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Qualapec the She-Wolf

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Everything posted by Qualapec the She-Wolf

  1. What is it? And what's he doing there? ~She-Wolf
  2. How cute! I'm sure that's not the appropriate response. But anyway, I hope it lasts, he always seems so happy with her. ~She-Wolf
  3. Daisy fled from the room. After all that, she couldn't bring herself to face her cousin. He was lying there, in that hospital bed, pale, sick, and those marks on his wrists. He'd tried to kill himself....He'd tried to kill himself and it was all her fault. She didn't feel like she deserved to ever stand in the same room with him again. It had taken everything she had just to say she was sorry. If she had just listened too him, if she hadn't been so ignorant he wouldn't be like this. He wouldn't have had to suffer through four years of prison by himself. Her run down the hall was brought to an abrupt end as somebody stepped out of the door to the nurses station. She crashed into him. Actually, she more bounced off of him than crashed into him. "What's wrong?" He asked. She recocnized his voice, he was the doctor she'd spoken too on the phone. Doc Michaels. "I..." She stuttered, but only lost all strength to stand and if he hand't had a hand on each of her shoulders she would have sank to the ground completely. "Daisy!" Enos called, he rounded the corner and bent over from trying to catch up with her, "You're fast...why'd you run." Apparently Michaels took a cue. "Deputy...I think Beaureguard isn't the only one who needs help." he pretty much handed Daisy to Enos. Leaving her to cry on the deputy's shoulder until she was ready to talk. ~She-Wolf
  4. Bo felt a knot in his chest. He was afraid to reach out and touch the figure before him, for fear that if he did he'd wake up like he always did. "But..." Bo stammered, "No...I..." Until finally it sank in. They were really here. He didn't try to speak anymore, he just gathered a strength he had no idea he had and hugged his Uncle Jesse. And that warmth, that warmth he'd spent night after night trying to recreate in his mind, washed over him. Suddenly, the pain no longer mattered, all his fighting. It suddenly felt like it was for something. "We're sorry Bo..." Uncle Jesse whispered again, "I don't know if you'll ever understand how sorry we are." As Bo sank back from the hug into the pillow, he smiled, "I reckon we all got things to be sorry for..." Tears threatened to fall and his voice began to crack up somethin' fierce. "I...I never thought I'd see you again...after you left...I...I thought you hated me." "Bo..." A voice so soft Bo could barely hear her. Daisy took a step closer to his bed. But she still stayed away, "...I'm so sorry..." Suddenly, she turned and ran out of the room and down the hall. "Daisy!" Enos called to her and went after her. ~She-Wolf
  5. Bo had only closed his eyes, it wasn't really sleep, which was quite impossible due to the pain. But when Enos snapped him out of it he didn't open his eyes, "What is it Enos?" He asked through gritted teeth. He opened his eyes. He didn't react at first, attributing it to dilusion. But it looked so real. Daisy was prettier than ever. From her blue eyes eyeliner ran a little...he had no idea why. She looked shaken up, like she'd just gotten really bad news. But it couldn't have been about him. Uncle Jesse was just the same Bo remembered him. Neither were smiling...if this was one of his dilusions they'd be smiling. But there was no way it was real. What else did that leave? "Oh god...Enos...am I dead?" ~She-Wolf
  6. More waves of pain washed over Bo. Mostly in his back, stomach, and legs, not so much in his arms but that was taken care of by the slices the cuffs had given him. What did he do to deserve any of this? It was so funny how seconds can change fates. Bo knew if he'd only hesitated for a moment then maybe he would have seen it was Luke. Or Luke would have seen the figure with the tire iron and dodged to the side. "Bo..." Enos said softly, "I gotta go make a call..." Another wave of pain came over Bo and he tried to bite back the scream. And instead managed it to come out sounding like a grunt. He only nodded, afraid that if he spoke that scream would escape. Enos left his side and out into the hall to the phone there. Bo looked down at his side, the IV dripping anti-bacterial into his body, killing off the infection. And he realized how easy it would be just to pull the needle out and let the disease flourish again. He didn't want this...he was tired of fighting. First he was fighting the loneliness and pain from being locked up, now this, ontop of that. And fightng the grim realization that his family no longer loved him. Why should they, whether or not he intended too he might as well have killed Luke. As much as he contemplated it, Bo didn't really know why he didn't decide end his fight... ~She-Wolf
