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Everything posted by GinaRenee

  1. "Sydney White" (Sept. 21) http://www.movie-list.net/exclusive5107/sydney-white.mov "Conjurer" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnIIBv-Xtew
  2. I heard it was because his middle name is Richard.
  3. "You've Got a Friend" is on the Hallmark Channel tonight at 9 p.m. EST.
  4. I don't know why -- it's an independent, low-budget film, and for some reason the distributors decided to do it that way. Seems kind of silly to me. They could have at least released it on a weekend. However, there will be a DVD released in August that (I think) should be available everywhere. I saw a sneak preview of the movie in February. As the review says, John was really good in it.
  5. John has a new movie opening tonight (Monday) in limited release. It's in theaters for one night ONLY, so go see it tonight if you can! Go to http://www.hiddensecrets-themovie.com to find out if it's playing near you. Here's a review with praise for John: http://www2.arkansasonline.com/news/2007/apr/27/sinners-reveal-their-secrets20070427/?entertainment/movies
  6. That'll be nice. What's Dukesday?
  7. Listen very carefully to the next one that comes on your TV. It sure sounds like him.
  8. Oh, Lord, don't do that. Way too soon after Tom's DUI.
  9. It's going to repeat Sunday night -- 10 p.m., I think. Also , iTunes will have it for sale eventually. They have all the season 1 episodes.
  10. He pranked his daughter, but good. Anyone catch it?
  11. Today is John and Elly's thirteenth!
  12. John's on the Nick at Nite show "Hi-Jinks" tonight at 9:30 Eastern. The episode repeats Sunday at 10 p.m.
  13. Come on, guys, we need votes!
  14. Hey, we've slipped to #45! Let's get voting!
  15. In that "20 Greatest Country Comedies" special, the one guy was talking about how they were always looking for excuses to take their shirts off. I think he said they took their shirts off if they had to do long division.
  16. He's slipped down to 34. Come on, guys, vote!!
  17. At the Hollywood Bowl next month! http://www.playbill.com/news/article/100389.html
  18. John had to drop out of "42nd Street" in Pittsburgh, but Tom is taking over for him! http://www.pittsburghclo.org
  19. Best quote ever! Or at least pretty darn close!
  20. About "Collier & Co.," it's both -- that is, it will be a big-screen movie in small theaters. Does that make sense? John is going to premiere it in Tennessee and show it around the country in various places until he gets a distributor to open it nationwide. And he will be fighting the alligator in "LP2." He specificallly said that in the interview.
  21. I didn't see the first one, but you can read about it here: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0139414/
  22. Oh, I wasn't there at all. I was just asking because someone at another board was saying a lot of stuff about how poorly things were run at John's table. I thought her version of events sounded fishy; that's why I wanted yours. Thanks for clearing that up.
  23. I meant the one-autograph rule on Sunday. Was that just at John's table, or everywhere?
  24. Settle a bet for me -- was that only at John's table, or at every table?
  25. CMT will show some of DukesFest during the "Top Twenty Countdown" tomorrow at 4. (It also airs a few more times after that.)
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