to depend on her rich family. She tells them that she is dancing with a dance company when she is really dancing at the burlesque club. Charlie begins to fall in love with Jamey but is devestated to learn that he is in fact gay. Charlie then decides to confide in Claire who is a dancer at the club, Charlie's best friend, and Jamey's roomate. Claire tells Charlie to go for it because she knows how Jamey is and she thinks he is confused about his sexuality. Meanwhile the rich family is getting mad because Troy still hasn't payed them back. So, they send Charlie's brother Andre to hire Jamey to kill Troy. Jamey is devestated at the fact that he is going to have to kill the man he loves if he wants to continue living. He also confides on Claire. Claire tells him that he should do whatever he thinks is right. Jamey ends up killing Troy. He comes home the night after and tells Claire that he doesn't think he ever loved Troy because he didn't feel terribly bad after he killed him. After having a "practice kiss" with Claire, Jamey decides that he is in fact straight and only thought he was gay because people always told him that he was. The next morning Andre shows up at Claire and Jamey's apartment with an invite to his sister Charlotte's 21st birthday party. Andre tells Jamey that he is going to be the guest of honor at the party. Upon arrival at the party, Jamey is confronted by the head of the rich family who congradulates him on his killing Troy and informs him that he is going to be giving Charlotte's toast at dinner. Jamey is worried because he doesn't think he can give the toast because he does not know Charlotte. As he is giving the toast, Charlotte walks in and Jamey realizes that it is in fact, Charlie. He gives a wonderful heart felt toast and Charlotte/Clarlie thanks him. After dinner, the two meet up in the coat room and talk about how they were so surprised to see each other. They kiss but Charlotte's father steps in and tells them that if Jamey wants to continue being on the payroll that he is never to see her again. They end up meeting one year later and walk off into the night while saxophone music plays in the background.

    I know thats kind of long. We planned on filming it, but never got the time. We did read it to an audience of about 50 or 60 and they seemed to like it. I played Claire which was fun. lol I still have a copy of the original script if you are so intrigued that you want to read it. It's about 60 pages long and I can email it to you if you want. If you don't want thats ok too. haha But, I just wanted you guys to know how it turned out :)

  3. Its awsome to know something about you! lol

    haha no problem. ;) It seems like I'm sooo used to introducing myself to other people. Thats all the first few weeks at a new school consists of. But it's also fun to learn about other people and see what we all have in common. I forgot how much I missed Hazzardnet. We really are like a little family. But thats bound to happen when you get a bunch of people with a common interest together! I'm never going 4 months without getting on and seeing what's hoppin' on the net ever again!! lol

  4. I'm not much of a fan of newer country but I do like Jason Aldean since he acts and sounds country. Country music certainly has evolved. You need no more proof of that than just remembering that it used to be called Country and Western. There are no more western singers anymore. I think Marty Robbins was the last one.

    I think there is going to be another split in country music in the future. It will be divided between country singers and ones who are labeled country but sound like pop. A lot of CMT videos really should be on MTV instead.

    Rock music has had a number of splits but country is way overdo for one. Some of the artists will have trouble falling into one group or another (like Rascal Flatts) but selling to more than one group of fans will probably benefit them financially.

    It most certainly has. I like most of today's country, but I grew up on Waylon Jennings, Johnny Cash, Johnny Paycheck and all those guys so I really appreciate them as well as many current artists.

  5. I've been here for a while. I have been super busy though and haven't gotten a chance to get on in a very long time. But I'll just introduce myself anyway. lol

    I'm Ashley, I'm 16 and a junior at a performing arts high school. I love to perform and always have. I hope to work in the film and television industry someday. I grew up on the Dukes and they have been a big part of my life. I don't think I would be who I am today without them. :)

  6. i have an Ipod Touch thats filled with modern country like Lady A, Taylor Swift, Brad Paisley, i even have a couple songs classic country songs by Alan Jackson and Dolly Parton and even Ring of Fire By Johnny Cash, lol, really its filled with many modern country artists

    LADY A!!!!!!!! gotta love them. I'm a big Tanya Tucker fan myself. lol

  7. lol, nice, im still the same 5'4 or 5'3, i swear i havent grown, grr, im 14 now, and my dad still looks the same,lol

    ya i know how you feel.lol i'm only 5'2" if that. i think i put that i was 5'4" but i don't think i am.lol but then again, i never really had a good chance at being tall. my mom isn't even 5'!! lol

  8. so honestly i can't pick my fav song by Josh but each song has it's own meaning but if i had to say

    sorry can't pick one but a fav of mine right now is Trailerhood and the way he was raised and South Carolina Low Country

    i agree. his songs all have a strong meaning. i think thats why people like him. he's real. and a great singer, and HOTTT:wink: lol

  9. your totally right

    i really want to see them in concert and maybe even meet them. i almost did last summer. they came to a county fair not far from me. we were gonna go, but my dad had to work so we didn't get to. but they must have been good cause i went to the wal-mart near where they played like the week after they played, and their cd was sold out!!!!! so they got some new fans on that show.lol have you ever seen them?