  7. Okay, so I've opened a new thread because the last one gave me an error. ~~~~~ A sudden scream awoke Enos from a relatavly nice dream. He climbed out of the bed with something he was sure didn't resemble grace of any kind and staggered over to Bo. "Bo?" He asked, "What is it? What's wrong?" Bo's face twisted in pain, "It hurts." He said through gritted teeth. "Oh," Enos said in realization, Doc Michaels had told him that there was a good chance Bo would experience severe cramps. The thought of his friend going through the kind of pain the doctor described made Enos want to break down and cry in sympethy. But it wasn't like he could afford that, Bo needed him more than he ever had. "Bo...the cholera's givin' you cramps..." Bo sank back onto his bed finally in remission from the cramps and breathing heavily. "Enos?" He asked, "When's it gonna stop? When are they gonna quit torturing me..." ~She-Wolf
  8. Jessica doesn't deserve to touch the hem on a porn actress's skirt. ~She-Wolf
  9. Do you have any idea how we can find out where the tour is coming? ~She-Wolf
  10. For me it's Carrie and Nightmares and Dreamscapes. But there are a lot of his books I haven't read yet. So maybe I'll find something I like better. ~She-Wolf
  11. Stephen King's amazing. Which of his books is your favorite? ~She-Wolf
  12. I heard somewhere that John was a fan of horror novels. Is this true? (if so that would be awesome for me because I love them myself!) ~She-Wolf
  13. Hey ya'll I just bought this pretty cool survival horror game. It's called Cold Fear and I recomend it to all Resident Evil fans! The main character is reletavly attractive (Although the voicework could be a little better) and it's creepier than Silent Hill with a more RE esque to it. I swear, these monsters come out of freaking nowhere and all the warning you have before they leap at you from behind is this inhuman screech! And sometimes you go into this really dark room and by the time you turn on your flashlight you already have a monster leaping out at you! It's a fantastic survival horror game, my only complaints are the voice acting and the aiming system should be easier to work with. ~She-Wolf
  14. How could she have been so ignorant. So stupid. That was the only real word to describe it. And she couldn't imagine how her cousin felt, four years Bo had gone without them in prison. Only then did the full force of the last couple days hit her. Enos had been right. She regretted how simply she'd discarded the idea that Bo was innocent. Even how she'd treated Enos, who was right from the start. All the while she'd blamed Bo for tearing their family to shreds, but now she had nobody to blame but herself. "Daisy....what's going on? What's happened to Bo and I know you's been down and phoned the jail so what's going on...." Through the sobs that wracked her form she struggled to get the words to tell them together. "He's alive...But the doc said he..." Uncle Jesse urged her on, she knew it was hard on him too, but also that if he fell apart she'd get even more broken, "But?" He tempted a worried look in his eyes. Daisy took a deep, shaky breath and tried to stabilize herself, "The doc said it's touch and go...that Bo may not have the will to fight it..." She looked from her Uncle to her oldest cousin. "Bo," Luke hissed again, recovering from the shock of the news, he tried to sit up in bed but moments later lossed the strength and sank back down to his pillow. "Now you just stay put," Uncle Jesse said sternly. He then turned to Daisy, still crying in his arms, "Daisy...baby girl?" he used the term of endearment he hadn't used since Daisy was about seven or eight. It got her attention. He continued, "We've...made a horrible mistake...four years worth of it too. But it won't do us any good to sit around here and cry about it. We feel the guilt but it was Bo who's suffering the consequenses of our choice. The most we can do now is start trying to make up for it as soon as possible. Right now that means gettin' there when he needs us." VVVVV Bo sat alone, contemplating the massive changes his life had taken in only the past twenty four hours. The sunlight filing into the room made silouettes out of the bars on the window. Prison bars that had become the very limits of his world. He knew he wouldn't get out for a long time. Next year he was eligable for parole, but that didn't mean they'd give it too him. And even if they did, what did he have to look foreward to when he got out? Nothing... Prison was hell...and he had nothing beyond the gates. Quite frankly, as he saw it, he had nothing to really live for. ~She-Wolf
  15. Well, have to met Tom? And What was your preception of him? I ask because I've heard it different ways. Most people say he's nice, some people says he has an attitude to him, and there's somebody who said he was a bit of a prick. ~She-Wolf
