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Everything posted by charger_general

  1. ah, yes i remember that one, thanks
  2. Refresh my memory...The Mean Green Machine?
  3. thad would be sweet, soup it up like the general lee in that one episode!
  4. ye, but u'd think somthing was going on lol, they do do alot of work, but i think its weird cause they do drive alot. But ye thats some good points. thanks.
  5. yes, hehe i can remember right now daisy chasin them around trees and that when she hurd the bad news lol
  6. yes, because in october they are bringing it back on at 10pm, its still not fair right now. they just cancelled their time and put in another show, and when its on, its on way to damn late for people to be up every night.
  7. oh ye, for sure dont get me wrong on this, id muchhhhhhhh rathe john and tom!!!! oh ye!!!
  8. Ok so we all love them for bringing them back! but latley and its currently the 11th of sept 2005, they only air the show at like 2am now!! until october 4th! then they go back to 10pm. but honeslt lol i have school and i cant be up till 3 to watch the dukes, as much as i would love to, i mean what do they think they are doing, I say Damn the new show" ed" good show, but they took over the airing time that was convinient. Anybody else a bit pisses about this?
  9. ok, so this has always stumped me, if they are so broke, and really dont have much money to throw around. They drive 24/7 and burn gas constantly, where do they get the money for pay for it all, i mean i have figure on one conclusion, is to get it from cooter.. but for free? maybe sombody can help me out on this one?
  10. Yes, if u wanted to get back to me, there a link to one page on this site, and i also know of another great site, deticated to john, but its got lots of scree caps from the first season i think it is.
  11. Hey ive just joined the family too, its fun, alot to talk about thats for sure, never get bored on here. Welcome Home.
  12. hehehe, yes flash is a girl, hehehhe
  13. I watch so much i could easily say everything they say at the same time they do, and i do a nack for saying yyeeeehhhhhhhaaaawwwwwww when coming happens to go right! you cant go wrong with loving the dukes at all! keep it up!
  14. im with you on that one, i dont think hed ever say anything disrespectful towards it, that show was a hit on his part, and gave him a much easier reach at a music career, Dukes gave him so much.
  15. I Love Deputy Dukes, When they get there clothes stolen, and then when luke say he doesnt got the keys, and bo says "since when do we need Keys to start a car" and then luke "I dunno" i think that scene is so cute. and then rosco catches them for a run on a number of violations. and then sent to get Public Enemy No.1 . i love that episode. haha and the way bo's pants nearly only covered the tops of his boots lol, damn hes got long legs
  16. Its a damn shame he drove it over the cliff, too bad daisy was worried about getting her car dirty, lol getting a whole new vehicle lol ouch.
  17. Roadrunner, it gives her more attitude, and the tough look she deserves!
  18. I love, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971 dodge chargers and 1969, 1970, 1971 dodge challengers! 1969 dodge charger being the ultimate car of my effin dreams!
  19. Bo all the way! i absolutly love john schneider!
  20. Ye i know, but i mean he playes a much more mature charater now, but i know he was kiddin around with micheal, it was just like to hear that lol, hes got the general and resores charger to look like originals too, so ye, i agree lol !
  21. And it gave her that tougher side to, the jeep, well it just sucks compaired to her other car! she deserved that car more then the jeep.
  22. WHo misses that car, that Bo and Luke had to run off of the cliff, i know i do, that car was awsome, but i guess the plot had a good reason do take it out of the "cast" if you will.
  23. I Just watched somthing to Smallville and they were interview Micheal Rosenbaum who playes Lex Luthor, and Micheal called John "bo duke" and John Relied with "dont call me that, ive out grown that" and i hope he said that our of humour and didnt mean it, cause i feel insaulted by hearing that! lol Hes out grown that? like come on lol Bo Duke was/is Awsome!
  24. Rrom Route 7/11 Daisy:"Lukes got that look in his eye again" Bo:"...and as soon as Luke gets that look in his eye he says, 'I got it. Let's go, Bo,' and I get in trouble." I swear I watch thet episode like everyday just to see that haha i love it.
  25. What do you think about those pants, too tight, or just rightt
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