  10. honestly I don't know anybody who was a hippie. The rebel thing sounds fun.

    haha i don't either. i'm leaning toward the rebel thing cause that is sounding pretty fun and it would be funny too. do ya'l know any 50's rebels without causes? haha

  11. really. just let us know.

    thanks you guys.=]]] i was actually thinkin of setting it in the 70's with the hippies. and the hippies would be a big part of the play. but i don't want to get into the drugs too much. i mean there had to be a few drug free hippies out there who just wanted peace.lol i'm kinda a hippie myself, but no drugs. just the peace. i was wanting to maybe tell their side of the story or atleast try.lol. like how hard it was to be criticized like that and all the riots and protests. it's only got to be 10-15 minutes long though so it wouldn't be too much. i was also thinking of maybe setting it on the 50's with the whole rock n' roll thing. maybe a rebel without a cause thing or something. any ideas or suggestions? either of ya'll know any former hippies from back in the day? haha that would be helpful. lol i could probably talk to my grandparents about the 50's. i don't have any hippies in my family though.lol just people who remember them. and if i want to tell the hippie side of the story, they won't be too much help unless they knew hippies. idk. i have to decide between the hippies or the 50's rebels.lol which do ya'll think would be best?

  12. i go to a very small school so we are all kinda friends with everyone but we all have our group of friends. unfortunatlly sometimes people get jealous and harass other people who have a group of friends to hang out with and depend on. and sometimes those people who do the harassing are ADULTS!! thats when happened to us. the one person who did the most harassing was actually a teacher!! it got really bad for a while and she actually locked us out of the classroom. i know it sounds like it would be a funny joke but it wasn't. it was horrible. the teacher who harassed us was the friend i said i lost. i would honestly of told her anything but not anymore. if a teacher ever starts to do that to you. talk to her about it. trust me, the longer u wait and let it go, the worse it will get. i hope u don't ever have to go through what i did because it ended in a BIG screaming match in the school parking lot after the last football game.

  13. yeah

    i am actually in the process of writing a short 10 to 15 min. play for a class i'm taking with some friends of mine in my "circle of acting friends" haha. i am thinking about doing it on how it feels to have someone u care about doing something very dangerous day in and day out. like what they have to go through. i'm still working on it but if u have any ideas i would love to hear them=]]

  14. oh wow, thats really not good

    i only got the idea after the dream and i woke up my dad and my cousin screaming (my parents are divorced and me and my 5 year old cousin live with him)

    oh wow. i never actually scream but that would be pretty intense.

  15. ok thanks-=]]] thats what i thought but my dad was paranoid. haha i've always wondered what the WB thought of all these guys who r making money off their generals and stuff. sometimes they go a little overboard but like u said, nobody is getting hurt and as long as it stays that way, i don't think the WB will ever do anything about it. they don't want to get sued i imagine.lol

    hopefully someday i will have a car to paint like the general, but right now i have a 97 chevy cavalier and i don't think that would look very good painted bright orange. it is orange, but it's more of a burnt orange. lol

  16. You know . . . kinda funny but Lady A does kinda picture to my mind what Bo Daisy and Luke would be like with a group. hey i don't know but they might not be bad to fill the slots for the three cousins

    hahaha i know!!! charles as bo, dave as luke, and of course hillary as daisy. they do fit. and they r such great people.

  17. i really liked come dance at my wedding/ it was a sweet movie and it had a lot of dancing in it. being a dancer, i enjoy watching other people dance. especially on dancing with the stars!!!! watching that movie made me wonder, could john be on the next season of dancing with the stars? that would be sooooo cool. i think he would do well.

  18. my 8th grade year has been rough

    ya this year wasn't all that easy either. i lost some friends that i will never get back. one in particular won't even talk to me anymore unless she has to. we used to talk about everything and anything but not anymore. but oh well. her loss. haha

  19. Gloriana and Little Big Town, and LADY ANTEBELLUM, who could forget them!

    I KNOW MAN!!!!!!! lady a all the way. and cross canadian ragweed. who could forget them? looovveeee them!!=D

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