  16. Daisy didn't go back up to Luke's room immediatly. She just sat there...in the loby. Paying no attention to the people passing her she just stayed there with her hands folded in her lap. As she thought she realized something. Daisy had always known that if Luke woke up her family would always feel the scars of Bo's heinus sin. But every night since that horrible incident she had prayed that they could be a family again. Only now did she know for sure. The family would never be the same. Not because of Bo's mistake, but her's. How could she have been so blind? Was it because she had been so quick to condemn and abandon Bo, that as time passed it would become harder and harder to be forgiven. That it would just be better to believe he was guilty... She knew what she had to do. Daisy would have to face this mistake right then and there. Running up to the elevator and taking it back up to the next floor she couldn't help but fidget uncomfortably. Unable to get there fast enough, yet at the same time she wished she would never reach her destination. By the time she got back to Luke's room she was shaking like a leaf. "Luke..." She whispered her next sentence, hoping it was loud enough for him to hear so she wouldn't have to say it again, "...Bo didn't mean to hurt you did he?" Luke stared at her, an unreadable look in his eyes. Clearly shocked she'd come up with it. But sure enough a small smile and nod graced his features. Immediatly she collapsed to her knees. A hand lingering over her mouth as tears slid down her cheeks. She made no move to stop them, too shocked from the information she'd been given, "Oh god...oh god. Oh God. Oh God...." ~She-Wolf
  17. Daisy couldn't believe what was going on, she knew it sure as her Uncle, but she was nowhere near admitting it. Same as he was. Both knew they couldn't handle the guilt that would spawn from what her oldest cousin was trying to tell them. "Uncle Jesse...I think I'm gonna call Cooter, don't think anybody's told him yet." Uncle Jesse nodded, "Go on." She went to the phone all the way on the level underneath theirs. Knowing all it would do would sadden her uncle if he knew what she was doing. Despite the seperation of an entire floor she still looked from side to side before she dialed the number. When the prison opperator asked what extention she wanted she told him...and waited. "Hello?" A male voice said from the other end of the phone. "Hi, my name's Daisy Duke, I'm callin' to talk to the doctor in charge of one Beaureguard Duke." "That would be me." "...I just wanted to know if he's alright..." ~She-Wolf
  18. Bo wasn't able to get back to sleep. The pain in his wrists was too much, and the various cramps all over his body. Not having anything better to do, he looked at the picture of his family. It was worn out along the edges from his looking at it so much. Bo gently closed his eyes and held the picture close to his chest. Searching his memory desperatly for the warmth he felt when he was near his family. The love, the affection he had not known for so long... When his eyes closed, he tried to clear his mind, and slow his breathing. Consentrating only on that feeling he yearned deeply for. He hadn't been able to even remotely remember that feeling for about three and a half years. Another comfort that had disapeard from his life. Why did it feel like the longer he stayed in prison, the more hopeless he felt? But instead, he could have sworn he heard a familiar voice whisper something in his ear: "Bo..." It snapped him out of the daydream. God...it must have been the antibacterials. He could have sworn he'd heard someone whisper his name. ~She-Wolf
  19. I remember that fanfiction. What's the cannon reason? ~She-Wolf
  20. Four years...how was that possible? Four years of his life gone just like that. In a dark place in his memory he remembered Bo getting taken away by Rosco. But it didn't make sense, why were Daisy and Uncle Jesse acting like it was a good thing? No way Boss could have convinced them Bo did anything wrong. His uncle put an arm on Luke's shoulder, "Bo ain't gonna hurt you again." Although he had brain damage, it was effecting his speach but not his notoriously quick intelect. Bo must have paniced and hit Luke in the head when he came to rescue the younger cousin. And Bo had gone down for attempted murder or assault or something like that. This couldn't be happening. This. Could. Not. Be. Happening. VVVVV Daisy was so happy, happier than she'd been in a long, long time. For the first time in four years, it seemed like all their suffering hadn't been for nothing. Like there was a chance they could have something resembling the family they had before. What Bo had done would always scar them. But now...they had a chance. Now that Luke was awake they might just make it. Of course she hadn't forgotten about Bo's sickness. But after the good news they'd gotten Daisy saw no need to wreck anybody's mood. ~She-Wolf
  21. Why did it seem most bad news was delievered to them either by Rosco or by the phone? That was the question that Daisy thought as she strode over and picked it up. "Hello?" What she heard practically made her do a backflip. She went sprinting out to the barn, kicking off her high-heels so she could get there even faster, "Uncle Jesse! Uncle Jesse!" The smile she had when she busted through the doors was a smile many people thought they'd never see on her again. "Uncle Jesse!" "What is it?" He said, a bucket full of goats' milk in his hands. Even seeing her only smiling brightened his day. "It's Luke!" From her expression he knew it was not a bad thing. VVVVV Sometime around midday Bo woke up fully for once, it took him a while, but his eyes adjusted to the world around him. Warm sunlight filed through the barred window, and what it didn't illuminate the overhead light did. Looking around he didn't see anybody at the desk. He didn't try to sit up, knowing it would only result in massive pain in his already throbbing head. When he looked toward the window however, he saw something that made hs heart flutter a little with grattitude. Enos was asleep peacefully on the bed closest to the window. Curled up with his hands under the pillow he looked like he hadn't gotten a good nights sleep last night. And Bo knew why. Enos was the one that was helping him drink that solution. The deputy had stayed up with him all night. ~She-Wolf
