it sold for just under 10 million bucks, yes you read correct but after looking at the winning bidder i doubt he'll ever get the money, john put in an ebay complaint about him eBay link
this rosco sound board has him saying "them duke boys".......if u go there let it load then look to the top right hand side
you'd be surprised how many people around the world paint their vehicles up to look like the General! I've got a lot of pics, they're just good for a laugh!! YEEHAA!
Thanks for that Bernadette it was a fantastic day for all, im so glad i went too. Hey guys check out Bernadette's site for pictures of John! THE GENERAL
Hi, im from Australia and am doing a massive road trip for 5 weeks starting in August, im visiting Covington and plan to visit Cooters place in Tennesse, after hearing all the good reports about this place im getting very excited, cant wait! YEEHAW!
I bought all 20 episodes recently off ebay, on 2 dvds, the quaility is obviously VHS but not too bad, its cool just having it as a Hazzard fan!! It was made during the time the boys went on strike for a season but they do appear in 4 of the last episodes. YEEHAW!