  22. Bo woke up in dizziness...his whole body ached. And his wrists felt worst. Glancing down at them he strangely found himself no longer handcuffed. What had happened? Seeing the dark spots of dried blood a dark chill came over him. He couldn't remember much of the night before. Little glimpses of dreams that could have been real or dreamed up. The faint taste of some fowel mixture of sugars still lingered in his mouth. Closing his eyes because it hurt to keep them open any longer, he found himself remembering what Enos had told him about Luke. Deep down he'd always known the news would be bad...that didn't make it hurt any less. ~She-Wolf
  23. Daisy's heart skipped a beat. She'd heard stories about people in South America and Africa, and how a case of Cholera could kill in hours if it went untreated. It was the most feared disease on the Orgon trail. Then she asked the question she thought she would never ask again, "Is he alright?" "...Enos says Bo had a hard time last night. Sick with fever. Dehydration. Cramps all over. But he was gettin' better by the time morning came around. Doc expects a full recovery..." Her uncle spoke with slow tones, not angry, not sad, as though he was confused about the emotion he should be feeling. Daisy made a move, she decided to speak the question that had denied her sleep all through the night. "Uncle Jesse...what if we're wrong?" "What?" "What if Bo didn't hurt Luke on purpose?" tears were on the corners of her eyes, "And what if he died before we could say sorry for treating him the way we did?" "...If he was innocent." her uncle pondered. "Yeah," Daisy said, the sliver of doubt had spiraled out of control into full blown doubt, "If he was innocent." ~She-Wolf
  24. Enos rubbed a hand over his face, "Doc I'm sorry. I'll take full responsibility. I had the guard take the cuffs off 'cause he just kept jerking up and cuttin' deeper." The doctor pondered for a moment, "Alright...alright...But if anything happened-" "Doc, I already said I'd take responsibiltiy." "No not that, if he's having suicidal behavior I have to know about it. Especially if the cuffs are off." Enos thought for a moment, Bo was pretty depressed last night, but he was also delirious from the sickness. "No sir." Michaels let up some of the tention in his shoulders. "I believe you. Why don't you go make that call." Enos was about to leave the room but stopped and looked back, "Hey Doc, did you ever find out where he got it from?" Michaels sighed, making it clear something was still bugging him, "No...never did find out specifically." Frowning, Enos turned on him a little, "So you didn't know for sure?" "No, I knew it was the water that sector of the prison was given, thankfully the water around here tastes so bad nobody drinks it anyway unless they have to. It's quite a miracle nobody else got sick." "Then what's botherin' you?" "I don't know where it came from to begin with...Cholera follows bad conditions, but it just doesn't make sense. I've always been careful. Moreso than most prison doctors you'll meet and even the careless ones rarely see anything like this." WIth a nod Enos walked down the hall to the nurses station, suprised to see an all male staff. In retrospect he didn't know why he was so shocked, this was a male prison, he wasn't suprised some females didn't want to work there. "Hi, I'm deputy-" Before he could even finish one of them pointed at a black phone sitting on the desk at the opposite side of the room. First he'd call Uncle Jesse and Daisy, then Rosco to tell his boss he wouldn't be at work that day. Crossing his fingers he dialed the Duke number. ~She-Wolf
  25. Enos didn't know how long he continued the precedure. He just kept doing it, falling into a steady pace. By the time Doc Michaels came back and gently placed a hand on his shoulder it made Enos jump so hard he almost dropped the cup he was holding. The doctor smiled and strode over to Bo to check his vitals. "You did good deputy...the fever's going down." "You don't think I gave him too much of the stuff do you?" "It wouldn't hurt him. It's just a balenced mixture of salts and sugars. Used all over the world to fight dehydration." "Good..." Enos said drowsily, glancing over at the barred window he saw warm rays of sunlight illuminating the world around the prison. He'd been there all night, "Hey Doc can I sleep in one of those beds over there? I don't think I should be driving. Also can I use your phone? I gotta call into Hazzard PD and tell them I ain't comin' to work today." Besides, he didn't think he would have left the prison anyway, until he knew for sure Bo would make a recovery. ~She-Wolf
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